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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Chooka, why don't you have a go at your mate Colin for using the term 'Pleading the 5th'. He was the one who used it first.

    I mean, it is hardly an exotic term, but as I've found out, with you mob, most things, including your own shadows are exotic.

    As an aside, I do note some irony here. You blokes a big supporters of 'One Nation' type policies, but, in the absence of a credible far right party (and I use that term lightly) you are all going to vote liberal. The irony lies in the fact that One Nation was brought undone by a new and low key backbencher at the time, who worked methodically to make the party implode, as his Jesuit education taught him to abhor the hate that party was teaching.

    Now, I know you guys are adverse to levels of research above anything that is achievable by a 5 year old, so I'll give you his name, cause that's just the type of bloke I am.

    Tony Abbott.

    Samran concerning the 5th I admitted as much to " My Mate Chooka " in my post 201 , its no big deal wink.png
  2. Samran The 5th youre refering to is an American thingy and has nothing to do with Australia who is a stand alone government, separated from the U.S

    You do understand what the 5th is don't you and therefore the implication of Samran's comment?

    I did not claim the 5th I posted a reply to Samrans request but it was ruled "off side" please read my post 192 AGAIN , maybe some people do not savvy "off side" eh , and I am still waiting for an answer to my post 192 or are you claiming the 5th too?. cheesy.gif

    Coiin, please go to the following Australian government website that talks to Multiculturalism. You note the following; The vast majority of Australians some 93%, now accept that in a descriptive sense, Australia has become a multicultural society. So it would seem that you and some of the other posters are in the minority.


    As already posted by others each time you and other people who subscribe to your opinions have been requested to do some research via government sites or internationally recognised organisations, the only response to date is to point to yet another anti Muslim/immigrant website. Two other posters have pointed to some underlying causes to the wave of Islamic asylum seekers/refugees. In addition some of the political root causes started back in the 1920's with the likes of the Balfour Convention. So one last time, please post your comments / research from "official" websites.

    Please read my post 192 again you are avoiding the question ,the very thing you accuse me ofsmile.png
  3. Samran The 5th youre refering to is an American thingy and has nothing to do with Australia who is a stand alone government, separated from the U.S

    You do understand what the 5th is don't you and therefore the implication of Samran's comment?

    I did not claim the 5th I posted a reply to Samrans request but it was ruled "off side" please read my post 192 AGAIN , maybe some people do not savvy "off side" eh , and I am still waiting for an answer to my post 192 or are you claiming the 5th too?. cheesy.gif
  4. Colin, I believe you are American - so let's hear your thesis on the makeup of the US prison population, with the underlying social and economic drivers; then compare to the European prison population. Your research will no doubt provide the answers to your questions.

    A starting point for your research could be the following. "According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the prison and jail population.

    No I'm English or as the Aussies called me "A pom" some Americans call me a "limey" of which I take no offence whatsoeversmile.png ,I was born in 1941 (the good old days) and have known poverty like you would not believe ,and by the time I was 17 I was working split 12 hour a day shifts 6 till 6 and 10 to 10 I worked hard and eventually got what I wanted out of life with an 100% clean record .smile.png
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  5. Yeah Dan ,this word "human rights" so often bandied about these days, which I can put my hand of my heart I care about as much as any man, but human rights should be applicable to all walks of life, sadly IMHO this is not the case, had this lady no right to walk on a public road without being sexually molested ? there are quite a few cases of this nature in Australia http://www.actforaus...ker-jailed-rape is it any wonder why many Australians are dead set against further "immigration" from middle Eastern Country's.

    Exactly Colin, The prison statistics tell the tale, but sadly some political parties are more concerned with rigging voter demographics in their favour or providing the short term sticking plaster of cheap labour than they are for the long term well being of their nations, so inevitable standards are relaxed and many get in who should never have done so. Can there be a clearer example of treason to ones own nation?

    You blokes keep asking for links. What official statistics can you point to which give a break down of prisoners by ethnicity and or nationality? I'd genuninely be interested.

    you ask a question ,OK I will gladly answer The contents of this Link portrays the simple facts of just what is happening in nearly every Country in Europe were many of the perpetrators are now safely were they belong ,Prison http://centurean2.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/muslim-rape-epidemic-puts-sweden-at-top-of-euro-rape-statistics-peace-in-europe-surrender/ of course this may be viewed as an Anti Immigration Muslim rant however it is the truth however much people are "offended" by it .
  6. Yeah Dan ,this word "human rights" so often bandied about these days, which I can put my hand of my heart I care about as much as any man, but human rights should be applicable to all walks of life, sadly IMHO this is not the case, had this lady no right to walk on a public road without being sexually molested ? there are quite a few cases of this nature in Australia http://www.actforaus...ker-jailed-rape is it any wonder why many Australians are dead set against further "immigration" from middle Eastern Country's.

    Exactly Colin, The prison statistics tell the tale, but sadly some political parties are more concerned with rigging voter demographics in their favour or providing the short term sticking plaster of cheap labour than they are for the long term well being of their nations, so inevitable standards are relaxed and many get in who should never have done so. Can there be a clearer example of treason to ones own nation?

    Yeah Dan ,but the worrying aspect today is betraying ones own conscience in the name of "political correctness" , were you can no longer speak the truth in case you are howled down by the left wing intelligentsia as a racist bigot etc etc (you know the script by now) ,lets just take this a little further , A News reader announces on Aussie TV that another boat has been intercepted full of "Asylum seekers" aboard the leaking hulk was 13 Kurds,yeah thats acceptable,7 Usbeks , yeah thats OK ,16 Afghans yep no problem , and 9 Paki's ,horror of horrors he has shortened the word and this is blatant racism and the switch board would be jammed with complaints by self righteous bleeding hearts, so much so that the News reader is suspended for 7 days with a formal apology to appease the baying mob , such is the crazy world facing us today were the "thought police" make the rule's as to what we can or cannot say or write smile.png .
    • Like 2
  7. "If one man is allowed to singlehandedly change the law for 800,000 people in a way that he never could have achieved through the constitutional legal process, and he remains unchallenged, we are no longer living in a constitutional republic."

    Listen for yourself,

    Obama presides over an almost complete overthrow of the Constitution. It is treason manifest, but the establishment media will not point this out and instead make excuses for what amounts to a coup d’etat.

    “A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” Declaration of Independence

    Blatant Hypocrisy personified w00t.gif
  8. ASIO is a law unto itself. It is not required to have a voice. Simple!

    The cases you have cited on your link Colin are very common.. to date I believe there are 50 similar cases to date. If you go back to one of my initial posts, a SL refugee and her children were free to wed in Melbourne, were awarded a refugee status visa and after a year of living in the community was sent to a detention centre in Sydney. Her new husband, the schools etc were not informed. No luggage taken..why? ASIO came back with " she was a security risk.".

    A transcript from the Drum might enlighten you...

    Locking people away forever because ASIO reckons


    "By not implementing a right for refugees (or their security-cleared advocates, or a tribunal) to question the merits of individual cases, we have, by accident, established a system where we literally lock people away forever just because somebody at ASIO "reckons"."

    Thanks for the very informative link , maybe it would be far better if ASIO provides the reason for their actions, but then I suppose it may be viewed as a "security risk" what a bloody mess , maybe if Howards legislation was still law , insane situations like this might not have arrived or in the future may not arisesmile.png
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  9. Could some one out there who is far better qualified than myself please "pick the bones" out of this huge problemhttp://www.abc.net.a...11/s3305171.htm smile.png

    "I am making no accusations merely asking questions, so please get off your high horse". Colin, get real, you ask questions and if the response does not reinforce your existing opinions you ignore the content or dismiss them; so why do you bother.

    In relation to law, your question above has already been answered by Scott.

    clap2.gif In your case a bit of the old kettle calling the pan blacklaugh.png

    Not correct, I have responded to many of your posts & you have not attempted to refute one of them with content from internationally recognised organisations.

    I have edited the post above please read it.
  10. Could some one out there who is far better qualified than myself please "pick the bones" out of this huge problemhttp://www.abc.net.a...11/s3305171.htm smile.png

    "I am making no accusations merely asking questions, so please get off your high horse". Colin, get real, you ask questions and if the response does not reinforce your existing opinions you ignore the content or dismiss them; so why do you bother.

    In relation to law, your question above has already been answered by Scott.

    clap2.gif In your case a bit of the old kettle calling the pan black, I remember you writing that Soft George was "scraping the bottom of the barrel and writing "drivel" in your post 133 sure there will be differences of opinion is that some how a crime?
  11. http://www.theage.co...0618-20kch.html Couple of questions, I wonder what the implications will be if they rule in favour of the refugee ,and (2) I wonder if a scenario like this would have happened under the previous Howard administration?,any answers please smile.png

    If you are referring to the volume of refugees entering the country under Howard government, maybe this guy would not have entered Australia by sea. But the article doesn't refer to mode of entry into Australia. I would assume this individual is deemed a security risk due to membership of the Tamil Tigers, who were defeated after twenty years of civil war in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan government forces were not exactly "clean" as they murdered many civilians. As you already know Australia is bound by it's agreements on human rights; so what do you propose, sending him/them back to Sri Lanka for torture and execution? The implication is that the Australian government stands by it's international obligations. If the majority of Australians, assessed by a referendum? wish the government to cancel it's agreements, and wipe out Australia's reputation as a fair and reasonable country, so be it

    I do not propose anything, I was merely asking other peoples opinions ,thank you for yours , and of course you have firm evidence if he is shipped back from whence he came he will be tortured and then executed smile.png

    Sri Lanka government will hardly let me into their prisons. However, read the article link you posted that does talk to this. Also it's documented by the likes of Amnesty International International and various other international agencies. No doubt you will accuse them all of being left organisations with no creditability.

    I am making no accusations merely asking questions, so please get off your high horse smile.png ,
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  12. Yeah Dan ,this word "human rights" so often bandied about these days, which I can put my hand of my heart I care about as much as any man, but human rights should be applicable to all walks of life, sadly IMHO this is not the case, had this lady no right to walk on a public road without being sexually molested ? there are quite a few cases of this nature in Australia http://www.actforaus...ker-jailed-rape is it any wonder why many Australians are dead set against further "immigration" from middle Eastern Country's.

    • Like 1
  13. http://www.theage.co...0618-20kch.html Couple of questions, I wonder what the implications will be if they rule in favour of the refugee ,and (2) I wonder if a scenario like this would have happened under the previous Howard administration?,any answers please smile.png

    If you are referring to the volume of refugees entering the country under Howard government, maybe this guy would not have entered Australia by sea. But the article doesn't refer to mode of entry into Australia. I would assume this individual is deemed a security risk due to membership of the Tamil Tigers, who were defeated after twenty years of civil war in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan government forces were not exactly "clean" as they murdered many civilians. As you already know Australia is bound by it's agreements on human rights; so what do you propose, sending him/them back to Sri Lanka for torture and execution? The implication is that the Australian government stands by it's international obligations. If the majority of Australians, assessed by a referendum? wish the government to cancel it's agreements, and wipe out Australia's reputation as a fair and reasonable country, so be it

    I do not propose anything, I was merely asking other peoples opinions ,thank you for yours , and of course you have firm evidence if he is shipped back from whence he came he will be tortured and then executed smile.png
  14. Blether , I have truly lost count on how many boxers have emerged from prison after doing long sentences for offences far more serious than domestic violence and then became world Champions ,it not just boxers its any one such as entertainers /politicians who are in the public limelight too who should set an example but fall way way short of "acceptable behavior" , why just pick on Boxers?, here is an interesting link which is just the tip of the iceberg as to boxers names who have not trod the straight and narrow http://e-newssports....l-sentence.html

    I'm not going along with you on this one Colin, there was a world of difference from seeing Mike Tyson move from being a juvenile delinquent onto being a World Champion........that's the means streets story come true and at that point he should be applauded.

    He then chose to rape that girl.......at that point it's all over, at that point he's nothing more than scum, and at that point the boxing world should have walked away.

    We can all tell the difference between delinquency and depravity. I pointed out that I don't expect these men to go through their lives as angels, they will find themselves in difficult situations at times, however violence against women by professional boxers should be the end of their careers.

    It's as simple as that.

    OK Blether thats your point of view and I respect it ,however most men are basically stronger than their spouses ,does that mean on finding out their wife is "playing around" and they give their wifes a few belts that they are "scum" there must be millions of Scum in this world past and present if one goes by that criteria , and you do not have to be a boxer to deliver a knock out blow .
  15. Blether , I have truly lost count on how many boxers have emerged from prison after doing long sentences for offences far more serious than domestic violence and then became world Champions ,it not just boxers its any one such as entertainers /politicians who are in the public limelight too who should set an example but fall way way short of "acceptable behavior" , why just pick on Boxers?, here is an interesting link which is just the tip of the iceberg as to boxers names who have not trod the straight and narrow http://e-newssports.com/2012/06/money-cant-save-floyd-mayweather-from-beginning-his-jail-sentence.html

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