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The Legend

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Everything posted by The Legend

  1. I'm Italian decent, don't want to smell like one though. Probably consume 15 clove pcs weekly in foods. Love garlic.
  2. Search is irrelevant. AI is here Just yesterday on X I saw a bunch of black Americans (looked to me) posing together in a large group. They were all happy about being (living) in Thailand. I've also seen some thugs on TT posting how great it all is here. I think black people like everyone perhaps even more extatic about getting the F out of US. Some building lives here. Please don't give me any BS about racism. Thai can be quite racist against whites as well. It either works for you or it doesn't.
  3. I do. I won't buy another bottle. I'm halfway through my second bottle over about 3.5 years. But I have noticed memory fogs. Chocking it up to weed which I'm quitting by June 1.
  4. I'd like to try melatonin again. The first and only time I actually ate some was on a long haul plane flight back to Thailand. It came into full effect around 8:00 p.m. and I was absolutely dragging ass so guess it works for me. I had to stay awake because they were doing the food service. After all the food drama I was kind of awake again lol. But one thing I've learned from this thread is that melatonin appears to be quite expensive and perhaps not worth the hassle of attempting to acquire it unless I'm outside Thailand. Thailand has a massive pharma industry. I'm absolutely clueless why they don't manufacture this stuff here
  5. This is exactly what I'm taking. I bought it at Costco last time I was back in US . I should really make an effort to take it in the evening. I'm sure having a few scotches and water doesn't help. Full bladder, alcohol 😳
  6. For once in decades I'm very positive about the future. I am though extremely concerned about the US and world financial system and have been forever, but especially since 2008. I hope the Biden regime will be held accountable. It was absolutely rouge Ukraine was always easily solvable there was a purpose to leaving it in chaos. Palestine will be a festering sore until a fair and equitable remedy is found. I'm concerned the US will fall into a deep recession after all of this grift and grafting money has been laid bare. The Biden regime had been employing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of grifters. Government and non-governmental agencies have been injecting money into the system over the past 4 years. Pulling that back will cost in the short term. Counter to this all of the deregulation is sure to add a full percentage if not more to the GDP. I'm really hoping US leaves UN, NATO, most military bases outside US. US is going to get that peace dividend promised by slick Willy . POSITIVE 👍👍
  7. I'm currently taking it, no real noticable difference. I take it in AM. I've read where people taking it for sleep take it an hour or two before going to bed. I've tried to take it in the evening but I routinely take my medicine in the morning - so I constantly forget. It's a routine I've had for decades and not easily changed
  8. I once bought some whisky online. One bottle was fake. The bottle itself was perfect although probably a new pourer/ spout (no idea because the mfgs change these out every so often).
  9. Good price and qty. Thank you. I didn't ask about melatonin but since you brought it up. I don't sleep well. Brought back a bottle of sleep tabs (Benadryl). I still wake up to pee, but generally fall asleep ok thereafter. I've read on the internets that this med for sleeping is not good over time. Found melatonin to be semi effective and expensive everywhere outside of say Costco
  10. I really spend no time here any more. It's gone to the dogs. I'll save up some Thai specific questions, create a user as I forget my pws always and then try to get answers which gets increasingly more difficult every few months.
  11. No. I used to work in chidlom, but no longer. I'll Google it up the location and next time I go down for a beer on 4 I'll have a look. I'm sure the supplements will be real deal. Just thinking about the cost.. Thank you
  12. I was coming home about 10pm from Cowboy which was unusual. Very few farang get off at my stop but two 20 something women did just that. Also kinda revealing clothes. I immediately thought it odd - but then they continued up the main road which there was nothing up there except maybe trouble. I was better than 25m away from them and called out ... Girls...do you know where you are going?? They turned and then ignored me. I then said... bc there's nothing up there! They walked on. Another time this stupid feminist looking group of young women were squabbling with a tuk tuk. The TT was in my area where zero farang would hail a TT. I asked if they needed help and they too ignored me. Even 60+, Im not an unattractive guy and dress better than 95% of farang in this city. I get glances from Thai women half my age at times = I doubt I look threatening, but I guess all males are seen as threats to farang women these days. Fk em all 555
  13. I believe this is a Pattaya pharmacy. I've never seen one in central Bangkok nor up by me in north central Bangkok. Usually walk in pharmacy are expensive for vitamins although that particular chain might be different. My pharmacy has great prices on meds, but not vitamins probably low volume.
  14. Thanks to responses above. Many fans of iherb and I'll take it on good advice, I'd just rather order locally. I also prefer to place a single order for 60-90 day supply. I usually look for high sales and reviews (but all reviews looked like BS). Also look for Lazmall and stay away from goods from China if they should not be coming out of China (eg Feather razor blades jp), purposely misspelled brands, stolen images.
  15. Here's another testosterone thread - my apologies. My local clinic can test for deficiency and I'm finally going to do it. I just had a big workup so probably only need testosterone specific tests. I'd like to raise testosterone naturally, but doubt it will be possible tbh. Where can I find some rock solid comprehensive information on the topic? The internet is just full of rubbish. I've read on this forum that injection method is really only way to go to get real results. Assuming I do this how can I: A. Learn about subject - websites, forums B. BKK physician or clinic recommendation to start (analyze blood tests adjust dosage) C. Some method to learn how to properly inject myself. D. My local clinic can do Total, Free and SHBG. Maybe more but that's all I asked about. These three are about 4k thb. *Which tests do I need to establish initial baseline and which on a monthly then bi annual or quarterly basis? *Once I've moved passed the initial phase what are approximate monthly costs? *Where would I get these types of syringe and needles in BKK!! Can they be reused? DM is fine. *Where can I buy Bayer depo test ampules BKK? Can DM me. >>> I don't live on BTS line, but getting to Sukhumvit is fairly easy. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  16. I just did a package at praram9 and my calcium score is 50. Given I've had high blood pressure for at least 25 years, drink far too much alcohol in past years (now about 15-20 drinks per wk) I was over the moon happy with the score. I queried Grok and median score for American males is 100 while sadly the average is 300!! My issue is as most with the left side. Apparently, the is very common. Can anyone provide what this score actually means? Everywhere I look the scores are super vague in bands of 100 or even more. I saw the scan and it's just a tiny bit clumped into a few areas. Need I worry about my arteries or can a general assumption be made? What actually does a score of 50 tell me? What might I do to reduce or maintain this level? 🙏🙏🙏
  17. My sugar tests are mostly borderline and have been for decades... always below. This year I'm a tiny bit above. Having said all that my hb1ac is below. I tend to not eat many sweets until I eat a lot of them. I have a good BMI. My cholesterol LDL a bit high, overall is under. Would anyone have any any guidance here? I'm not a huge consumer of eggs, eat a small loaf of wheat bread a week (sugar), eat half the rice given to me, eat Thai food in food court about 5x a week. Wife cooking at home is healthy mostly. I eat lots of pork, some chicken and beef. I occasionally binge on ice cream. I believe many of my issues come from not enough cardio and exercise. That much of this like my BP is metastatic. Thank you
  18. I want to start taking fish oil / vitamin E, astaxanithin, magnesium and chelated zinc. I've looked about on Lazada and Shopee but concerned about the expense and fake products. I'd rather not do an overseas order, but any all advice appreciated.
  19. I'm looking for a simple routine to: A. Get rid of my lower back pain. B. Strengthen arms, upper body C. Raise metabolism I exercise now a few times a week, but struggle with motivation. I was up to 60 days but injured myself (I'm ok). I'm overwhelmed with video instructions and guru. I'm now doing cat/cow, frogs, yoga position back stretch (?), plank, leg lift, pelvic whatever's, general loosening up upper body and arms, posture thingys. I walk around 35-40k steps per week. If I can do 90 days and have good attitude I'll join a gym. I'm in pretty good shape 64, passed physical including cardio. Good BMI. Arms are weak, lost all my upper body muscle. I do take enalipril for hbp Help 🙏
  20. I just did a package at praram9. My lungs were said to be clear. I have/d: smoked regularly 15-30, smoked irregularly 40-50, lived in BKK 15 years. Traveled to India and Indonesia. Lived in Cambodia early 90s (dust). The HD image looked healthy and clear. 🙏🙏🙏
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