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Posts posted by Shoeboat

  1. I have been based here for the past decade and recently landed myself a good, legit job after a very barren two years. I have also met a girl who I have been dating for 6 months and it looks like it could get serious. Thing is, she's Polish and doesn't live here but has a lot of experience in hotel management.

    She's paid for most of her trips out here to see me but neither of us can afford for it to be this way, I could support her if she lived with me 90 days at a time but she would be bored senseless and wants to be busy. Neither of us fancy living in Poland and I have no idea what I would do there anyway.

    I doubt there are many, if any, options for us but it's worth a shot. According to Google there are just 37 Poles living in Thailand!

    Can anybody throw me a bone here? Advice much appreciated and relocating to other parts os Asia is an option.

  2. I have two employment opportunities available for Thai nationals, however I don't know how or where to look beyond posting a group email to all my Thai friends, which has not been entirely fruitless and I've had a couple of candidates but have yet to find somebody who meets all the requirements.

    The first job is a very good opportunity for a secretary/admin & marketing assistant. Pay starts at 30,000 a month plus bonuses. Very good prospects and five star travel. Candidates should be UK educated but western education might be considered. The job will include some travel and other benefits.

    The other would suit a graduate and must speak fluent Thai and reasonable English. About 7 hours a day 5 days a week doing general office duties, phone calls, paperwork etc... Starts at 12,000 a month but could increase to 20k after a probationary period.

    Is there a website (in English) or a sub-forum here where educated Thais look for work?

  3. I won't name any now, though perhaps I should and can - but whenever I'm loving this country and on a Thai high it is always brought to an end by an establishment who's priority is getting as much of your money as they can with the least amount of effort put into the food or the service. Perhaps a thread or even a separate website naming and shaming the ones who are guilty of this, and praising the ones who give value for money, good food at a reasonable price - and an honest price that includes tax, VAT and service charge.

    Thais are very rarely trained in the ways of western customer service, which (if it is a British pub or foreign restaurant) they bloody well should be.

    What are others thoughts on this?

  4. I won't name any now, though perhaps I should and can - but whenever I'm loving this country and on a Thai high it is always brought to an end by an establishment who's priority is getting as much of your money as they can with the least amount of effort put into the food or the service. Perhaps a thread or even a separate website naming and shaming the ones who are guilty of this, and praising the ones who give value for money, good food at a reasonable price - and an honest price that includes tax, VAT and service charge.

    Thais are very rarely trained in the ways of western customer service, which (if it is a British pub or foreign restaurant) they bloody well should be.

    What are others thoughts on this?

  5. On the London floor (the 4th I think) there's a giant section of what appears to be the famous London Underground map on the wall of the corridor that leads to the toilets. Upon closer inspection, it's a fake. Bakerloo is 'Portaloo' and Hammersmith is 'Hammerhead', in fact each station, while retaining the original typeface, has been altered, presumably for copyright reasons. But why would London Undergound care about a homage to it's heritage on the other side of the planet, and more to the point (and no offence to Thailand) but this country has never seemed that concerned with international copyright laws so why all the effort and design team expense for this?

  6. The water is lovely and cold up here at nam tok than tip,if you fancy a 5 hour bus ride,not sure about Bangkok,why don't you fill a bath with ice cubes and cold water.

    I don't have a bath, so Nam Tok is cold this time of year?

    I can't imagine anywhere in Thailand having the bite, but I suppose north is the way to go. I'm still hoping that Bangkok has something to offer.

  7. This is exactly the behavior you can expect from a prostitute,

    and exactly what you don't have to put up with if you go for a normal girl

    Having been with and had both my experience is opposite to your description. The "normal" girls are far worse than the the BGs hundred fold.

    The cultural differences are to wide to ensure a successful relationship with a young, attractive Thai woman - unless she has spent at least two thirds of her life overseas and has had a lot of life experience.

  8. Every Thai girl I have dated has had a boyfriend somewhere, it is foolish to trust one that has options, because she'll be open to options as long as she has them. If you are looking for love and commitment you should most certainly avoid any Thai girl with looks or sex appeal. Get yourself a nice Dutch or Japanese girl, or if you are over 40 then a Thai woman the same age or above.

  9. Airport security rents out the airport to scammers.

    Just look at the report in the Bangkok Post a year ago.

    14,500 scammers were "fined' in the first half of 2010.

    The Bangkok Post also reported that 3 different mafias have divided up the airport turf.

    I guess I could always take the airport link, that will shorten the journey considerably if I only have to take a taxi from BTS Ekkamai.

    Is it still likely to be a nightmare?

    Also, has anybody ever tried to assault one of these rogue taxi drivers? I think it would be in Thailand's best interests if it were made legal to attack, injure or execute one.

  10. I have been warned about flying to or from Thailand on december 31st due to the greedy, opportunistic, and selfish nature of taxi drivers keen to make a profit at the expense of the exhausted traveler, not to mention the reputation of their country and the few Thais who do have any integrity. Exactly how bad can I expect the fare to be? Double? Quadruple?

  11. I've got this massage hammer, the input power is 220V-50HZ Power 28W as an Xmas gift for somebody in the UK.

    Other than the fact they will need an adapter to plug it in, will it be compatible with the British voltage system or will it explode and burn their house down?

  12. I was denied permission to start this thread in wanted/classifieds, I have absolutely no idea why.

    I have a good Thai friend on Koh Samui that needs a new charger/adapter for her Powerbook G4. It would cost 2,500 baht to order a new one from Bangkok from the IT centre here but before going down that road I want to see if there are any unused ones out there as it's an old model laptop and people might have one they are willing to sell or get rid of.



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