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Posts posted by cougar52

  1. So this will squeeze out those that sell tickets just to be able to eat. Many are handicapped and no other opportunities. What will become of them? Is this revenge by the ruling elite against the poor because they voted shin?

    You do have a point, however, when I have to pay 620 Baht to buy 400 Baht worth of tickets (a 5 pack) who needs to inflate the price so high.That is nearly a 50% profit margin after the normal profit after selling at 80 Baht. Last year after all the talk about fixing the price I was buying the tickets for 100 Baht. Then after the military and the Government tried to set the price to 80 Baht, that lasted about a week. now it is higher that before with a normal double ticket (face value 80 Baht) selling now for over 115 Baht and higher for 1 double ticket and the price goes up for multi tickets. Just yesterday the vender outside Tesco wanted 620 Baht for a 5 ticket pack with a face value of 400 Baht. I told her she was crazy.

    • Like 1
  2. Isara Vongkusolkit, chairman of the Board of Trade of Thailand, said he thought the government could control the situation. The private sector will keep watching the situation.

    He said he was still waiting to see what was the real cause of the incident. First it was said to be a transformer exploding but then it was reported to be a bombing, so he is still waiting to see what the real cause was.

    Isara maybe you need to fine a new job, and learn to read. It was reported by the authorities to have been two Time Bombs

  3. "National Police Affairs Council" that makes a good acronym 'N-PAC'. Lets hope it means success in reforming the police from the current model.

    Do you mean this "current model": - In recent weeks a pattern of reported incidents of harassment, random daytime searches, detention and intimidation suggest an organized campaign by police is targeting tourists and foreign nationals.

  4. If you read Spectrum today the odds of winning is just about nill, 72 mllion tickets released each draw and a 2 million 1st prize .

    The whole thing is controlled by 5-6 buyers (tigers)who purchase 65 percent and the distributed to the middle man and then sold a couple of times again.

    You should try buying a ticket sometime & you will see they have multiples of the same number which must be about 72 as there are 6 numbers on a ticket (not sure of my maths but sounds right) plus there are about 200 prizes. Today at the shopping centre tickets were selling for 90 Baht whereas a week or so ago they were 100 Baht so hopefully this is a sign the bottom feeding middlemen are being cut out of their lucrative loop for which they do practically nothing or at the very least they are having to reduce their margins.

    I was in Tesco in Phetchabun and I was very surprised that the price has gone up even more that the normal 100 and 110 Baht per ticket, today they are attempting to sell for 115 per ticket and 500 Baht for a group of 4 tickets. That in a group of 4 cost you 125 Baht a ticket. Good job, only took 4 months to raise the previous ticket price to almost 70%. So much for "Cracking Down" on the sellers. Today being November 30th, 2014.

  5. Some time ago, I was in a small restaurant in Korat and there were several Police there eating and drinking beer and whiskey and soda. I observed one man going to his car, he could hardly walk he was so drunk. He fumbled with his keys and dropped them several times but eventually got is his car and started to drive off. I talked to the police and asked why they are going to let dime to drive in that condition. They all laughed and said he would not get to far before he goes in the ditch. That is the mentality of the drunks and the police. Can you understand why there are so many road deaths with this attitude from both sides of the coin.

  6. I can understand it .. if the guy is innocent and some internet hero's destroy his image.. id be pissed too.

    It's their own problem, they could have submitted to a DNA test early on - no match then, problem gone. Now nobody will believe it anymore.

    What've you been sleeping? They did submit their DNA (See post #124). Do try and keep up.

    What I remember was that at the of the DNA sample from Mom, he was cleared with in hours and it was stated it was not a match, when previously they stated that they needed to send it to Singapore for it to be analyzed. So who cleared the Uncle.

    • Like 1
  7. Dear Dep. Pm, Gen Pravit., If there is no Mafia in Thailand and the islands, how do you explain this:

    According to Thai authorities, there are chao pho groups in 39 of Thailand’s 76 provinces. From these provinces they work like a local mafia as they are active in both illegal as well as some legitimate businesses. They are involved in a wide range of criminal activities such as prostitution, drug trafficking, illegal gambling and others They are known for cooperating with the Red Wa ( who are associated with the United Wa State Army) for the trafficking and sale of narcotics.

    How about some transparency, Sir.

  8. Her "ordeal in military custody" as Kahosod puts it, was, according to her (reported elsewhere) to have included repeated punches to the face and body.

    Yet no bruising has ever been shown from these alleged beatings.

    If they had happened one would have expected her to be very keen to show off the marks of the mistreatment she received as proof of the brutality she claims.

    Why was she held for 27 days (well past the junta's self imposed 7 day time limit)? Maybe to give the bruises time to disappear?

    The junta said that they would only hold people for 7 days. And here they are holding her for much longer. At first when the junta took her into custody, they denied knowing her whereabouts. It was only later that it came to light that they had been holding her all along. Can we (or the courts that will decide whether or not to extradite her to face persecution by a military regime) really believe anything they say now?

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    In ref. to your post, I have to wonder where is Chalerm it has been much longer that 27 days, is he still alive is the question.!

  9. "negligence in allowing workers to stay at the site during construction"?


    They ALL do that -- it's a perk for keeping illegal Burmese workers on hand. And not a single illegal worker on - site....come on.


    Worst "Most needy were five children who lost both parents in the tragedy".  These penny pinchers made orphans, not condos.


    Boo!   Bad form!  Inhumane money grubbing utilitarian snotty misers who are right now munching imported salmon as I write this.


    This is not Thainess, no matter what the bashers say.  This is avarice, and inhumanity soon to get a slap on the wrist...


    crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkU.png


    And let's put this this is perspective! The Red Shirts received 7.5 Million for each killed in their 2010 Riot,  and now a condo construction worker killed is receiving only around 60K to 70K each, where is the outrage here.

    • Like 2
  10. Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

    Great brotherly love, throw your sister under the bus for your own ends.

    Not to mention the Army now have his only son to go along with his sisters, he was picked up in CM last night and flown by helicopter to Bangkok.

    • Like 1
  11. Yet Suthep is free. sad.png

    I must have missed that announcement. You have a link ?

    Himself and Abhisit were released at 20 minutes past midnight, just a few hours after their detention.

    Check the news thread.

    I think YOU should read the news thread.

    UDD, PDRC leaders remain detained, others released

    The Nation

    BANGKOKarrow-10x10.png: -- Leaders of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship and the People's Democratic Reform Committee have been taken to a safe house in Bangkok, a military source announced on Friday.

    Full story: http://www.thaivisa....thers-released/

  12. Unbelievable!! 97mg out of 100mg. He should have passed out before getting in the car. So much for responsible drinking. In my opinion no bail!!!

    But after his wife's statement and pushing her Military Rank it is not likely.

    My heart goes out to the niece and her disabled father, now because of this ass*ole their future is going to be very hard.

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