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The Legend

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Everything posted by The Legend

  1. I'm done fighting the disinformation today. I told myself I wouldn't jump I to this sub forum but I saw a post or two in the bottom of the threads I was reading/ commenting/ creating I would like to say to all those not dealing with reality. All of you use the same vitriolic, hyperbolic language and appeal to emotion. All of you are dead wrong on this Ukraine issue AND ALL THE OTHER nonsense. EVERYTHING you grown adults post here is WRONG. Have some humility, but also know you have no respect from people centered in reality. Keep crying ladies - just keep it off the subforum
  2. Logical fallacy appeal to emotion. Of course, none of this is true.
  3. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is just more emotional blah blah.
  4. I don't understand your silly retort nor am I going to view some stupid yt propaganda piece you toss up in a tantrum. Trump and Putin will end the war in the weeks ahead. Godspeed and despite so many of your ignorant and most likely paid for opinions. I feel so sorry my tax dollars went to fund this idiocy. Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine any numb nuts see a pattern??
  5. Lol Oooh the big guns are out. A well written if not disingenuous post based on a logical fallacy/ies. Also, you have a lie by omission. Correct, Zelensky has not outright refused elections - he just isn't holding them nor is he stepping aside. His term of presidency is LONG over. Legally grounded power grab, silence and murder of media, banning opposition, banning media...on on. Not to worry though because it's OVER You're all wrong and you're all DONE .
  6. You speak in vague terms and generalities to make your opinion plausible. You state the above as if it's some grand epiphany, but it's just your weak opinion again. "Most Americans" don't know much about the realities of the Ukraine war given the diet of US legacy media. Nevertheless, they have broken their malaise. It's finished and that's only a positive thing for the world, but especially the Ukrainians and Russians. Like I said - you are wrong about absolutely everything. Have some humility F F S 🤯
  7. The USAID budget is not tiny by any stretch. The war in Eastern Europe will cease. It's already in progress. You're another keyboard warrior never seen a day of military service. How possible could Ukraine continue the war genius ? Please..where are the men coming from to continue to toss in the meat grinder? Where is the next 100 billion coming from? Like Mr Mike you are another Peter WRONGWAY Peachfuzz. All your BS prognostication... It's all total <deleted> and so with this meager opinion. Wrong about Trump, about J6, about COVID about the Ukraine war. You're just wrong about everything. What's atrocious about you and Mr Mike is that despite all this misperceived reality you continue to post on here the same wrong, misperceptions, ignorance, dis and misinformation like it's just another day and an opinion equal to any other. Your opinions are constantly wrong and out of step with the American people and most importantly objective reality.
  8. 555 That is a question for another forum bc 50-70% of people have no inner monologue. I'd venture that would cover 70% of this board easily. When I learned that it explained much about the world
  9. The war will end not in years or months but in weeks. You will be proven wrong yet again. Wrong about COVID, wrong about j6, wrong about US political dynamic, wrong about the election, wrong about the post election aftermath and you are wrong about the future... Trump administration will save the US financial system, deregulation will add no less than 1% to GDP which under Biden was propped up by USAID theft. Finally, you are totally, throughly and absolutely wrong about US neocon actions, verifiable US mischief in Ukraine for decades which forced Russia's hand into war. You aren't correct on any social issue to be blunt. As the cliche goes .. you are entirely on the wrong side of history. My late sister was as wrong about things as you are. She was once complaining about how life wasn't treating her very well shall I say. I told her - when you make a decision to do something - DO THE OPPOSITE. I would highly recommend you try the same because nothing you say has this least validity in reality. As for the war I'd ask members to have a look at John Mersheimer and Jeffery Sachs. Both clear headed political scientists who had this tragedy pegged from the get go.
  10. You are free to feel that way but also know it's over. Move on. Defense of freedom and justice. Lol. Ukraine was never free and more so with Zelensky refusing elections. Justice? Not for Renaud or Gazalo Lira!! They are murdered journalists
  11. Trousers - UK Pants - US Trousers probably also only used by those over 70. Gramps
  12. Sometimes better to freeball 👍 Well, most of the time
  13. Vapid. I'd not wasted my life watching that silly video, but the image shows men dressed in multiple layers of clothes that could be comfortably worn in Bangkok about five days a year and perhaps only in the morning at that. I try to wear thinner shirts in warmer weather. In cooler weather I might wear a light jacket in Bangkok. I always wear shorts unless I was working, but retired now. I would never, ever wear a T shirt in Thailand except on the beach To me .. wearing pants, long sleeves and even a tie ... I always felt comfortable. Definitely more free and breezy in shorts and short sleeves but difference negligible to me - but I'm not a fat sweaty mess on a two week holiday either Hope that helps you assemble your 2025 summer wardrobe
  14. Healthline lol. How about two medical journals stating conclusive proof? That's the trouble with all supplements. There's just no research on them.
  15. TBH I've always believed you get your vitamins from foods. Having said that I've a few reasons to try these specific supplements. I'll give it six months.
  16. I sorta gave bread up decades ago. Just keep it for quick eats at home. So much good food in central Bangkok. Oats no problem, but sometimes I'm running to the toilet after a big bowl + big black coffee 😂
  17. All these silly crying stories. None are true. No one has been deprived of medicine by USAID and US agency bureaucratic cutbacks unless they were one of the slackers that got fired. Post the link (from the Guardian, MSNBC) please.
  18. He can't help himself. The nation was better the moment the election was called - I felt it all the way in Thailand. Mark my words this gent will ever ever have anything good to say about Trump administration despite 100s of thousands of decent people working to rid the nation of that steaming manure pile Biden. The man pardoned his entire family yet he moans on. Most likely indirect party to the graft.
  19. That's idiocy. Chewing garlic. In pik nam pla I often pick out the bits of garlic and eat them when super hungry and waiting for food. Wife consumes too much raw garlic at times at lunch and I can smell it on her breath even after brushing and eating additional meal at dinner and beverages. Just not worth it for inconclusive vague benefits ... and that's coming from someone that loves garlic and eaten it since childhood. Chomping on a handful of raw garlic 555
  20. Thanks I'll focus or include in my search. Yeah, Blackmore is ridiculously expensive
  21. Haha No, they all looked like good people. Probably early retirement from military and govt. Even the kid thugs were like ... Ah I'm in heaven .. no need to be a thug. This is epic, I'm living like a king..no more struggling over nothing..
  22. This is absolutely true and while in US most fingers point to Democrats, Republicans are guilty as well not only of the theft and graft, but turning a blind eye. F ing uniparty. Plenty for all
  23. Robotics etc won't matter much outside west where labor is cheap. Inside the US and Europe who will clean the cars for next people after the former has shot drugs had sex, barfed in the cars? Ironically, they'd work here but unnecessary. Can go across BKK for b225 on Friday afternoon. Same with drones. I see crazy people damaging drones and stealing goods. They'll need to solve the crazy human element first ironically
  24. Not untrue, but a dash of water even in best stuff opens it up a bit. I drink too much of it to buy top shelf or anything approaching that. It's Grant's or Dewers. I recently had a spot of "Dandy" 😳 at Big C tasting. It wasn't horrible. Being priced as my typical sauce above I'd never buy it but at 450-475b I'd be all over it. Noticing getting difficult to get 1L bottles. Most are 70cl. Maybe US 750.
  25. I've cut back as well on both and considerably so. Half a loaf of bread a week and Thai food I eat only half the rice. Probably helped with sleep, but I never was huge bread or rice consumer I do eat oats with some sugar a few times a week. Oats are healthy, but I think it's a sugar spike and overall not good for my borderline diabetes Gotta drop the yoghurt and canned fruit at 830pm lol.
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