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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Snipped

    If we did not mastermind Libya could you explain why we got involved? We don't seem to have got involved in Syria, or Zimbabwe, or DRC or anywhere else, so the excuse that we suddenly found Gaddafi a bad guy after 3 decades won't wear, so try another explanation.

    Surely you jest! 'We', whoever, 'we' are, masterminded Libya. The situation was spiraling out of control. Another bloodbath waiting to happen. Why did we get involved--I would guess for various reasons, some of which are rather selfish and some less so. Without some controls and intervention, how long do you think it would have taken for thousands upon thousands of refugees to end up Europe's shores?

    Ah so it was to stop excessive refugees. Nothing to do with preventing a blood bath then, and nothing to do with oil and Gaddafi changing his oil currency from US$ to Euro's? And nothing to do with the fact the Libya was one of only 5 or 6 countries in the world without a 'central bank'? I am sorry but I do not share your confidence that western Governments intervene at great expense to prevent loss of life. There are lots of refugees from Syria, and if we wanted to save lives at the hands of despotic leaders, the atrocities in Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, hell, in most of Africa would never have happened would they. Please don't feed in the humanitarian bit, our Governments in general don't give a fig unless wherever they intervene has the correct type and amount of energy resources to make it worth their while. I have sadly been privy to seeing too much at first hand to think any different. But I am happy for you if you are content that our Governments help save people.

    Too many Country's are now being pulled into the equation ,but often when "our " governments come with aid or whatever it is often viewed as "meddling"in other peoples affairs and is often far from welcome ala Afghanistan with Aid workers murdered and in other Countrys UN peacekeepers meeting the same fate ,IMHO there is no easy answer to the problem whichever way you look at it!smile.png and as far as Africa goes maybe someone out there should research how many billions China is pouring in to buy their resources !
  2. I guess this is what you get when NATO and the US team up with terrorists to overthrow a sovereign nation. I do hope they do not harm the ICC people.

    One would assume from your post that the Arab spring was masterminded by the "Evil Empire" and NATO. It was not. Whether anyone should have gotten involved or not is subject of much debate, but either way, the outcome was not going to be a good one. The same with Egypt. Do you think either NATO, the US or any Western government is better off without him? They aren't. But they had little control over the events.

    It makes one wonder what will happen in Syria once the "dust has settled " !http://www.bbc.co.uk...e-east-18384287 what a bloody mess!

    Another situation for which there is no positive outcome. If Assad stays there will be bloodbath and a huge amount of revenge extracted on the civilian population. The outsiders suspected of helping the rebellion will be long gone with little consequences. If Assad goes, there will be a power struggle of epic proportions and none of the Western governments are likely to be pleased with who takes power.

    Yeah Credo your summing up is spot on ,as stated previously "what a bloody mess" whatever happens!!.
  3. Hardly worth a mention really , but thanks anyway ,the brutal truth of the matter is the Islamic world as we know it is chock full of Christian persecution , the sad thing is should this happen in Christian Europe(for the time being) against the Muslims the politically correct handwringers would be screaming from the roof tops of racism and bigotry ,in this case hardly a whisper ,funny old world ain't itsmile.png

    But comrade this terrorism is happening in Nigeria not Norway so comparisons are somewhat irrelevant.

    Boko Haram are indeed a nasty little organization and are responsible for some 1500 killings since the group's revitalization in 2009.

    What does seem to be hardly worth a mention is that civil wars and unrest in neighbouring Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire have killed at least a quarter of a million and possibly twice that, while in the DRC the continuing conflict has claimed over 5 million dead.

    This does not make the killings in Nigeria any less worse but if you are going to get upset about horrors in Africa don't just focus on the muslim outrages.

    Sorry folium ,could you please explain ,these "wars" you write of and the killings ,are they of a purely religious nature or other reasons? ,and in closing are you aware as to just how many Islamic Countrys there are were Christians are openly persecuted ,murdered and their places of worship desecrated ? (and the topic is about the desecration of Christian places of worship and the murders in Nigeria ) so in this instance Nigeria is very small potato's smile.png
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  4. Hardly worth a mention really , but thanks anyway ,the brutal truth of the matter is the Islamic world as we know it is chock full of Christian persecution , the sad thing is should this happen in Christian Europe(for the time being) against the Muslims the politically correct handwringers would be screaming from the roof tops of racism and bigotry ,in this case hardly a whisper ,funny old world ain't itsmile.png

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  5. None of us are really debt free. The US owes 5.9 times the actual money supply and that can never catch up. It will only get larger as money is created via debt. We technically are all on the hook for that $57 trillion which as of late, transcends borders.

    Quite true so instead of pontificating about the problem, lets have a laugh cos in the end there is naff all I or you out there can do anything about it ,and that my friends is the simple truth, of course the American members will have a vote on how the Country is run and by whom ,me?,as a "Limey" I'll just sit in the sidelines and watch with interest , although its fair to say I'm a staunch Republican at heart smile.png
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  6. And how would this influence the results? Many French would want some sort of retaliation, while others would want a faster withdrawal. If anything, it will harden the resolves of voters on either side of the electoral coin, but won't convince voters to change political support.

    It's not a question of affecting the results, don't think the Taliban give a hoot about them. The last major incident involving multiple French deaths was the green-on-blue killing of 4 French soldiers in Jan 2012. The outcry about this catalysed public opinion against the war and soon after Sarkozy pledged to bring combat troops home a year early in 2013.

    if there was an ulterior motive to the latest attack perhaps the deaths plus the pressure of elections might get Hollande to further accelerate the withdrawal timetable, obviously an outcome preferred by the Taliban.

    The latter part of your post is somewhat speculative , but I for one am convinced it's not far off the marksmile.png
  7. ISAF apologizes when it screws up. The Taliban apologize for nothing. Some draw a direct comparison between the two, but I'm happy that we don't take our lead from the Taliban when it comes to doing the right thing. ISAF acted correctly in issuing an apology, as it clearly should.

    Judas .in no way was I criticizing ISAF for apologizing , I was merely highlighting the difference .

    I apologize for misinterpreting you post Colin.

    No probs there Judas ,I suppose I could have put it better than I did looking back at my post'sthumbsup.gif
  8. In respect to French combat operations, please be realistic. Flying high above the ground and dropping ordinance is hardly as risky as having actual boots on the ground. The French stayed as close to Kabul, the safest spot in Afghanistan. I recognize the contribution the French made, but the reality is that when there was an all out combat operation it typically fell to the US, UK and Canada to carry out the operations. This is why those 3 countries' combat fatalities were so high. The French presence in Afghanistan hot zones, typically lay with logistics and air support.

    The deaths of another 4 French soldiers and 5 injured yesterday again highlight your inaccurate portrayal of French military activities in Kapisa and the notion that they duck combat zones in Afghanistan.

    Of course you do not have be engaged in anything military to be "taken out" by an Islamic suicide bomber ,various atrocities world wide proves this beyond any reasonable doubt .
  9. Hollande has reiterated that this attack neither accelerates or slows down the French programme of withdrawing 2000 of its 3500 strong contingent by end of 2012.

    Interesting timing that this attack takes place the weekend of the first round of the French parliamentary elections, or maybe I am just getting too cynical!

    Well spotted!smile.png
  10. Yeah the apology slots in quite nicely with all the apologetic words the Taliban have uttered when their Suicide Bombers blow Afghan Women and Children to pieces .

    ISAF wants to be and tries to be the "good" guys and not just terrorist vermin. Screw-ups happen, it's the nature of warfare and ISAF are the foreigners so there's hypocrisy, double standards etc etc. Nature of the beast, suck it up or move on!

    Of Course screw ups happen Folium , but there is nothing accidental about a Suicide Bomber walking up to a crowd and then detonating The 10 kgs of Semtex strapped to his body .
  11. Wonder what your reaction would be if it was 15 people in Kent.................

    Your comments are pathetic.

    Yeah Nice one ,our opinions are pathetic?? ,and yet you do not render yours, maybe you approve of their methods to gain religious supremacy cos in essence that,s all it is pure and simple, the Sunni's and the Shia's have been slaughtering each other like sheep for years with no end in sight , one only has to look at Iraq , in closing if you agree with this unwarranted act of barbarism were they murder women and young Children merely because of their different sect just say so ,personally I condemn it unreservedly smile.png
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  12. Nothing new really ,with the different Islamic factions foundered in the bronze age who are quite content to blow each other to pieces (Ala Iraq) including non combatant Civilians and Children ,and all for what ?,any one out there got a valid explanation?or for that matter even an opinion?

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