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  1. Very strange then that you can't produce any evidence that this a threat from any non-biased site that's not trying to sell their crappy software.
  2. From Norton. They are trying to sell their software and VPN to gullible people by scaring them.
  3. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/are-public-wi-fi-networks-safe-what-you-need-know
  4. Man in the middle is when someone creates a fake version of a website. That would have to be an incredibly sophisticated attack, and a big coincidence that you happen to use the same website they are targeting.....
  5. If you are using a secure (https) website that you are sure is legitimate, your data is safe even over public wifi. Over https all information is encrypted before it leaves your device, and it's impossible for anyone but the destination website to decrypt it. The only people who will tell you otherwise are companies trying to sell you vpns and worthless security software.
  6. I just buy an inexpensive data only e-sim online. I use it mainly for ride sharing apps (Grab, Bolt), so I don't have to deal with taxis or tuk tuk rip offs. For most things I use wifi at my condo.
  7. I wouldn't eat 7-11 food even if I thought it was safer. It's not worth eating to me. I would Just cook at home if I wanted to be healthy and safe, and I'm sure that would cost even less anyway.
  8. True, but an annuity is not any safer than a well diversified portfolio. It is not 100% guaranteed income like the salesman tries to tell you, and you pay very high fees for them.
  9. Much better to just buy government bonds then. Much lower risk than an annuity, and none of the fees. Annuities are terrible investments and many are scams.
  10. You move to Thailand, and then eat out of 7-11? What a waste. Why not go to a local night market or food court in a mall, and eat tasty Thai food for the same price or less?
  11. Like anywhere, it depends on how you live. I find I spend more in Da Nang than I do in Hua Hin. But that's mainly because in Da Nang I frequently go to high quality but expensive restaurants, and Hua Hin doesn't really have any expensive restaurants worth going to. If you are on a budget and want to live cheaply, I don't think there is too much difference between Thailand and Vietnam. Both can be very inexpensive if you try.
  12. So they just dropped some bombs again? That's been going on for years. I don't think Trump knows the meaning of overwhelming. He must have meant impotent.
  13. The population of Rio Gallegos is less than 100,000 people and it has no international airport. It surprises you that there are no international flights there?
  14. why do you believe that such a flight is not possible? Their logic is that there are no flights, so planes must not be able to fly there. These guys are so dumb, that they can't understand why there are no flights even though the nearest major airport is 4000km from the coast of Antartica.
  15. It's a good walking beach when the tide is not too high. Unfortunately, the tide is only low enough to walk most of the beach a few hours a day, and sometimes like today, that's in the middle of the day when it's really hot. No chance I'd ever swim there.
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