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Everything posted by hotsun

  1. Mexicans like trump. Only the legal ones though
  2. Sounds like hope. its not like conservatives were hoping Biden would destroy everything, but he did
  3. I dont think there are many russians that want to “make america great again”.
  4. True. They are also the ones keeping the economy afloat
  5. Well dont mess with the windows registry files, even Elon knows that!
  6. Nobody will invest in you Thailand. Youre greedy and everyone knows it
  7. Would have benefited from one of those extended mango cutting tools
  8. Whities have a bad reputation now because of all the russians. They cant tell us apart
  9. Whats your point? Most of the homeless are in blue states
  10. Jealous of you old folks who got to experience thai beaches when they were paradise. Now they are mostly cesspits
  11. Restaurants keep increasing calories and portions to justify the higher prices. Last time i ate out was five guys two months ago, i was the only one in there at noon
  12. He annexed crimea under obama, invaded ukraine under biden. Its all on the democrats
  13. Boogers and egg prices, is this all the left has to criticize?
  14. Why isnt he calling a state of emergency about this? Germany has got their own problems
  15. When i first got here i didnt know pedestrians didnt have the right of way. Thankfully i know now but most dont
  16. That guy was smart enough to stop posting. Some people like the one in this thread…christ
  17. Are jews not getting along with anyone? Seems like they only target terrorists. Dumb euros who dont experience muslim intolerance dont get it
  18. Its kind of too late for that. Im sure some of those people hit were typical euro socialists. Anti israel pro muslim. Not anymore
  19. American passport is the most powerful in the world. Only place that doesnt allow us are terrorist countries anyways
  20. If it were a german ramming his car into 28 muslims you wouldnt comment. Since when do liberals care about facts
  21. We wont know because the media wont let us know. What i do know is you are sick in the head for defending this terrorist
  22. What high profile americans are leaving? Ellen degeneres? They should go live with the palestinians
  23. I suggest Americans feeling shunned by thailand take their money to japan who support trump
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