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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. so just wait until someone tells you.

    it has been mentioned here a few times but if you don't believe us then what can we do?

    Lets deal in facts

    That's the problem we end up arguing/discussing hearsay in so many cases.

    You can do nothing either way if your right I'm wrong I apologise

    If I'm correct and No fee is paid you'll still believe it.

    That's the difference

    sorry mate but it's not an hearsay.... my own wife also told me the same thing that i didn't believe her the first time.

  2. I have read all of your threads even I'm trying to avoid to but with your line of thinking you should stay away from Pattaya or from Thailand for that matter and other asian countries as well. Here, it's survival of the fittest where the rich becomes richer (like BPH) and the poor becomes poorer. Your money is very well welcome here but not you. Sad to say, you are better off to stay in Australia...

    Survival of the fittest applies everywhere. That was a term coined by Charles Darwin in the middle of the 19th century and as far as I can see it still applies.

    My money is welcome but I'm not?? That sounds weird. Not even BPH would have that attitude, I'm sure.

    tsk, tsk ,tsk... you do not have any idea what's like in here... :o

  3. I didn't realise there were a number of private hopitals in Pattaya. Is BPH the only one that pays operators to bring accident victims to its emergency section?

    I don't believe BHP or any other hospital pay for patients to be delivered. This I really want confirmed.

    Of another concern

    Mods surely there should be an age limitation or posting with parental consent.

    It's a school day tomorrow


    Children should be in bed!!

    ask your thai neighbours...

    Ask them what? Do you know if the SB get paid a fee for delivering patients to hospitals.

    Just say this presumtion is proven wrong!

    so just wait until someone tells you.

    it has been mentioned here a few times but if you don't believe us then what can we do?

  4. I didn't realise there were a number of private hopitals in Pattaya. Is BPH the only one that pays operators to bring accident victims to its emergency section?

    I don't believe BHP or any other hospital pay for patients to be delivered. This I really want confirmed.

    Of another concern

    Mods surely there should be an age limitation or posting with parental consent.

    It's a school day tomorrow


    Children should be in bed!!

    ask your thai neighbours...

  5. With your lack of knowledge of this area, with respect, what is your interest in this discussion?

    I'm considering retiring in Thailand but I haven't decided where. Whilst I've been lucky enough to stay clear of hospitals so far in my life, that situation might not last and so hospital care and the quality of medical facilities in general, in Thailand, is of concern to me. However, if I were to need expensive treatment that was not critically urgent, I'd hop on a plane back to Australia.

    I didn't realise there were a number of private hopitals in Pattaya. Is BPH the only one that pays operators to bring accident victims to its emergency section?

    I have read all of your threads even I'm trying to avoid to but with your line of thinking you should stay away from Pattaya or from Thailand for that matter and other asian countries as well. Here, it's survival of the fittest where the rich becomes richer (like BPH) and the poor becomes poorer. Your money is very well welcome here but not you. Sad to say, you are better off to stay in Australia...

  6. (qoute) Moreover, and very importantly, this hospital pays the operators of rescue vehicles to bring them accident victims. (un-quote)

    I find this statement very hard to believe the Sawang Boriboon is a volunteer organistion

    I just cannot believe a so called bounty is paid to the volunteers or the organisation.

    I think this is another misconception being thrown around again causing more confusion.

    When individuals who have stated their own genuine complaints why have you not contacted the international department of this hospital and asked them to liaise aren't they there for that?

    It's true, believe it or not... the SB recue team are getting certain amount of money if they bring patient to BPH and many thai people know about this. I have been discussing this to my wife and she reckon that if the patient has no insurance at least there should be someone with him/her to sign some document before the patient is finally treated, maybe something like a guarantor. she also told that she knew someone (thai person) that have been nearly denied in BPH because he doesn't have insurance and he has to call his employer just to guarantee that he can pay the bill. this negotiation happened in the ER while he (his head) was bleeding to death. I think, if Matt came with someone who can sign whatever that document they ask the guarantor to sign this story would have been different.

  7. Yeah, I too have had dealings with this person at BHP and even though I was being very pleasant I got the 'long stare' and 'tossing of amended bill". BHP would do well to move this person to a position where she doesn't have contact with the public.

    I also noticed this man/woman. It amazed me sometimes how they can employe someone so rude!

  8. ...snip...there must have been hundreds, if not thousands of patients milling around on every floor, many lying on the floor in their own filth, all desperately awaiting allusive treatment from seemingly long absent doctors...snip...

    Wow. Mobi that's an amazing statement. Has anyone else seen such things at Chonburi Hospital?

    Instead of the perpetual doubt how about you go and look for yourself and find out how bad things can be here?

    be sure to go there before 3PM otherwise you won't see any doctors and nurses around.

  9. The anecdotes are not 'few'. There are literally dozens and dozens, as long term members of this forum can attest to.

    I would ask you to consider that what is this forum if it is not – for the most part – a collection of anecdotes - with conclusions and opinions arising from those anecdotes?

    And yes – you are right – Chonburi hospital is an unbelievable dump and your proposition is utterly preposterous.

    Hospitals treat thousands of people each year. A dozen anecdotes is a very few and a few dozen anecdotes is still a few. I'm not 'poo pooing' the concept of an anecdote and I certainly don't need a dictionary definition of the term. I'm simply saying that you cannot arrive at the truth of what happened here through a small collection of anecdotes that do not have any direct bearing on this particular tragedy.

    We already have a situation here where people were prepared to believe that the BKK hospital had turned away a seriously injured man (on the grounds he didn't have any ID on his person) and allowed him to be driven another 45 minutes in the back of a pick-up truck to another hospital. It now appears that was simply not true, yet some people were prepared to act upon that misinformation and withdraw their support for the BKK hospital, cancel their registration, whatever.

    I agree, however, we still need an more convincing explanation from the BKK hospital as to why the blood supplies could not be brought to the patient. It might well be the case that administrative matters took priority here and a life was consequently lost. But I wouldn't assume this to be the case without further evidence of the non-anecdotal variety.

    Barry, i cannot help but to comment on this post. let me ask you this question, would you like to wait 45 minutes when you are dying and dangerously needing blood?

    I pray to God that you don't end up in Matt's situation...

  10. i read one post that saying that the other way to thai citizenship is to be adopted by a thai person. in this case, can my father in-law legally adopt me? if yes, is there anyone in TV who knows about the process? change last name? but then my wife will be my sister? etc. ,etc....

    my wife is dying to get me a thai citizenship but it is not just possible right now since i do not work in thailand. yes, i have been living in thailand on and off for the last 12 years and also used to work there for a total of 7 years but unfortunately hadn't even managed to get a PR and now i have to work outside thailand as it pays more.

  11. thanks a lot, Thai-Narak ! your link is very helpful indeed.....

    surprisingly, I found my number and several others I know of easily in that directory, but the Bangkok-number I was looking for (from where I was called at a weird time very early morning) did not produce any result....

    maybe there is the option to hide information about the own number, when applying for a new phone line.....

    When someone is calling from overseas using VOIP the number that you will see in your mobile is an operator designated number or most times number is not shown. But yes, it is also possible to disclose your number in the directory list if you request from your operator.

  12. My sister in-law was admitted for 2 days a few months back in BPH and when my wife got the bill it was 20K. My wife then asked the admin for such a high rocketed price and they just replied that it is because she (sister in-law) was admitted in the new wing (new building) and that the charge per day is higher than that of the old wing. I think this reason of the sudden price increase is BS! I told my wife that next time if it is not so urgent it is better to drive to bangkok (Ramkhamheng, Samitevej, Bumrungrad, and others) than to go to BPH.

    This is also one of my bitches with BHP - they do not explain the different room rates.

    In August last year I was in for one night with food poisoning and total was 24,534.50 . Standard inpatient food was 1,300!!!!!!! For comparable room at Bumrungrad food is 430!! And if I had known I would have taken a shared room for a lot less than the 4,100 BHP charged for a single.

    note: when I said 2 days what I meant was 1 night which less than 48 hours stay...

    we should really boycott this hostpital...

  13. My sister in-law was admitted for 2 days a few months back in BPH and when my wife got the bill it was 20K. My wife then asked the admin for such a high rocketed price and they just replied that it is because she (sister in-law) was admitted in the new wing (new building) and that the charge per day is higher than that of the old wing. I think this reason of the sudden price increase is BS! I told my wife that next time if it is not so urgent it is better to drive to bangkok (Ramkhamheng, Samitevej, Bumrungrad, and others) than to go to BPH.

  14. Let's BOYCOTT BangkokPattaya Hospital!!!

    I've heard long time ago that ThaKsin is a major shareholder in this hospital so the 30 Baht program for goverment hospital was to separate the poor and the rich. If you do not have money, you die in the goverment hospital...

    That's just what I've from Thai friends. Please do not bombard me with comments.

  15. I'm sure some of us here are not working in Thailand but have Thai families (kids carrying our farang family names), some are even fluent in Thai, can sing the national and king's anthem, have made contributions to the Thai society (donations), and of course we have money in the bank but we will never become Thai citizens just because we are not working in Thailand hence will not be able to get a PR which, is a pre-requisite to Thai citizenship. What should we do? Is there any other road map for us?

    From the pointing system:

    "Points are awarded to applicants on the following basis: Age and education, 25 points; Occupation, 35 points; Length of residence in Thailand, 10 points; Relationship with Thai people and Thailand, 10 points; Thai language knowledge, 10 points; Personality, 10 points."

    less the Occupation of 35 points is 65 points which can also qualify for consideration.

  16. i was once on a TG flight with tata going to Manila. The girl is really cute in real life I would say. Yep, singapore is a good place for any celebs in asia to walk around as they can do so without disturbance from the crowd. Once, I saw kath English walking in Orchard road with her nanny. And many more celebs in other countries with names I don't remember.

  17. to the OP or to anyone who knows the right answer,

    I have questions with the following requirements in the Thai citizenship procedure:

    "If working in Thailand, he or she must have an income of at least 80,000 baht a month or have paid taxes in the year the citizenship application is made of 100,000 baht or more." --- What if not working in Thailand but remitting income from other country where I'm working from? Can I pay tax even not working in Thailand?

    "He or she must have lived in Thailand contunously for at least five years before applying." --- This does not mention any residency permit. Will I be considered to have lived continously in Thailand with only Non-B (spouse) visa for the last five years?



    where you got that from?

    can you post the link with the whole content?

    it's from the link provided by the OP...


  18. to the OP or to anyone who knows the right answer,

    I have questions with the following requirements in the Thai citizenship procedure:

    "If working in Thailand, he or she must have an income of at least 80,000 baht a month or have paid taxes in the year the citizenship application is made of 100,000 baht or more." --- What if not working in Thailand but remitting income from other country where I'm working from? Can I pay tax even not working in Thailand?

    "He or she must have lived in Thailand contunously for at least five years before applying." --- This does not mention any residency permit. Will I be considered to have lived continously in Thailand with only Non-B (spouse) visa for the last five years?


  19. I guess they didn't include him in the World's Wittiest Thefts" book for nothing, as Nation claims.

    of course he can be in the book due to the fact that the police and investigators are stupid to believe him that he is alone in this crime. but what i'm saying is that, he is not alone and he got accomplices inside AIS (and many of them). they have been doing this since 2 years ago (maybe more) and everybody knows where to buy "sim phi" or "ghost sim card". if you are frequent in MBK center you will know about this scam.

    i think the guy they caught is just the "sales" person getting codes via his e-mail thru internet cafes and selling the codes or SIMs to his customer. all he needs is SIM writer which is also available in panthip plaza. the real hackers are inside AIS working in the billing centers and pre-paid systems.

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