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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. It is completely inappropriate to riot and destroy infrastructure in the detention centres. On the other side of the coin some have been waiting years in detention for their application process to be completed so you can understand the frustration.

    Maybe they should have thought of that before trying to illegally sneaking into the country?

    There is absolutely nothing illegal about arriving to claim asylum. Nothing at all.

    This excellent link appears to disagreehttp://www.hotheads....<!--NoParse1--> I would suggest all members read it, and of course any comments would be appreciated.
  2. I love boxing, and I know it was as corrupt as hell in the past, and it's still not clean now, however stories like this are indefensible. Any boxer jailed for a violent offence should be banned from the ring for life.

    People paying money to watch rapists and wife beaters in the ring is sick. The TV companies have to draw a very clear line.

    Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather were the best of their generation, but a message has to be sent out, violence against women is unacceptable. Full stop.

    I agree, he should be banned from the sport for life. These guy's end up being role models for the countless thousands of young lads who want to be professional boxers and being arrested for rape and violence against women is not really the kind of behavioural examples you need to be instilling in young teenagers.

    Sorry Jim , I do not agree, the guy has done nothing inside the ring to earn a life time ban , he is now being punished for what he did outside of it ,sure he's an arsehol_e , but inside the ring he's a true artist ,I've never heard of truck driver losing his licence for beating his old lady up have you? ,and by the way there is a chasm in between rape and domestic violence which is an everyday occurrence In every Country you care to mention ,and in some Country's they even have TV programmes on how to beat your missus "humanly" smile.png
  3. Most of Australia's asylum seekers come from the Middle East . Having travelled through Asia to Indonesia, these souls then embark on a perilous sea journey to Australia in a leaky boat.

    There are many countries around the Middle East, Northern Africa and Eastern Europe which are signatories to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

    Having fled what they claim as persecution in their native land, why then do these refugees need to travel so far to Australia, when freedom and liberty at one of the other signatory countries is much closer?

    Maybe I'm just being cynical in suggesting that Australia is being seen by boat people as a softer option, a land of milk and honey.

    Cynical Radar?, not really, just writing the obvioussmile.png
    • Like 1
  4. George , quite obviously the best post on the subject ,and IMHO equally obviously it will be completely Ignored and possibly the video will just be viewed (if they view it at all) as right wing racist anti Government propaganda ,this is why the trade will continue to flourish ,simply because any one who speaks against it is accused of being a right wing racist bigot, whilst they speak up in defence of this huge problem which will only get worse (IMHO) and with respect Samran could you please give members your opinion on the video? .

  5. Colin - you seem to be an open minded and objective chap. So I take it you a privvy to their case files and what they've been through? Or is the Daily Telegraph all you need to make up your mind.

    Problem with Australia and Australians these days, we've become a country of spoilt uncharitable whingers.

    http://www.telegraph...t-of-riots.html maybe you and your other Charitable Aussie's would like to pick the tab up for this damage displayed in the above link, the fact is that Multiculturalism has been a world wide spectacular failure, if they do not like the Aussie way of processing so called Asylum seekers the choice is quite simple ,get off at the nearest land fall once you have left your own Country its that easy , your Comments about Ex pats living in Thailand is not applicable here has we all have to jump through hoops with the Thai visa regulations , and if we find them too much then we should just leave or do not come here at all .and not attempt to burn the head Immigration office down in Bangkok , what it all boils down to is "integration" into the host Country's way of life as I have certainly done here , sadly this is not the case with the vast majority of Middle Eastern "asylum seekers" world wide , in closing yeah the link is from the "Torygraph " but I could have picked from about a dozen written on a similar vane ,but I did not want to disappoint you smile.png

    You obviously have no problems with gross generalisations about those from the ME, but bristle when they are made about farangs on Thailand. Funny that.

    Bristle Samran?, Just stating plain facts ,I need only add that I have lived full time here in Issan since Nov 03 and could not be more happy ,for me the pluses far outweigh the minus's and am fully assimilated into Thai village life other wise I would not be here, unlike others I firmly believe "when in Rome do as the Romans do" smile.png
  6. The human rights people go nuts if the Aussies don't let the "refugees" into the country. What happens to the boat/ship? Captain and crew? Would anyone mind if Australia confiscated the vessel and jailed the crew? They could sell the ship to help pay for the care of the refugees, or just sink it.

    http://www.dailytele...9-1226055495180 This link hits the nail on the head as to the magnitude of the problem ,and unless this present Aussie administration meets it head on it will surely get worse , this word "Asylum seeker" what a load of old cobblers! IMHO all they are is Economic migrants, many are paying up to 5,000 dollars and risking their lives plus by passing other Countrys like Indonesia to get to the Australian "gravy train", which ever way the Politically correct "do gooders" look at it this that is the simple truth of the matter.smile.png
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  7. War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

    Yep UG , Hit the nail on the head as usualthumbsup.gif , however maybe the politically correct word should be "contingency plan's", "War plans" could well cause concern to some members , although its the duty of every democratically elected Govt to make them , getting caught with your "pants down" often leaves you wide open to ridicule , and IMHO rightly so smile.png
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  8. http://boxrec.com/li...d=352&cat=boxer

    This thug assaults his partner in front of their young children and expects everyone to feel sorry for him because he has to face up to the consequences of his actions. He got a slap on the wrist sentence because he is rich and still whines about it. Clearly he has taken too many blows to the head in the ring. Man's a moron.

    The Guy is a brilliant boxer and hardly takes any blows to his head as his outstanding boxing record shows and IMHO the best defensive boxer in the world today ,however having said all that the guy in his private life is a natural born arshole ,credit given were credit is due ,inside and outside the ring .http://boxrec.com/li...d=352&cat=boxer his record of fighters he beat reads like a who's who ,if only his record in his private life was half as good as he has had a few skirmishe's with the law before ,most likely cos his views on life are so well balanced owing to the fact IMHO he's got a chip on either shoulder smile.png .

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  9. I saw a quote in the Barnabas newsletter a while ago that said that christianity is now the most persecuted religion in the world, the church bombings in Nigeria have been highlighted by the press recently, but as already stated the problem is not confined to Nigeria.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I wonder if christians are persecuted as much as atheists?

    Good question Mick ,but in the Islamic world we are all the same ain't we, "Infidels", we are either with them or against them its that simple , I am an atheist too and quite proud of it , and although all of my many friends world wide know this I am still accepted as their friend , my late dear wife of 42 years was a staunch Catholic and yet we had 42 years of married bliss till she sadly passed away in Mar 03 ,I could say the answer is mutual respect which today appears sadly lacking when people are quite prepared to butcher each other for their different religious beliefs , funny old world ain't itwink.png
  10. Here is an article commenting on the apparent double standard adopted by the current U.S administration when it comes to condemning ethnic cleansing and violence carried out by say Buddhists in Myanmar against Muslims compared to the relative silence when it comes to the far greater levels of violence and explicit intent to ethnically cleanse carried out by Boko Haram against Nigerian Christians. Quick edit to say it also criticizes the idea that Boko Haram is anything other than religiously motivated


    Suppose that there was a country where Muslims were being massacred every month and mosques and imams were being targeted and destroyed. Could anyone imagine the Obama Administration choosing to remain silent in the face of such atrocities?

    P.S As a side issue I buy neither the poverty nor lack of education excuses for terrorism. Many Jihaddists from the west had a university education also. Here is a classic example to illustrate my point, the son of a Nigerian Islamic banker trying to blow up an airplane.


    Did you actually read the nonsense in the first URL and believe it?

    And Of course you have irrefutable evidence to discount it or is it just your personal opinion? ,I for one will be quite happy to read the independent link smile.png , many people did not believe that the Earth was round but thought it was flat did'nt they wink.png
  11. In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

    Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

    The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

    According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

    Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

    One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

    Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

    Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

    On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

    Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

    So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






    There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

    Great postclap2.gif ,doubtless some will think you are something of an Anti Islamic bigot ,however let me make it quite plain no such thought enters my head .

    Me a bigot ! nahhhh If you want to know a bigot talk to some muslims out there ...I guess I am only "politically incorrect " and only saying the truth ,it is time we stop being so scared and grow some balls...whatever happened to us ?..maybe its all that hormone injected meat we eat .!

    Nice onethumbsup.gif
  12. The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    http://archbishop-cr...-countries.html Quite correct Tom Tao, in fact of the Top 50 Country's who actively Persecute Christians not Surprisingly (IMHO) Numero uno is North Korea with North Nigeria coming in at #13 there are several other links on the subject in the Media , as I see it rightly or wrongly utter complacency by many Country's (including Nigeria) appears to be the crux of the problem smile.png
  13. The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I just wonder if the Nigerian Govt is stamping down hard on the Boku Haran for these despicable crimes and arrests have been made and successful prosecutions have been brought ,it would be quite easy for the Nigerian Govt to call it an Illegal organisation and make arrest,s or is it as I suspect they are complicit to it ?. and in closing I hardly think that radical Islam is solely down to poverty ,one only has to look at the oil rich middle Eastern Countrys .smile.png

    From what I understand the Nigerian government has only done enough to appear to be doing something, then only after the combined church leaders made some noise about the government's lack of action.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Window dressing?wink.png
  14. The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I just wonder if the Nigerian Govt is stamping down hard on the Boku Haran for these despicable crimes and arrests have been made and successful prosecutions have been brought ,it would be quite easy for the Nigerian Govt to call it an Illegal organisation and make arrest,s or is it as I suspect they are complicit to it ?. and in closing I hardly think that radical Islam is solely down to poverty ,one only has to look at the oil rich middle Eastern Countrys .smile.png
  15. In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

    Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

    The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

    According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

    Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

    One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

    Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

    Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

    On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

    Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

    So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






    There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

    I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

    It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

    With my upmost respects I have never ever read of a Thai Muslim suicide bomber ,which is certainly not the case with their middle Eastern Counterparts , Nor have I read that they blow each other to pieces like the different sects do, could well be that they've more sense eh!.smile.png
  16. Thanks for the link Dan ,quite informative, I also liked the comments on it too, we often read from various sources that Violence is UnIslamic ,but I often wonder if we will EVER read a head liner which reads something like this "Acting on Information received from the Muslim community, 5 members of Muslim terrorist group implicated in the bombings of a Catholic church in Nigeria have been arrested and charged " personally IMHO I would say never in a million years smile.png ,

  17. There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

    The most fascinating aspect being the lengths so many people go to to deny or downplay the existence of the supremacist elephant in the room.

    Quite true Dan ,the lengths some people go to to deny the simple truth ,and that is in nearly all Islamic Country's Christians suffer from extreme persecution and even death ,whilst in the Christian West I cannot think of any equivalent case's against Muslims ,hardly "a draw" is it thumbsup.gif
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  18. The Australian Foreign Minister, Bob Carr says that these people have diplomatic ammunity so what right do the libyans have to imprison them without charge? The libyans called on the international community to help them in thier fight with the former government Is this is how they say thank you, by biting the hand that fed them.

    If the international community has any sense it will stay well out of the conflict in Syria let them destroy each other because if we help, in the end they will turn on us as Libya has done.

    Reading through all the posts on the subject of the Syrian conflict it would appear almost all given the facts of the matter seem to agree with your point of view , me includedwink.png
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