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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. Pringle, who has a home in Pattaya, said that he bought the car six months ago for 24 million baht.

    The base price for a Ferrari 430 is $180,545. How does the price jump from that to 24 million = $706,000?

    Is the import duty really that high?

    How long has Pringle been in Thailand? You'd think he'd know something about the petrol for sale in Thailand by now. Isn't it easy to see the 91 and 95 signs on all the pumps?

    it's not between 91 and 95 it's between 95 and sugarcane... anyway, it's the mistake of the pump guy.

  2. haven't you noticed that the economy started to slide since thaksin's second term? it will continue to do so and people will always blame the current government whether it's a junta or not...

    mmm, i thought everybody knew that thaksin already spent all the money when he was a pm ie. giving away 1 million baht or more to every local amphoe and spending it in expensive projects like suwanaphoom airport, lending it burma, etc... i can go on and on. well, having said that, all the bonds are already been spent and surely the next government do not have money to repay them. i smell ecomic crisis soon (or already?)... but then again, thaksin is already gone and so who is to blame? the next in one the chair...

    Large public projects such as the new airport should stimulate the economy. Putting more money in people's pockets, which will generate higher spending, which leads to growth. It is a typical way to boost an economy not some new crazy idea thought up by Thaksin.

    Obviously if you have an economic plan to boost the economy by high government spending, and then you abruptly stop right in the middle, then it leads to problems.

    ahh.... i forgot to mention that all of his projects were highly corrupted. boost his pocket maybe... i'm talking about thaksin all along, i'm not an anti-junta.

  3. haven't you noticed that the economy started to slide since thaksin's second term? it will continue to do so and people will always blame the current government whether it's a junta or not...

    mmm, i thought everybody knew that thaksin already spent all the money when he was a pm ie. giving away 1 million baht or more to every local amphoe and spending it in expensive projects like suwanaphoom airport, lending it burma, etc... i can go on and on. well, having said that, all the bonds are already been spent and surely the next government do not have money to repay them. i smell ecomic crisis soon (or already?)... but then again, thaksin is already gone and so who is to blame? the next in one the chair...

  4. i cannot believe that some people here still buys this sanam luang stuff. most of the people who joins the rally are all being paid! it's thaksin vs junta, who would you choose? thaksin is the master of all the puppets who are rallying in SL and they have to do it to get to the news locally and internationally. also, T is doing everything he can to get publicity. i prefer the junta than T.

  5. this is not in pattaya but anyhow i would like to share it. if you happen to fly TG this month take a look at the in-flight guide where they have music, movies, etc. program scheduled in each flight. anyway, they mispelled the word video in several pages to VEDIO and i thought well, someone has to be fired this month.

  6. CALL SUNBELT ASIA NOW! yes I am shouting!! You are being held up. My wife had 3 Ceasarians with all 3 of our children. First class private Hospital and we never paid over 15,000 baht per child.

    I think this is too low. ceasarian packages in most private hospitals are not below 50,000 baht. may i know which "first class" private hospital are you talking about?

    For the OP, it's true that the price was too high and you are being cheated taking into account that 250,000 baht turned out to be 150,000 baht in the detailed bill.

    - Let your embassy know about your situation as they may be able to assist you.

    - yes, call sunbelt asia. they can give you good advise.

    congrats by the way...

  7. my boy doesn't have a thai nick name and another one (boy) is coming and we are not planning to give him a thai name as well. i've told my wife if she wants to give a thai name it is ok for me but it seems that she doesn't welcome the idea. all is well.

    i like the idea of keeping the missus maiden name as middle name but it is too late for me now. :o

  8. Tall women look too much like ladyboys from a distance or at night.

    It puts a lot of Thai men off.

    It's not the only reason, but it certainly contributes.

    your post is phuking Funny..

    I thought i were a tall gal 169 cm.(6.7") No I am not the tall one. Many girls in Hiso University as Chula(i studied there) taller than me

    However,It is about genetic !!

    I am 169 cm .

    My sister (a chemist) 168cm.

    My other cousins..

    A dentist student girl = 165 (CMU)

    A law student = 166 (Chula)

    A Business student = 165(Thamasat)

    An Engineer worker(mom's site)=167

    FYI , no girl wants to be a midget. I love my long legs anyway!!

    you are 5'6.5" (five feet, six and a half inches) so you are tall in thai standards. i like tall and thin women but i like petite more not more than 5'3" 'coz they look young but that's just me...


    I am a parent of a student who was taught by the late Matt Hayes at BURAPHA ENGLISH-PROGRAMME SCHOOL OF THAILAND on Sukhumvit Road. I was very angry to find out that the school has appointed THE BANGKOK PATTAYA HOSPITAL to administer flu shots at the school .This is a total lack of thought, sensitivity and respect by the school owner, director and management towards the family and friends of Matt as this "hospital" who by their actions played a crucial part in his death. One can only imagine that the school owner is getting a kickback as the cost is not even good value. I for one will not allow my child to be treated by BPH for any ailment. It would

    appear that both places are very similar as BPH is a business masqueradingas a hospital and BEST is a business masquerading as a school and both have many problems relating to basic human values. Most know all about the practices of the BPH but what about BEST "SCHOOL"?? My daughter studies in primary 2 and only one month into the new term (cost approx 25000 bt per term) I have observed the following: I pay for native speakers yet most of the recently appointed teachers are from the Philippines, i.e., non native

    speakers. The management at the school is weak and lacks commitment to say the least. The whole place is dirty including the canteen and classrooms. Where are all the cleaners? Indeed the students are ordered to clean the school on a daily basis in morning assembly. I paid in advance for my daughters books (not cheap) yet still now these have not been given and in some cases the books are not in publication any more so old ones are photocopied (illegally I might add). I pay for my child to study in an aircon classroom. This is seldom turned on or works properly. Many students complain about the heat. Basically the place is a sham. I was promised so much more in the admin office as they took my money. Apparently the owner has not visited the school in months/years. That says it all really. I think MANY THINGS NEED URGENT ATTENTION BUT MY ADVICE TO ALL IS DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH.



    My son attended this school at the age of 4.  However, i though of it as being just acceptable as a kindergarten as i was aware of the poor quality of teaching (what i considered).  I cant believe you would pay 25k per term for such a school. How long is a term?

    Re philipino teachers i would consider them far better than Thais,  My wifes thai neice is 12 years old and we always thought she was quite able,  However we just discoverd that she doesnt know the difference between multiply and times.  

    apparantly this isnt that uncommon when taught in thai schools :o

    i don't have anything against teachers from philippines and actually i'm planning to get one to tutor my son.

  10. I have two boys at BEST. I agree with the concensus of the thread. My youngest has just moved up to P1 and experienced the same thing as the girl above. What the teacher actually says is that he will 'gin dtap', literally meaning I will eat your liver! I too was very angry. I've been in Thailand a long time and understand the control 'through fear' that this society thrives on but when it comes to little ones in the classroom then need nuture and care not scare tactics. There was also another boy in the class throwing a knife around when the teacher wasn't looking - I'm not impressed!! My boys love school but this term has been difficult, it needs sorting out.

    it's just a matter of time before accident may happen... move your child while you can.

    I like what they do in R.E.S.P, they have 2 teachers per 25 student per class.

  11. Eh certain members of the military probably not including Gen. Sonthi

    Eh any poliitcal opportunist in the TRT/PTV who may see the blame shifted to the army and hence giving a boost to a currently stagnated political career.

    Eh anybody who T has the dirt on.

    Eh lots of people down my local market

    Eh that equates to quite a few people when extrapolated out

    Persoanlly I think Gen. Sonthis statement was quite accurate: lots of people hate T. It would be impossible to guarantee his Safety. Of course T will play this up as he is good at PR stuff but there is certainly truth in him being at risk of assasination on return. imho

    Also would add people who were promised the world e.g. King Power, and delivered an atlas.

    don't forget the people who got abused in the Tak bai incident. they will kill him for sure...

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