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Everything posted by SMIAI

  1. Up to you 😊
  2. Indeed, they look like something far worse.
  3. Whereas the foreigners see it the other way around. The Asian woman often looks in decent shape and probably fairly okay looking, but she is walking with some ogre.
  4. What is available locally, is often the dregs.
  5. Please stop....the point is 500 baht. If a foreigner is unable to afford the surcharge for a hospital in a particular location, he now knows to go to another that does not charge that fee. 500 baht doesn't make it unaffordable to most expats and tourists and it's you, not the other foreigner posting it here and claiming that it is not affordable.
  6. What you mean is that you are not at all discerning. Up to you. Eat as much crud as you like. It's your body.
  7. Or just throw it away and buy real butter. You have perhaps confused that product with the one sold in Australia.
  8. Yes, it is. But not local to you.
  9. They have Westgold 250g in a local supermarket in Thailand for 80 baht. Special offer of course. Half priced allegedly.
  10. Perhaps you failed to understand anything at all. Let's go back. You told an anecdote about a particular hospital that charges foreigners 500 baht. My advice was to avoid that particular hospital if you cannot afford the 500 baht. Is that too difficult for you? It seems that you are just searching for a way to complain about something. Pattaya City Hospital is not the only choice in town. You aren't forced to go there. But if it's the closest to where you live, then you can choose to pay 500 baht for the convenience or simply go further afield. Not everyone lives on Soi Bua Khao. It's not a Thailand thing. It's you. @BritManToo pays 50 baht. I don't remember paying any premium when I chose to visit a government hospital and I rarely go anywhere early in the morning. So the oft spoken untruth about having to go early in the morning and to wait all day, has not ever applied to any of my visits. Good service and not expensive. Some people are prone to making problems for themselves.
  11. But you paid for that with taxes and such. You didn't in Thailand.
  12. So? Is 500 baht too rich for your blood? Is that not affordable? They charge a premium to foreigners. If you cannot afford it, go elsewhere. It's a city centre hospital. Move away from the centre and you won't need to pay a premium. How much to see a doctor in your home country?
  13. You can get the same SIM from MBK if you can get there more easily. Tree Mobile have it. https://www.tree-mobile.com/product/dtac-turbox100
  14. They have a DTAC SIM.
  15. I think it a bit strange that you've put so much thought into it. It's like you are really there, imagining that she didn't wipe first. Have you ever had children? One boil washes certain items. You have an unpleasant imagination.
  16. 27 baht x 12 equals 324 baht. Which 12 month SIM are you recommending as an alternative to that?
  17. 4G or 4G+. There's no speed cap, so you'll get whatever speed you can get in your location with whatever phone you are using. Don't worry about that.
  18. Why not post a pic? It looks like a normal RJ-45 to me. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/cat6-rj45-ethernet-cable/
  19. It's not speed capped. If you have 5G, it will be 5G. If you look at the URL, it has 5G in it.
  20. They may be from other places in Asia than Thailand, is what I guess they are suggesting.
  21. You might wish to run something like this, https://wpd.app/ to disable some of the features/spying. It just makes the selection to deny, much easier than searching through each option yourself.
  22. A normal factory reset. There are always programs installed. Check the quality of the screen in full daylight before committing yourself. Some might find it not bright enough.
  23. Did you actually read the article to which you directed me? It's easy to criticise in hindsight. But at the time people are making decisions based on the information they have at the time and remember that not all of the EU was in agreement over what to do. Don't try to oversimplify everything. We are where we are.
  24. I don't support any women with money. Of course any friend in financial trouble will get my help if they can. That doesn't mean that I don't pay for anything. But my women all have their own money/income to a certain extent.
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