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Posts posted by cougar52

  1. Please explain What law was broken and what ( does the government at the time of trial was PPP (a Thaksin proxy)) have to do with my question....SECOND REQUEST!!!

    Please pardon me, but since you were able to dig up Supreme Court decision No. 4655/2533 regading the FIDF, you should be able to search and find the answer to your rather intriguingly formulated question.

    Rubi, you are correct I can find my own answer, However, the request was to someone on this forum that could answer it.

    I have the answer and in my mind his conviction and sentence was POLITICAL. I do not defend him on his other trials to come if they ever do, but for what he WAS tried and convicted was Very Political, and he should have a new trial.

  2. Just another cook up of old news, assumptions and rumors from the Nation ... most of the times it seem that the editorials and News in general from the Nation stems from some Democrat trash talk ...

    Trash talk, such as:

    Those facts are: Thaksin was prime minister; his spouse bought a piece of state-auctioned land with his consent; the Financial Institutions Development Fund is a state agency; the purchase was prohibited by anti-graft laws, which came into existence even before the coup-makers threw him out of power.


    it was confirmed that the office of the Prime Minister is neither the office in charge of, nor has the authority to direct or supervise the FIDF. This is supported by the Supreme Court decision No. 4655/2533 which ruled that the FIDF is a separate and distinct juristic body independent from the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Thailand. It has its own rights and duty in accordance with laws and regulations within the boundary of its objectives.

  3. To further answer the OP's question, the various commercial banks in Thailand all have their own ATMs and all charge the 150 baht fee (AEON is not a Thai bank, thus that's why they don't charge the 150 baht fee).

    But the Thai bank ATMs also all use the same two sources for calculating exchange rates, the VISA and MasterCard networks. So, if you were to use the same U.S. bank card to make withdrawals from different Thai banks at exactly the same time, you've get the same local exchange rate from each of them... VISA network cards a bit higher/better, and MC network cards a bit lower/lesser.

    Unlike the ATMS, though, if you go into a Thai bank branch to exchange money or go to one of their exchange counters, then they each will use their own slightly different local exchange rates. But the rates used for foreign ATM cards when pulling money from Thai bank ATMs are the card network rates, not the local bank rates (unless you happen to get one that offers, and you optionally choose to select, so-called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), which translates as a crappy local rate).

    And, as Pib mentioned above, you also need to watch out for the various foreign currency fees that may be charged by your U.S. bank or CU... Most of the majors charge 3% or more... But there are various banks and CU's that charge NO foreign currency fee or reimburse any foreign currency fees each month up to some monthly limit. For anyone planning to spend any significant amount of time abroad or in Thailand, you'd definitely want to use one of those kinds of cards for your foreign travel expenditures.

    There is, BTW, another no-fee ATM option available besides AEON, but it is a single location just in Bangkok, and that is the Citibank headquarters at the Asoke/Sukhumvit intersection. Their ATMs there do not charge the 150 baht fee nor do they charge any Citibank fee when other U.S. bank cards are used there.

    See this chart http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net/default.aspx. When you use this chart choose the TT rate.

  4. Whatever channel you use to transfer that amount of money, SWIFT, Bank Draft, Cheque, somewhere along the line you are going to be asked for documentation. The funds are going offshore regardless of the legal methods used.

    If you have the 30,000 Baht in cash or a Thai Bank account, a simple withdrawal or cash to Western Union is all you need no documentation other than a Passport. At the end of the day it is only 1,000 Dollars or the equivalent its not a lot of money.

    Read the OP again it's a hundred thousand dollars not a thousand.

    Yes questions would be asked.

    Sorry, I read to quick I now defer to IAM Farang

  5. Whatever channel you use to transfer that amount of money, SWIFT, Bank Draft, Cheque, somewhere along the line you are going to be asked for documentation. The funds are going offshore regardless of the legal methods used.

    If you have the 30,000 Baht in cash or a Thai Bank account, a simple withdrawal or cash to Western Union is all you need no documentation other than a Passport. At the end of the day it is only 1,000 Dollars or the equivalent its not a lot of money.

  6. This is from the report:

    Along with Thailand, three other countries known as special US allies were placed on the risk list last month: Egypt, Israel and the Philippines.

    ICE (the new name of the US immigration and customs department) has put 36 countries and the West Bank on its new watch list, and given them a group designator: Specially Designated Countries (SDCs). Citizens from countries on this list that wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check (TAC)".

    And this from the Homeland Security Office:

    Appendix D Specially Designated Countries

    ICE provided this list of specially designated countries. ICE policy requires officers to perform a TAC for detained aliens from these countries.

    Afghanistan Territories of Gaza West

    Algeria Bank Bahrain Oman Bangladesh Pakistan Djibouti Philippines Egypt Qatar Eritrea Saudi Arabia Indonesia Somalia Iran Sudan Iraq Syria Israel Tajikistan Jordan Thailand Kazakhstan Tunisia Kuwait Turkey Lebanon Turkmenistan Libya United Arab Emirates Malaysia Uzbekistan Mauritania Yemen


    Supervision of Aliens Commensurate with Risk


  7. She said she would talk with the new government about "ensuring justice" for the 91 people killed and more than 2,000 injured during last year's political turmoil. She would call on the new government to find the culprits.

    Hear, Hear... Thida, lets not forget "ensuring justice" whether they were Soldiers, Red Shirts, or Black Shirts.

    Just remember your party do not like DOUBLE STANDARDS :whistling:

  8. A bit of advise, be very careful, there are scores of Silver Coins in Thailand and they are fakes,(ie. they are real silver, but counterfeit coins) As their value is only the price of the Silver.

    I invested in some U.S. Silver Dollars and they were all Chinese Counterfeits. I found out a little late that the weight was about 1/2 that of a real Silver Dollar.

  9. You paid over 3.5 million baht for a house in Udon which is basically Isan territory. ? WOW ! How big is the house. For that much money you could build the Palace of Versailles with 200 rooms. Thai's build large homes in that neck of the woods for 400,000 b to 1 million tops. Who told you to pay 3.5 million ? Your Thai wife. Who owns the property ? You dont. Does it have a chanote red title deed? I hope youre not about to join the missing persons at the embassy in Bangkok.

    What have you been smoking :o Most houses built to Western Standards in Thailand cost between 9,000 to 15,000 Baht a square meter( which a small 160 sq. met single story house) is in excess of 1.3 million Baht.

    And I have a very good builder, speaks English, and listens; charges only 2,000 a square meter to build the house and I buy everything Tiles,(roof and floor),Blocks, Concrete, Wire, Plumbing, Etc. and my house will cost me around 3 Million, it will be 280 Square Meters with a pool.

    So I would love to see your Palace with 200 rooms for 400,000 Baht. :whistling:

  10. you give the Affirmation in at the Embassy in the morning, it can be collected in the afternoon (cost 2340baht/2860baht).

    I was not aware of the lapse of time at the British Embassy, I did all mine the same day. the only difference is I am an American and I used my Embassy... 7:30 A.M. did the Affidavit, cost 1,550 Baht, Translation cost 400 Baht, went to the MFA arrived at 10:00 A.M. paid my 400 Baht. and was on my way finished at 2:00 P.M. Sorry for the confusion and the cost at your Embassy.

  11. " You should be able to get it all done in 3 days in Bangkok. "

    That is the normal waiting time at the MFA, however, if you pay double at the MFA, 200 Baht a page, then it can be done on the same day.

    Go to Embassy in the early A.M.

    Get you paper work translated. (about 1 hour)

    Go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, turn your papers in, pay your fee 200 Baht a page (wait the normal 3 days) or pay 400 Baht and with-in 2 more hours you get your papers stamped.

    Then either get married in Bangkok, or go to your local Amphur and signed and you are married. Have a big Party for the Family.

  12. "I really don't understand why the Democrats have to do this; it is not the way politicians in a democratic society should behave," she said.

    Does she think that DADD and PT has exclusive rights to insult people and own that intersection. How is the DADD suppose to behave if the Dems are not suppose to.

    Planking on Sunday and dressing up like ghosts complete with fake blood is the proper way to behave month after month for over a year.

    You know if you play in the street, you might be hit by a car. If you shoot bullets and grenades at the police and the army you also may be hit.

    You can not negotiate with a closed mind and ignorance.

  13. The answer to question is no. The fact he is single will be on the Embassy form that he fills out/has translated/has registered at MFA/presents to District Office.


    At the Embassy you pay 1,550 Baht for the Notary Stamp. The Translation into Thai should be 200 Baht. The paperwork to the MFA runs 200 Baht a page, and if you want same day service it is double. (So your Affidavit 200 Baht, copy of the Translation to Thai 200 Baht = 400 Baht at the MFA and 800 Baht if you want same day service)

  14. Before we again get on the band wagon of, "Thaksin has to serve his time" if he comes back.

    How about those that are convicted but never serve their time, and are right here in Thailand. Names jump out at you like Sondhi, Thaksin's Brother-in-law, Thaksin's wife, Wife's brother and maid. And at least another 10 to 15 that I can think of that have never served their time.

    Before some of you start to say, appeal process, Khun Sondhi is on bail on several cases and convicted on at least one. How can one still be on Bail after breaking the law again. If one is then arrested while on bail, it is a simple process of revoking the bail and the bail money then goes to the state. The effect of that is, if the bail is forfeited in each case the bond person is out the money or land or what ever was the surety of the bond, and it makes it very hard to get bond when you continue to break the law.

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