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Everything posted by hotsun

  1. The question is why would americans want permanent resident status in thailand? The country has no moral compass. They deal with russia china and iran. Thailand will forgive any bad behavior by foreigners for the right price
  2. That and, he doesnt acknowledge that thai people dont consider anything wrong, so nothing will change
  3. We used to, but because of kanye west, black people are fair game now.
  4. “Stolen money was allegedly used to support his family, including multiple wives.” multiple wives? Must have been a muslim thai
  5. Its annoying i cant buy a beer at 7-11 in the afternoon. Let people buy what they want
  6. The British government would better be entrusted to apes
  7. If Thailand still hopes to join BRICS, hopefully Trump tears them a new one as promised
  8. I am not an RFK fan. However, i am a victim of the leftist covid vaccine mandate. I was forced a vaccine i didnt want to be able to provide for my family. Leftists dug their own grave. Experts lost all credibility
  9. A nation of zombies addicted to their screens. How can we undo this catastrophe
  10. He will be forgiven. Thailand doesnt have enough jail cells for all the thais running people over
  11. whats happening to Asia and their declining population is much more preferable than the west who is importing africans and middle east to replace their declining population point being, thailand doesnt need to change anything. The world is overpopulated
  12. Let Europe keep bringing in terrorists. The smart euros will immigrate to the US. The muslim loving euros will get what they want, everyone wins
  13. Jack should leave a 5 star review for the thai police. That would bring their rating up to 1.1
  14. Europe Australia and canada should just keep on letting more muslims into their countries. All the smart people will immigrate to the US. Then it will just be muslim loving leftists in those countries, its a win win for everyone
  15. If thailand had any moral compass whatsoever maybe they would be successful in attracting the high spending tourists they desire
  16. The 90s with regular cellphones was the peak of humanity. After smartphones everything went downhill
  17. All i remember him saying is that its quite difficult to undo the effects of inflation when after the fact. Everyone already knows where the fault lies there
  18. The UK will not be safe for all non-Allah believers
  19. “A Nigerian woman who had her asylum claims rejected eight times has finally been allowed to stay in the UK after joining a terrorist organisation to strengthen her case.” there you have it. All you need to be allowed into the UK is prove youre a terrorist, and youre in like flint
  20. When did he ever say that? I remember kamala saying she would stop supermarket price gouging, do you believe her? She also said she wouldnt change anything about what the Biden administration did
  21. Alot of anti american and anti israel weirdo teachers in america and the west. Better for your children to be uneducated than for them to be brainwashed liberals
  22. So you believe Biden was using taxpayer money better than Elon. Why dont you stick to insulting Israel, at least youd have more supporters in that area
  23. Australia, Europe, and Canada are too leftist. Those places will turn dystopian like california and new york
  24. Yes, and they dont give them an inch unlike thailand that all the chinese scammers call their home
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