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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. actuly good thai gurls r smart enuff not to want the farang that hangs out in thailand.

    wot r the chaces of a good gurl finding a good man.

    Pretty good. If she dont happen to have a crap attitude, then id say the chance to end up lonely is big. At least around here.

    Anyway, we judge everybody from ourself, dont we. If somebody say something about you, isnt it most of the time to hide their own questionable personality? I dont know, but i feel most of the people than i meet that are feeling good about themself, rarely speek bad about others. When i hear a western girl critisize how "stupid" a girl is, it is often about herself feeling that she is uggly in comparision. Fact being that she dont have a clue who is the more stupid of herself and the girl. This is a old thing.

    And the man friend that is jealous about your wife being sexier, smarter, and younger than his, need offcourse for the same reason find something wrong in you being with her. If he dont find anything wrong (its all about money, and so on) it means he himself is stupid for doing what he does, and at least towards ourself its important to make beleive we do the right choises in life. As long as everbody is happy, its ok. I just can not for the life of me understand the need to speak bad about Thai-females. In general. If you meet a girl who obviously is prostitute, your free to comment on it. But i met alot of girls in Sweden that are very stupid. I would not for the life judge the whole population that way. "ohh, you have a western girlfriend? So she is uggly, fat, nags all day and dont do anything in the home and has hair on her legs?". Thats what op describe his friend doing. But the other way around.

    Completely pointless to even comment on, but sometimes off course its crossing the line.

  2. Hi folks

    Following on from the tobacco thread, can anyone tell me the typical prices of western brand cigs on KS?

    Not interested in the fake ones, thanks - had a bad experience with them before!

    Also, if anyone knows the difference in price between the shops and the duty-free at BKK or KS airports?

    Hoping to stock up a bit, but if the diff. in price is small, I'd rather spend the money on KS & be able to put them in my case, rather than carry a duty-free bag through several airports on the way home.

    Many thanks in advance

    I know marlboro light is a "fake one" or at least a different from the one in the west, althought i like it more here! But how about Marlboro red? To me that is exatly the same as home. Or it is also fake?

    I dont know.

    Marlboro red: 70 Baht.

    I bet thats not what you mean, hahaha! :o

  3. Now its getting to much, hahaha!

    Still ok where i live, a brand new area with working drain system. No problems at all. But when the food in the freezer is done (2 days more) and i actually have to go out there.....hmmm. Hope it stops soon. The samui "roadsystem" is not made for heavy rain. Cant help but wonder how big develepors (along lakeroad for instans) think in this matter. Putting millions in great projects along a road that is undriveble during rain!! On an island in the tropics! :o Well, surprice, surprice, we got a monsun once a year. Perhaps this could be considered when the next road is made?

    Anyway, it is getting a bit serious now, hope you all are ok out there. :D

  4. A friend of mine in Sweden spontaniously, without even thinking if it was rude or not, said his comment when i had my first thaigirlfriend some years ago " ohh, is she thai? so she is a hooker?".

    I said, no she is not hooker, she is studying to become a civil-econom, and at "freetime" from school she is working for the government. Why would you ask if she is a hooker?"

    He said. "they are hookers down there, everybody knows it"!!!

    And this guy had never been in Thailand, he just "knew".

    I know what i know.

    You are in your 40:s, your western wife has gain weight, stopped shaving her legs and simply dont turn you on. You are sexually frustrated and to get some of it out you use porn. Might even be asian porn since asians is your western wifes opposite in many ways. To keep your masturbating dreem alive and help you in your moments you need to think about asian women as willing to do anything.

    I think op do the right thing to just "laugh it away". The said thing is this very common look at Thaiwomen, not only among western men but actually its very common to hear western women say things like "ohh they are soo good looking and sexy, but i am smarter, and i can have a normal discussion,et" thinking that every good looking Thaigirl is stupid.

    It is sad, but as long as we live in Thailand it wont be a problem. Moving with your Thai partner to the western world is a bit trickier since you know alot people look at her with these thoughts in their mind. Just not fair.

    Anyway, people that think like this about other people must have a hard time with themselves, thats the bottomline.

  5. So if you have a 3+ bedroom home near to BBC up for rent, please PM me the details.

    You could go to blessing resort and have a chat with Nok. She and her husband owns some houses in that area, and also some townhouses in ban rak village. I know that they are moving out of their own house near bbc around new year, maybe that comes for rent. Anyway she is worth having a chat with because they are always pretty good in prices and there houses are always well mantained. :o

  6. Sad to hear that. Dont know him personally, but understand he is a well known guy around here. I been recommended for a year already to go to their saturdaybuffe but it still has not happend, apperently its very good? Anyway, will somebody else take over or are they closing down?

    Or maybe they have knew owners already since he was in switzerland and the place is still open?


  7. Poo yai baan. Good tips.

    Obviously you are not a tourist and know what you are doing. I think (from the looks of it) you are going the proffesional way with this and it looks like you eventually will get it under control. Good luck to you. At least on this forum all us amateurs contributed with sympathy. Keep in there. I (for what its worth) think you are dealing with this matter the 100 % right way. But you knew that already.

    Cheers brother, ill visit you out of sympaty already when the rain stops. Keep going.

  8. With a stick shift in gear, the accelerator would have to be pressed in order to keep the engine from stalling and the car from just stopping since the gears would hold it in place. Other than a car in neutral with no parking brake on that rolls down a steep hill, a stick shift cannot engage and run you over from a distance without somebody actually driving it.

    Automatic in mode "park" needs a handbreak, stick shift in mode "neutral" needs a handbreak. I think we agreed already, but lets point it out simple. :o

  9. Ok, her I go... Kill me if you want to but I have driven the Triton (look at the picture)

    Last March (2006) I bought the Triton Top model 3.2. GLS... I did really love it and I did have to preform some "exciting driving" but I never felt unsecure by it. The triton handled very well and I was always happy about it. It did however brake down twice within 3 months, (mitsubishi blamed me) I blame mitsubishi...

    Now it is sold for different reasons... I did get my old 2005 Vigo back. It is a 2.5 2WD model that is raised a little (I go over the dogs, dont bother to drive around) I do feel that the handeling is very good on that one to... I have yet to be excited in the Vigo... Wheather its the driving or evasive manouvers...

    My plan was to buy a new 4X4 this year (waiting for December because of the new model talk) I have priced agreed with Toyota for the top model, but after seeing this movie and since I was planing on driving to Europe with it (Norway) I think I will get back on the Mitsubishi... I still think it looks better than the rest or maybe different.

    2005 I bought the Vigo (only one I could afford, I didn't want the highlander)

    2006 I bougth the Triton (Sold because I am stupid)

    2007 I got my Vigo back and I bought a Yaris for my girlfriend...

    2007/2008 plan to buy a new pickup (mitsubishi or Toyota for driving to Norway)

    So there it is, it all comes down to the day you stand with your money in your hand... I do prefer the mitsubishi these days, but I think that my Vigo is very very very good...

    Mazda, Ford, Nissan does not do it for me...

    Now, thats a roadtrip! Be sure to make a diary and post it on thaivisa once its done! :o

  10. Some poor Thai guy was crushed to death a few years back by his own car, which had to have been an auto. If I recall, he started the car while it was in park, and walked down the driveway (which probably wasn't steep) to open the gate. The car had some glitch (probably computer related) and went into gear, crushing this guy against his front gate. That wouldn't happen with a stick unless somebody wanted to do you in.

    Leaving a automatic in "park" without handbrake is a common reason for vehicles moving around without drivers! Also without the engine running. It is pretty amazing that many people that know that if you put a stick in "neutral" you have to set on handbrake before leaving the car, and the same people never put on handbrake when they have the car in "park" on a automatic. This is a common thing in Europe aswell, allthough i never heard accidents where people died.

    If he was stupid enough to stand in front of a car with no handbrake, with the back against it opening a gate, id say it could very well happen with a stick gearbox aswell. Obviously this guy had his thoughts on the lottery instead of on what he was doing. Common thing among thaiboys, seen it before, hahaha. Sad for him though.... :o

  11. check this out all falangs beware ! www.bbcrestaurant.com/squatters.htm

    I always new the "I is samui people, i know you you from bullsh1t country i is thai people" were a little on the rough side but this is unreal, if there not thrown off the land from there shack it would be crime against the future of the island.


    Yeah, i agree. Only problem is that if they do throw them out it may be followed by more serious crime. Very sad case, im not sure how i would handle it. Good thing the police seems to be in it already, taking pictures and so on. I wich bbc good luck with this.

  12. Compared to the "new?" boat seatran is "bad luck" for the reasons i already metioned. If you want to go quicker than the 90 minuites you would have to go with a speedboat. By,rent or pay somebodý that have one to drive you. Kao chai? Is there actually somebody with information on this boat? Is it a new thing or have i just missed it before??

    to "mattias33"

    i think you mean this old vessel with the big TAU on the rooftop, dschai mai? :D

    This ferry has the number 7 :o


    No i dont. Anyway it seems that it was a temporary thing. Havent seen it since the one time we went with it. Too bad. It was nice. :D

  13. i guess you never been to koh tao mattias otherwise you wouldn't make such a remark. anyway the petrol guy probably is burmese.

    Speculation continues. We need a few more assumptions before we go done and ask the guy. Suppose Mexico is out of the question? And Koh Tao from the looks of it....... :o . Anyway, out of importans. The guy was scamming tourists without limits and hopefully learned a lesson.

  14. Hi Samuibond.

    Can you pm me details of the Ranong trip you mentioned in the post.

    I pm'd you before but got no reply


    PM Sent. Doing Visa trip to Burma hardly has anything to do with Burmas junta. Few locals might support their family with the cash you spent on meds, whiskey and tobacco they carry you from some hidden stock. Visit on land lasts for about 10 minutes. During that you can whisk to locals how your hearts supports them and this way engourage the battle against the juntas tyranny.

    If you hate loggers it doesn't mean that you won't read newspapers or wipe you bottom.

    Agreed. So what about Malaysia then? In your opening post you said you where thinking of Malaysia. Do these new guys do a real visarun aswell or is it limited to border-runs? I like to know since a few of my friends need "visa-runs" and ask me for options and as far as i know there just aint anything i would want to recommend.

    So, the new "familytrip"-runners, they do visaruns or not??

  15. Actually koh tao only ever had about 500 original inhabitants and many of those moved or married off island. So chances are that the guy pumping gas was not local but the owner might have been.

    Well. To be honest, id say chanses for a thai to move to koh tao and pump gas in a gas-station are...........0? Where boht speculating but i just dont buy your view, sorry.

  16. Check out the link in my post OlRedEyes, it is pretty comprehensive and where I got my info from-- prakanong seems pretty informed as well :o

    We also had a discussion about it in the Ladies forum--check it out-- I think it was Sheryl who was discussing it and she is one of the best informed posters around when it comes to not only women's health issues but health issues in general :D

    By the way, how do you get a idea for a forum?? Just out of interest, why is there not a "mansforum" in here? Theres a "ladiesforum" and a lot of rules against women degrading talks. Out of couriosity i would like to know how its created? We could have alot of good talks in the mans forum if there where one. Is it possible also on the feministic thaivisa or is it out of rules?? Just want to know??

    BTW serious question.

  17. Thanks to all. He found a job working 'security' for a hotel which has to be one of the most boring jobs on earth.

    You still didnt say what he is capable of doing. Can he work in a kitchen? Everything being thought by a thaiguy. As a secondchef? Its a more funny job and i swear it would be better paid. Can you pm me some details?

  18. Plus "the learning, while doing effect"!

    Do NOT forget that - I have many times experienced that tourists on some reason are very much unaware -

    busy with the language, the climate, the heat, the all new environment - some are just so busy with it all - they forget how to spell their names!

    If one guy observes this - like 2 or more bikes pull up at the station - they chat - one goes for the toilets, one for a Coke, an Ice-cream then a bill is handed over - the boy goes for some change - topic forgotten - and the boys take off - Service boy returns.... and has got a couple a hundreds worth of "tip"!

    Just recently a customer comes into the office - all over the place - "I lost my purse or stolen!"..

    I asked where he had it last... "I cant remember, guess in my pocket!".... well he was in at his safety deposit box... I opened the safety box again ... there was his purse...

    So with Cameras, Spectacles, handbags, Money belts... name it!

    Think about it... I knew a Lady in a Supermarket in Nathon - she was watching the people handing money to her to pay exactly, putting the money away first.... then the small change... then slowly asking "how are you?" "like Samui?" and how many times customers grabbed their goods and left without the proper change....and she was always grinning ...

    What I want to say is... "we have helped a bit at least!"

    Yeah samuian, i agree. "We" have not only helped a bit. We have created the whole thing by thinking western. "I sit here the whole night and eat and drink good food and good drinks, the check is 2000 baht (40 euros witch a beer or two practially cost in for instans Sweden), let give tip". Thing is when a tourist hand over a 500-1000 baht tip (witch is only 10-20 euros) the thai waitres thinks "i am way to cheap, lets increase the price". I dont know. Id still say op did a good thing in the long run, but off course samuian have a good point when he say "we" all created this. When in Thailand, think thai!! I let my wife pay the bill. She is Thai and now what proper tip is. I think euro. If i give a tip i think is worth the name i end up paying more than the check is. And thats not good. Its contributing to scare tourists away in the long run. But of course in Samui "we" (also western buisnessmen that i meet) think short. Thing is, for thais and westerners with a "buisnessfuture" like a resort, restaurant, bar et, we need to start thinking about NOT scamming tourists or they will find other destinations, also in Thailand, than expensive Samui, koh tao, and koh pagnan. Thats my point of view anyway and i raise my hat to op for showing the locals (witch i certanly DONT think come from choumpun working in a gas-station in koh tao, sorry claudfeller) how things are supposed to be done.

  19. Got bored so came across to Tao to do my DSAT tech deep. While on the island the Triumph is not the best bike to be riding around on so a friend lent me one of his. He lent me a Yamaha Trailway bike, ideal for the conditions here on Tao. We decided to go for a spin around the island so I checked the fuel situation. Therewas a couple of litres slopping round so went to fill up. We went to the gas station at the top of Mae Head high street turn right and its the one on the left just before Greasy spoon. The guy filled it up and I handed him a 500 baht note. It was only when I got my change I got a shock. 70 baht change, I asked him hoe much and he said 430 baht, just over 12 litres. WHAT! in a TW tank that already had a couple of litres in, NO WAY.He Gets the boss and he just says that the guy put 12 litres in. OK I said take it all out and show me 12 litres plus the 2 that was in there. A lot of humming and harring but he eventually took out what was in there, just over 7 litres. He threw my money back and told me to go as if Id tried to rip him off. I presume he just thought I was another stupid tourist who doesnt know his arse from his elbow. So when you fill up. Check the dials are set to zero before they start to fill. Or like a lot of people are doing now and just filling up elsewhere. This is the first time since Ive been here I been so blatently ripped off. Id forgotten just how grasping the majority of the people here are Cant wait to get the hel_l back to Chumphon.

    Yeah, i totaly cant see how they are thinking. Offcourse its tempting to have a little extra money. But they do it to a level where it becomes impossible not to see it. Lets assume you had 2 litres already. That means he took 430 baht for 5 litres! 86 baht per litre! He is basicly trying to make a extra 300 baht on 5 litres of fuel!

    I mean, his dayly salery is probably less than he try to scam from ONE costumer. If he has 20 costumers per day (falangs) he can scam them for 20 baht each and they either dont notice it or bother to comment on it. Thats still 400 baht per day. They just go off limits in this.

    You did a good thing. We need to teach them that this is not acceptable even for a farang!! Hopefully he speek to some friends. These local hillbilly boys on the small islands will just scare the tourists away eventually. Lets say i go to chang mai and rent a scooter my first holiday week. Every time i fill it up i pay 130 baht (5 litres @ 26 baht). I then go to pagnan or tao and fill a scooter and they ask for 430 baht. Will i return as a tourist to those islands next year? Wouldnt think so.

    Same as samui taxis. Its just a way for the islands to loose tourists and get a expensive reputation in the long run.

    Good job H2oDunk! :o

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