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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. And, if I recall correctly, a huge chunk of that money was his long before he became PM. It would be very interesting to find out how many very rich people there are in Thailand who earned their money legally.

    I would never say it was all squeeky clean, but he played under the same rules as every other Thai company in the last 20yrs, so good on him.. certainly a lot of jealous forum members out there! Now, has someone got his daughters mobile number :o

    Or perhaps it was all doggy doo doo dirty, and he played under an absence of rules allowed to a small minority but not others, and what you are feeling is not jealously but contempt, and your kudos are as misplaced as your sensibilties. You can have have his daughter; I am sure you would make a wonderful couple. :D

    don't have to be the daughter, don't be ambitious the maid is good enough she is very rich.

  2. How can the thai economy be in crisis when it is sitting on 70 billion usd foreign currency reserves?

    that equate to nearly 3 million baht for every thai person in country (fro kerriste sake don tell them that :o

    i thought it is baht? 73 billion baht of Thaksin's asset.

  3. Can't the 14 millions that adored and voted for him 'protect' him somehow? :o

    that would be Bt500 each with free transportation to bangkok and food.


    That will be quite a sum !

    14,000,000 x 500 baht

    =7,000,000,000 baht :D

    Any loose change to spare? :D

    the missing 8 Billion baht can easily cover... with a change... :D

  4. Interesting points from a real Colonel...

    The acting police chief also has his men videotaping the rally, just in case police need evidence for criminal prosecution.

    But somehow police under his command seem to prefer to keep their distance and leave the demonstrators alone. People are beginning to wonder what he is up to. A police colonel notes that it is not so hard to block demonstrators when intelligence reports suggest that most of them are factory workers paid to join the protest. "A friend of mine runs a factory in Bang Khun Thian. He told me his workers are paid 300 baht to come to Sanam Luang. Transportation is free," said the police colonel. Just a simple warning from the police of an impending search of the premises would be enough to scare factory owners into ordering their workers not to join any political activities. So far, however, no such warnings have been given. An observer theorised that many police officers were still staunch admirers of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his populist schemes. The police force is said to have been the beneficiary of several cash-spinning schemes initiated by the previous government, including the digit lottery. Some policemen were thus sympathetic towards demonstrators and thus had become lenient, or even lax in performing their duties.

    Continued here:


    HEY! come'on now! this is not fair... the factory workers from Samut Sakhon are just paid Bt200! who the hel_l cut the Bt100 baht off? I will immediately inform the sources there...

  5. Thaksin's strategy is to buy properties so that he can channel his money out of Thailand. Up to now he has bought 2 houses. Machester city is a good buy since it is expensive enought so he get large percentage of his money out of the country. This is a good strategy since the asset won't be liquid and more difficult to sieze and can also be sold after some years that he is cleared (get away) with corruption charges. Freezing his asset is the smartest thing to counteract this strategy.

  6. JR Texas: Corrupt to the core.........not one thought about any other person other than himself.......highly destructive to the Thai economy..........rich beyond imagination................what a world!

    You have to give him credit (bad credit). He knows how to manipulate people with great skill........and he has the big house on the hill (fantastic view from up there) and his money all tucked away in secure banks in the Cook Islands, Panama, hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, Austria, etc.

    Crazy world we are living in..............those that act irresponsibly to present and future generations are rewarded with massive wealth and power.

    Do you think he will invite me over for lunch? :o:D

    This post is complete nonsense!

    The Thai economy prospered during the Thaksin era - and so did those who invested in it (myself included).

    If the house (or apartment) that he has purchased is in Victoria Park it is not "up there" but at sea levelor maybe on "The Peak" as HK residents call it. The HK property market is booming at the moment so this property may well prove to be a wise investment. He would also be wise investing through HK where investment tax rates are zero.

    Not a sign of a man who acts "irresponsibly" but one that invests wisely.

    Not only Thai economy prospered but also Thaksin's own economy and business empire plus his cronies and political acquiantances...

  7. ok... so when will you burn yourself? :D

    No need for that, thanks, posts like yours give me already a burning desire to bang my head against the wall...

    it's just i don't understand why go into round and round discussion, evidence, assumption, blah, blah, against personal experiences of local people who are telling that they are being paid, killed, abused, corrupted, etc.... People like you, like lawyers (liers), who prefer long discussions just wastes our time... :o

    Yihaa, lets get the vigilantes out, get the rope, and over with it fast. Just lets not bother with all that rubbish like civilization, due process, and such irrelevant hindrances...

    civilization your a55! who needs evidence when it is already crystal clear what TRT is doing? are you telling me that all the Thai people who have told me about those facts are liers? what do you want them to prove? bank account? come'on! use your brain!

  8. ok... so when will you burn yourself? :D

    No need for that, thanks, posts like yours give me already a burning desire to bang my head against the wall...

    it's just i don't understand why go into round and round discussion, evidence, assumption, blah, blah, against personal experiences of local people who are telling that they are being paid, killed, abused, corrupted, etc.... People like you, like lawyers (liers), who prefer long discussions just wastes our time... :o

  9. They are being paid. For instance, most factory workers in Samutsakorn are being fetch by a van everyday and paid Bt200 just to sit in Sanam Luang. I think Thaksin is again financing these mobs now that the ban was lifted.

    Any evidence? I believe the Thaksin opposition would be very glad if you could present them with proof.

    I have no doubt that there are instances of this, but i very much doubt that it happens on such a large scale as you imply.

    look at the number in the news and tell me how much large scale i'm implying...

    The news is no evidence or proof. So far it is allegations that are not supported by hard fact.

    Bank transfers relating to this?

    Footage of money being handed out?

    Sworn statements?

    As i said, things like this are part of all demonstrations in Thailand. But on a scale that we see in Sanam Luang it is highly unlikely that this makes much difference. Just do the mathematics - every single day there are between 6000 and 8000 protesters, last Saturday there were 20 000, Sunday more than 10 000, and so on Friday. In addition to that every day other thousands are turned back at the many military road block all over the country.

    Money transactions on that scale would be noticed and exposed very quickly.

    And, even if moneys would be handed out to the majority of the protesters (which i don't believe unless i see clear proof of more than isolated cases), that still does not mean that they do not genuinely feel for Thaksin, and their righteousness.

    ok... so when will you burn yourself? :o

  10. nothing nitpicky about it

    we got rid of a not so benign dictator and got saddled with a junta .... the junta is every bit as legal today as Thaksin was .... :o Then again there was a reason TRT was disbanded and 111 execs were banned .....

    Thaksin was elected. The junta wasn't. No retroactive law can make the action of the junta legal as the then valid constitution forbid military coups. The courts may avoid putting the junta to trial, but that does not make it any more legal, on the opposite - it does severely tarnish the supposed impartiality of the courts.

    TRT execs were banned and the party dissolved for a nullified election, and that in a court decision that was split showing that at least some judges had more than a few doubts.

    Every election that voted TRT in as government is still until today legal.

    The junta may have been retroactively sort of legalized, and under a interim constitution they wrote, but did not come to power by any valid law.

    I'm sorry???? Thaksin was elected by buying votes... Aren't you aware of this in your local amphoe during election? Don't you have Thai relatives that have been offered Bt500 for TRT? Well, I have...

  11. They are being paid. For instance, most factory workers in Samutsakorn are being fetch by a van everyday and paid Bt200 just to sit in Sanam Luang. I think Thaksin is again financing these mobs now that the ban was lifted.

    Any evidence? I believe the Thaksin opposition would be very glad if you could present them with proof.

    I have no doubt that there are instances of this, but i very much doubt that it happens on such a large scale as you imply.

    look at the number in the news and tell me how much large scale i'm implying...

  12. They are being paid. For instance, most factory workers in Samutsakorn are being fetch by a van everyday and paid Bt200 just to sit in Sanam Luang. I think Thaksin is again financing these mobs now that the ban was lifted.

    Any evidence? I believe the Thaksin opposition would be very glad if you could present them with proof.

    I have no doubt that there are instances of this, but i very much doubt that it happens on such a large scale as you imply.

    of course, if they really want evidence they (opposition) just have talk to the factory workers there and they will have it. why do i have to present it myself? pay them Bt500 and they will tell everything...

  13. And, if I recall correctly, a huge chunk of that money was his long before he became PM. It would be very interesting to find out how many very rich people there are in Thailand who earned their money legally.

    No... Thaksin is one of the "have not" business man just 25 years ago or so. Based from what Thais have told me, he was a son of a politician in Chiangmai. Anyway, he got his way to entering the Thai police force and founded a computer business the same time and ending up supplying all the computer supplies of the Police force all over the country. That's sounds great huh? no bidding in this arena? of course they have but Thaksin can manage to monopolise the business. Guess what? corruption... He finally got the satellite concession (by corruption as well - bribery and using his father's associates and poilitician friends) when he was already in the limelight and founded AIS, and other businesses afterwards. Now, is this a clean businessman?

    You should also add in his marriage into an elite family and look at who and what this family had connections to to fully understand the rise of Mr. Thaksin. A now deceased powerful Northern politician is also often stated to have helped out in the rise. I think it was communication devices rather than computers that he started with too.

    It was computer at first as I mentioned. He also had failed businesses like theather (cinema) and other stuff and also got himself burried in debts during that era. However, after the satellite bid which he (they) won, which he also finance by borrowing money (loan), he rose up and was able to start AIS, Real state, and other businesses.

    You are right about the Marriage...

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