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Posts posted by engrin

  1. i went up to to Ban Bueng today and after numerous enquires with the locals by my Mrs. no one knew where it was although we were sent out on a wild goose chase to some little dirt track until we ran out of time and had to go back to Pattaya..

    Anyone got GPS info ??? cheers

    No GPS info. No help from the locals. Sounds like a real mission. I'll see if I can get over there in the next few days.

  2. Hi guys,

    I don't know a lot about motorcycle mechanics and I have never taken lessons. I've learned a lot in the last few years but there is still a lot I want to learn.My first bike was a Phantom, followed by a Super 4, a Ninjette 250, and now my beloved ER6N. I am looking for a riding buddy or buddies who don't mind hanging out with a dude who is more of a listener than a talker. I usually have my little wife on the back and I've never met a person who didn't like her. I am located in Phanat Nikhom and my days off are Sundays and Mondays. I've recently purchased a GPS so meeting-up will not be a problem. I belong to an "MC" and I love those guys like brothers, but they don't speak much English and my Thai isn't very good. I want to see more of Thailand, learn more about motorcycles, and enjoy some conversation about anything in general! I'm a non-confrontational Canadian who enjoys a few drinks on the weekend but of course, safety is top priority when riding so I don't drink-and-ride.



  3. So my wife and I are heading to Hong Kong. I just want to confirm that Thais dont need a visa to visit HKG. We have a return ticket booked. Do we need to show money? We are a little nervous as we don't share the same last name. Thanks for any pointers for those who have been to HKG with their Thai spouse :)

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