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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. To settle my own confusion I re-phrase the question to "Email Kaput?" answer, 'Yes'

    this is funny... was your thai employee educated in germany? maybe you should speak german to him/her instead of english.

    German would be "kaputt". "Kaput" is more Yiddish.

    That seems more like a multiple language test for Thais.

    If you ask me that question that way I ask you if you are crazy.

    OK, you are right. but it's just a common sense that when you speak you don't spell the word or do you? how different is "Kaput" and "Kaputt" phonetically?

  2. Thai narak- Thais have a word for foreigner: "Kon dtaangchaat."

    foreigner in thai .. "chao tang prathed"

    or "chao tang chad"

    i guess my wife is not a real thai, how come she doesn't these terms?

  3. Hmmm because your country is called Thailand...so an -er is added when talking about the inhabitants of Thailand. Us filipinos don't have a specific word for thai people....so we just call them thailander.

    Don't thais call filipinos...farang????????

    Farang? Hardly ever. Because Filipinos are not white, farang = white people.

    Also not called farang = Indians, Arabs, African people, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, etc.

    If we are going to talk about idiosycracies of language, then how come almost all farang make an absolute butchery of the tones in the Thai language (and that includes me, I blame my farang blood for that)?? Similar question, to which the answer is, who knows, it just is, drive on. :o

    How come Singaporeans say 'my one' instead of mine and add Lah onto almost everything they can?

    Life is full of mysteries, revel in the delights of the unknown.

    the original meaning of farang was actually foreigner but since white/caucasian people obviously looks foreign in thailand the word farang has been associated with (farang) by default. to now, a thai will not call a chinese, indian, etc. a farang because the word farang has changed over times.

    having said that, what do thai people call the other foreigners then??? "mai chai khun thai " seems not the right term for non-farang but also foreigner people in thailand...

  4. My gosh, can you imagine your child studying in a bilingual school under a rapist teacher? This is again a wake-up call for the Thai authorities and I hope that they will be able to arrest all farang criminals that are hiding in Thailand and posing as teachers.

    To help the Thai authorities maybe we farang have to police our own farang community and turn these farang criminals in.

  5. It appears that Nina's mother has made arrangements for her child to be cared for by a neighbour. I wonder how you know so many details of her junk-food diet, the length of her mother's absences, etc.?

    If Nina's mother was going to work instead of to play, i doubt we'd be hearing your moral condemnation of her. you sound like a busy-body or a troll to me. If you are seriously concerned for "Nina" why would you post on this forum rather than do something more immediately practical to help the child?

    you can call me anything you want, thanks...

    The concerned neighbour has spoken to my wife that's how I knew about the details. I didn't want to post this but I felt that I had to just to release it from my chest. As you can see, I protected the child's identity...

  6. I can't help but to post this...

    Nina (not her real name), the new famous kid in town, is quite seemingly happy but rather confused of what is going on around her. As famous as a farang kid could be, Nina is very cute in the eyes of the locals. Nina is a German-Thai girl. It’s already been a few days now, Nina hasn't seen her mommy and being a 4 years old she doesn't have any clue why mommy isn't around and where mommy is.

    Staying with the nieghbour during the day while mommy is away, where is mommy? asked Nina while speaking in her local Deutsch but nobody understood her. Most of the time Nina will cry for a few minutes and then start playing again. The sweet Thai branded milk seems to suit her palate, candies and chips to occupy her time or whatever she can eat that the neighbor can give her, Nina cannot complain. Mommy will be back in a few more days.

    Where the heck is mommy anyway? Mommy is busy with her new boyfriend for this month. He is the flavour of the month. Every 3 months Nina and her mommy comes home to Thailand to visit mommy’s relative or at least that what daddy thought. The sad part is Nina has to spend time away from her mommy and without daddy’s knowledge mommy is partying around in the southern part of Pattaya. Daddy is surely missing his beloved family while he is working in Germany to earn a living so that his beloved wife can go back home to Thailand every 3 months to visit her so called relative. The end result for all of this will affect Nina’s future and daddy’s mental health if mommy’s little secret carries on.

    Godspeed Nina…

  7. Happily married to my Thai Mrs for 2 years come May. The only un-happy bit, is looking through the window now and it's snowing :o The mrs likes the snow but it's alright for her, she doesn't have to go out in it. She just looks through the window and cranks the heating up full notch. Oh my gas bill, get me to Thailand :D

    that's what lovely about thai ladies; they just like simple things like just anything that you cannot find in Thailand. Perhaps because they are Bhuddist. When they are simple they really are but when they are materialistic they will suck you to the bone... no offense to the ones married with materialistic ones.

  8. I have two daughters, my brother in law has one and a friend has a daughter too. One friend has a son.

    My mrs says that farang come over here and 'drink too much and sperm not so strong' - the friend with a son doesn't seem to drink that much. Maybe she has a point!

    I'm in a verge of looking for the study that I've read that too much alcohol consumption may affect the hormone blah, blah, blah... but I cannot find it in the net. But I think it is true tho...

  9. About as happy as any married man could be after 12 yrs. with my wife (Thai) and two lovely daughters.

    Say, this topic raises another issue. If you look back, the vast majority of posters reporting kids said they had daughters. Are farang male/Thai female relationships more likely to produce daughters than sons? I wonder??

    if i'm not mistaken there are now at least 10 farang daughters as i've counted in the previous posts. more to come i guess...

  10. Quote lordsux:

    I'd say that most of the illegal teachers like myself are far better persons than most of the b!tches on this forum that love to rip the teachers apart at every chance they get. At least most of us earn an honest living and even give something back to the country that we live in.

    An example of the "Qualified Teaching Farang"?

    the words that you've underlined in your post are totally inconguous. get LEGAL before telling everyone that you are earning a honest living... by the way, you suppose to use "a" not "an" for the word honest.

  11. :D it is sad that some people here don't like PH. I understand that. PH is a good place actually (not because i am a filipino) just that most of us filipinos are thinking more of our own pockets than our own well being. Filipinos goes abroad to make a better life not just for themselves but also for the love ones they left behind. Not all filipinos are bad. if you happen to be with some filipinos who want to go back to be a big shot and screw everything that moves then you're in the wrong crowd of filipinos. yes we are jealous freaks but its because we are selfish when it comes to our man. well, at least not to the point where we have to put him on a leash :D.

    please don't judge my whole country just because you had one time bad experience in one place. yes PH is in bad situation right now, i am not denying it but its not all that bad. try going to palawan, mindoro, cebu, batangas, baguio and other islands. about the food, well we all have different taste buds.

    if PH's economy is same as TH or Sing, no filipino will ever leave PH just for money. ahhhm,... thats just me. maybe i should put up a traveling agency and show you guys around :o (with a shotgun on one hand, bomb detector on the other and with 10 bodyguards :D ).

    that's lovely actually...

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