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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. and paying $1000 a night for the privilege
  2. l am still paying my dermatological dues from growing up on the beach
  3. probably too stoned in PAI to care
  4. no problem Thailand will love to host them
  5. i live on Bali and the Indonesian government is fed up with them. they have backbone unlike the Thai government.
  6. they don't have to fight, they can enjoy the gulag.
  7. i have seen this for myself on Bali. nasty people
  8. there will be probably more Russian woman on walking street.
  9. why did not they learn a little bit about Thai culture before they came here like i did? no, because they are young dumb and having fun. ignorance is no excuse
  10. on the front page around the world. what a disgrace.
  11. humanitarian, mean con concubines.
  12. some are probably turning to that age old profession.
  13. well, perhaps he would like to liberate it?
  14. in Arizona USA they will not sell alcohol before noon on Sunday meeting days.
  15. light rain only. it would take several days of heavy rain to clean out the air
  16. tell the surrounding countries to clean up their act or send bombers with fire retardant their way. declare environmental warfare on those offending countries. TAT come to Chiang Mai and die early.
  17. how about just requiring criminal back ground checks rather than 800k in the banks.
  18. if the U.S. government would extend Medicare to its expats it would save the country millions.
  19. snowflakes are so materialistic these days. no wonder they are depressed.
  20. very ironic for a Buddhist country.
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