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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. :o Competition for what? - That's my point - there's not much there, with the exception of very few. We for sure can't be any less fantastically intelligent and interesting than your completely imbecilic and predictable post.

    Here's a secret guys: Ferraris couldn't care less about being rejected by guys shopping for Hondas. :D


    Anyone ever claimed that thaigirls care if a westernguy have a western girlfiend??

    Totaly lost you. Its the intelligent westerngirls that makes it impossible for us dummies to follow.

    Thank god i left those years ago, hahaha...............

  2. Their life in asia is not so easy with all the competition. Id say we leave this thread for the feminists. We have our paradise already, guys. :o

    Not for long, it seems. Have you seen the new visa regulations?

    Hey, how are the chicks in Cambodia? :D

    Well, im married with a thai-woman so i wont have to check out either cambodian girls or anything else, but i would think they are better than the ones from canada if i had a wild guess, :D .

    Also, the reason why you never hear anybody saying that "thaimen are better than farangmen" is probably tht they are not. According to every thaigirl i spoke to in my whole life, they get a complitely different treatment from western-guys than from thaimen.

    Maybe thats the possitive side of the whole feminism-thing in the west, that we learned how to treat women good, i dont know?

    I only feel sorry for the women in the west in that matter because when they were busy teaching the men how they want to be treated they forgot to treat the men the way they want to be treated. Perhaps that is the main reason why so many westerners have good relationships over here?

    But realy, i dont see the point in speaking bad about westerngirls in a forum, it realy shines through how miserable your situation is and i dont think there is much hope for a change either.

    We can always hope in a near future all thaigirls get uggly and put on a feministic attitudem but i just dont see that happen so sorry, canadiangirl, maybe cambodja has less competition?? I dont know.......

  3. What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

    No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

    I, for one, am tired of this argument.

    It does seem to be a two way street though as was pointed out further up the thread and acknowledged by another moderator.

    Women seem tobe quite capable of their own generalisations but some people seem to be blind to this! :D

    Only thing that dont seem to be a two way street is the forum-rules...................... :D

    But op topic:

    Should a western woman be worried leaving her boyfriend alone in Bangkok??

    If he is gay, or completely uninterrested in sex, id say: no worry.

    Otherwise: Get serious! You cant possible mean the question??

    Seems to me that the whole thread is started to get the conversation started and the "femi-nazists" (now that word is allowed,its brought here by a moderator), to get the chans to once again claim how "fantasticly intellegant and interresting" they are compared to Thai-beuties.

    And why not? Let them do it.

    Their life in asia is not so easy with all the competition. Id say we leave this thread for the feminists. We have our paradise already, guys. :o

  4. Check out this Thailand related fishing website www.thaifishingguide.com/fishtechequip/fish/saltwaterfish/threadfin_salmon.html


    Thanks, ineressting.

    Picture of it looks like something between 2 different salmons we have in Swedich lakes (sory, dont know names in englich) that are very tasty to wrap in folia with some butter and salt and lemonpepper and then charcoal-barbeque. Sure will try to find that one hear, hungry already by looking at the picture!

    Where and when can i by it freach from the sea over here?

  5. Sim 1-2-call is 49 Baht, every good mobile shop can unlock your mobile.

    Dont know prices in Uk or Samui, but i remember unlocking Swedich mobiles a few years ago in Phantip placa (Bangkok) and it was 50 baht. It would be probably 10 times that price i Sweden.

    I dont think you need to bather with that before you arrive. Easy and cheap here.

  6. Um, right. Actually, if you had re-read my post I have tried Samui printers. I prefer cards from home. My choice. But thanks for the concern.

    Also, not sure where you are coming from, people can just as easily look and see if they are merely business cards or not.

    This thread has generated nothing but pointless posts, frankly. mac?

    Sbk, please dont close this thread down on my postings. Mac.wheler has not yet got an anwswer to his question and it would be unfair.

    Im saying only to (you i guess?), moderators, that you should not under-estimate drugdealers. Yes, you can see if it is a buisnesscard. If you unload the whole for instans five boxes and check every card.

    If you dont, you dont know. Every fifth card can have 5 tabletts of exctasy on them attached with scotch tape. In the future this whole deal was made up on thaivisa.

    This is not the point of this forum. And i (think) i know for sure not the point of the thread.

    But i just met in the future maybe a little more careful in these kind of threads, Sbk?

    mac.wheler, sorry for all the problems caused on the thread. Hope she not close it down.

  7. I understand where Mac is coming from. I have our business cards printed in the US when I go home as well. The quality of the paper and ink seems to be much higher and I don't have to worry about typos, or screwups. Samui Aksorn is fine if you don't have a high quality card in mind.

    Sorry, don't know of anyone until November mac. If you haven't found anyone by then let me know :o

    Sorry, with all respect sbk, but you live in koh phagnan, right? I can very well imagine that you have no good printer-service on that island.

    In Samui thought, i feel that there is the same quality i am use to. For instans already mentioned Chaweng printer.

    And even if you have to do your print-job in Bangkok, witch for sure will have what you need, i think it will be cheaper than printing in Uk and send to Thailand. Unless you find (here?) a tourist that is dumb enought to transport your "stuff" for free.

    I think you bring it here, and for next time you try out some thai printing service. Or Ups. Door to door delivery. If you feel its worth it because uk printers are so much better.

    I think a forum like this should not aloud strangers to put "whatever" in other strangers bags.

    And i hope you understand that i dont mean this personaly against you mac.wheeler, im pretty sure you are harmless and did not even think in this direction. I just think its unsuitible.

    Use ups.

    I do think moderators should perhaps think a little longer in this matter in the future though. I myself had my bag filled with drugs one time that i did not have a clue about and i can see that we have to be careful in this matter, on a forum like this. In the future.

    (sidepoint) Particular thread absolutely harmless, and me of topic, just a wake up call.

  8. so is this actually a package of business cards? or is it a nudge nudge, wink wink ''package of business cards''? :D

    (sorry, I can't help out - I'm just being nosey)

    Hehehe. Printing buisness-cards in samui is proubably a fourth of the price you pay in Uk.

    "I like my printer".

    Suspision grows.............. :D


    By the way i think Ups do deleivery, and you can pretty much use them when you want...............(only legal stuff).

    (kidding again)


    Nah it's a straight up request nothing fishy, I know I can get them printed pretty cheaply here but in truth I've never seen any printed on good quality card, usually it's pretty flimsy stuff that falls apart once it's been in your wallet a couple of weeks. My printer uses nice thick stock an not too expensive at £12.50 per 250.

    Have you tryed chaweng printer? Most of my friends ( i dont have a buisness-card myself) use them. And i have had there buisness cards for a year in my wallet and it seem ok. Dont know the price though but it must be much cheaper than Uk.

    For next time anyway..........

    Hey, sorry for the simple jokes, i have to much freetime today, hahaha.

  9. Well we do get the occasional threadfin salmon in January, though no relation to the coldwater fish.

    To add to sbk's list,

    Black marlin, sailfish, rainbow runner, cobia, rays, various snappers most notable are red snapper(lutjanus russelli) and the huge gold snapper(lutjanus johnii), many different groupers, dolphinfish, at least a dozen species of trevally.

    King mackerel and squid are the most important commercial fish in this area.

    Not sure what the tuna are that we catch here. There are 2 kinds one with a very dark back and light meat(see photo) and another kind with wavy stripes on its back and red meat. Both are small with a big one being 2 kilos or so. Cant find a photo of that one.

    Jaidam, you seem to be the guy to ask. More (stupid?) questions for you.

    Threadfin salmon? What is this? Does it actually taste like salmon? I do some barbeques at home and i refuse to cook any frozen/import fish on a tropical island.....but i do love salmon! Could i get away with threadfin salmon?? Is it similar, and is it rare? Can i buy it from local ficsermen??

    King Mackerell?? Is that like it sounds a Mackerell that is bigger than ordinary? And how is the taste? I imagine a "king" to be fatter than the original and maybe therefor something to prefer when it comes to barbeque?? Is it also something i can buy from local fishermen?

    And jaidam, you seem to have been in this buisness for sometime, another thing that could be helpful is if you know thainames of these fishes. Many small markets (and epesially the local fishermen) dont speek englich and i have problems explaining to my wife aswell since she dont know it in englich. Perhaps you can help?

    Thanks for your information so far.

  10. so is this actually a package of business cards? or is it a nudge nudge, wink wink ''package of business cards''? :D

    (sorry, I can't help out - I'm just being nosey)

    Hehehe. Printing buisness-cards in samui is proubably a fourth of the price you pay in Uk.

    "I like my printer".

    Suspision grows.............. :D


    By the way i think Ups do deleivery, and you can pretty much use them when you want...............(only legal stuff).

    (kidding again)


  11. I have TOT phoneline with TT&T maxnet internet 1meg. It's ok, not great but ok. What do others have? Which option do you guys think best.

    I normally get around 300kbs sometimes as low as 150, sometimes as high as 700.

    Well. I have also a t.o.t phoneline but with tot 1 meg connection. I say its similar to what you desribe with the speed and everything.

    Only thing i hear from some friends in this neibourhood with tt&t connections is that it seem to be down a little more often. But i dont know it for a fact, its just a personal oppinion that tt&t seem to have more problems.

    Otherwise it comes down to price-comparision i guess.....Dont know witch is cheaper?

  12. Working ok with me although last week I noticed that my connection speed has

    risen from 1 Mbps to 2 Mbps when I connect :o .

    I've noticed no increase in speed, actually it's a little slower!

    ....funny, now the connection is alive :D

    the problem was on the ADSL modem-router,

    he loose every data inside the memory for log-in

    into the network from TOT :D

    how can be this? mai pen rai....now is working.

    thanks anyway.... :D

    ps: what do you do, that u get free double-speed?


    good luck, the tree was not bigger.... :D

    Actually, i have the exact same problem. If i turn on the computer and internet dont work, what i do is i unplug the modem for a few minuites and then plug it in. Usually internet comes back on. Been living in chaweng for a year with t.o.t connection, and it was down twice a week. In Ban rak i lived now for 3 mounths and the 3 times internet was down all i done is rebooting the modem and its back on.

    Seems that tot work good.

    But i am getting second thoughs about the modem, hahaha.........

  13. I posted a few opinions about westerngirls and their feminism attitude problems towards Thaigirls in another thread this morning. It got immediately deleted and i got a warning from the moderator, fair enough, i was out of line and not following forum-rules.

    On these 4 pages Royalorchid have been able to express i dont know how many, degrading things about thaigirls. And farang-men.

    Every Thaigirl holding a faranghand is a buisnessdeal, and so on. And on a topic that is so stupid that it seems like the whole reason for this thread is to get the chans to speak bad about Thaigirls and Farangmen. Somekind of jealousy that comes from the fact that western men living here get better treatment from thaigirls than they get from westerngirls (generally speaking) and the whole feministic thing is a bit ruined by thaigirls offcourse, since they dont care about it. They are just happy to make men happy when the men make them happy, and nothing else matters.

    I take it either the moderators have not yet seen the thread, or they also have very unsuitible thoughts about thaigirls.

  14. "Amazing Road Workers"

    since last sunday about 01:00 the internetconnection from T.O.T. is broken.

    (because somebody in bangkok cut the fibercable.... :o during working underground)

    is there somebody on the island who get already back the connection to T.O.T. ADSL?

    thanks for more news....


    My t.o.t adsl is working perfect (i live in ban rak). Had about 2 hours on sunday morning when it didnt work, but ever since its been on.

    Have you tried calling T.o.T? :D

  15. Sat in a restaurant that import fish from europe to Samui yesterday and of course i had to comment on that! Anyway, interesting discoussions came up where i learned for instans that there are no salmon at all in Thailand?

    There were some people that said not even tuna lives in the shallow waters on this side of Thailand. And any cod you buy in samui is imported?

    In the seafoodrestaurants i seen small sharks a few times. Are they from here?

    For me it sounds strange that you import fish to an island but it would be interesting to hear some facts.

    I started a thread some weeks ago about buying a boat and after about tre posts it was only about the different kind of fishies there are in the water, hahaha! Seems like alot of the forumusers know alot about this subject.

  16. Oh yeah, welcome to another undesirable aspect of Thailand -- white guys who trash white women! Smug in their newfound ability to get laid in the third world, they trash-talk the women who wouldn't give them the time of day at home.
    But for whatever reason, white guys are the subject of much attention by Thai women in Thailand. If some of the sad cases here can be the center of attention, I can imagine that your boyfriend will receive his shares of advances as well.

    Men who like Thai women as a "type" say that they love how hyper-feminine they are, and how they take care of their men. Men who don't like Thai women as a "type" complain they are superficial, childish and not very intellectual. (I'm not talking about specific individual people here, merely general tendencies.)

    I had a conversation with a French woman with runs a restaurant with her French husband in Laos. The situation with Laos women is a bit more low-key than Thailand, but there are some similarities. She said that she had definitely stepped up her game in terms of seduction, keeping her husband interested and the spark in their relationship (they seemed quite happily married and in love to me), while keeping a watchful eye on Laos women around him. In the end, you can't do much about a man intent on cheating (other than dumping him and finding a better one) -- but everyone likes to feel appreciated, attractive and wanted. IMHO, I would personally put a bit of extra effort into keeping myself looking hot (Bangkok is a great place for spas, manicures, massages, shopping -- everything you need to look great!) and keeping the spice in my relationship to counter outside temptations.

    Thai women are quite jealous, and won't put up with any bullshit from other women, so really, you shouldn't either. If all else fails, they also have a rather effective "punishment" for cheating boyfriends. (Thailand is #1 for penis reattachment surgery in the world, apparently. :-P

    "Oh yeah, welcome to another undesirable aspect of Thailand -- white guys who trash white women! Smug in their newfound ability to get laid in the third world, they trash-talk the women who wouldn't give them the time of day at home. "

    Degrading talk about women is not aloud on the forum. But apperently degrading talk about men is aloud.........?

    Interesting rules......


  17. Looks like ive found the place......

    900 baht , brand new hotel ,


    looks the part

    and a fellow tv member . Nice to put some buisiness a tv members way.

    ill post after the stay and tell you all how good/bad it is........

    So good service please MR. xxxxx :D:D

    Only joking , :o


    900 baht, in chaweng october. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hope its realy nice........

    Anyways, have a nice time with your friend (when you are not enjoying your lyxury hight end top of the peak hotell for 900 baht in october), and good luck with whatever.

    Make sure your friend pick u up as you now, "taximeters" will overcharge you, and enjoy "brand new hotel" in chaweng, and the rest of it aswelll.

    Looking forward to the report of the "brand new hotel".

    Very excited. where might this be..............

    Hahahaha, anyways, have a nice trip.

  18. um, how many *more* customers do you need when 2 trips a day nets you 1000 baht? when all you have to do is make sure you meet the incoming flights four times a day to make 2k?

    why would anyone in their right mind happily revert to sub 120 Baht Nathon to Chaweang fares when they make almost 3 times that driving from the airport to fisherman's village?

    There are absolutely no problem at the airport. Bangkok Airways partner will take you anyware anytime for 150 bath, just buy the ticket in the terminal.

    The problem is on the opposite direction, every hotel will charge what they missed on the arrival, that is double, 300-400 bath.....next time i'll use samuishuttle.com......


    Is that the truth?

    When i used to stay in hotels and resorts (2 years ago) in samui they always had free airport transfer. Both ways. I see alot of these hotel-minivans at the airport still but could never dream they charge 300-400 baht for a trip.

    Sounds horrible. Even the hotels are working against tourism.

    The thing you mension about Bangkok airways partner is also something i never even seen or heard about, must be something new, but that is good news.

    And there it is again, all these side-buisnesses coming up for hotels,airline companys et. This is all traffic that could, and should, be the yellow cabdrivers, if they didnt missbehaive. In the long run they are the big loosers here, but off course they think shortly.

  19. Hi all,

    Been umpteen times on Buisiness , and have always stayed at the hotel in Nathon next to the ferry port. 1,500 a night.

    Just clicked the link for latestays.com , theres a load between 600 and 1500 a night ,

    if any of you have time have a quick peek and let me know whats the best,

    chewang , bophut would be cool as after work its nice to play :o

    however anywhere is ok.

    over on tues/wed night n/week

    cheers !

    As the post says........ would like a hotel reccomendation for tuesday / wednesday night of next week ??

    Hahahaha. N/week. Got you. Not all of us are englich..........

    Anyway, sorry for the missunderstanding.

    2 days reccomendation. Looking for.............. (fansy room, located near...beach,bararea, with......Swimmingpool,aircon...)

    Reccomendations are not to easy with limited information. For 2 nights you could check out sawadee.com and book something that looks nice.

  20. Chaweng Gardens Beach - around 1000 for beach side room. Discount if you stay long time. Cleaned every day, nice staff. About 5 min walk to main Chaweng road but quiet. Good fun (if you like the Eagles)

    Yeah, really. Put in some information if you are longterm or short-term. Even as a tourist you get a really nice room for 1500 baht a night. And if you are longterm this mean 45 000 baht a mounth a give you a top of the peak room anywhere on the island.

    Give info on this forum to get tips on where to stay.

    You can also pm me personaly since i work with about 50 of the hotels/resorts on the island and will find good price rooms for you for cheap price.

    I dont put names on the forum since that can be concidered commersial and i dont want to do it and also think it is not aloud.

    But please put more info on what you are looking for and we will all help you out finding it. Its a jungle out there and alot of minor serious small resorts that totally rip you off. A groundrule here is that if a really nice room, fully equipped (aircon, tv, cocking-unit, micro,dvd,) is located in chaweng-area the price for a nice, newer house/bungalow is 10k a mounth + electric or 800 dayly (low season prices). Farang-runed it goes up to 12k. Alittle bit outside chaweng you can take another 5k of the price. If you go to nathon you should get it even cheaper.

    In this forum all the members will tip in and give you a direction on where to go to not get scammed and to have a priceworth living, just let us know a little bit more of time you stay, what your looking for, and im sure you get all help you ever need on the forum.

    Now, there will maybe some people that say im way out, in that case it gets even more proven, pm me.

    If more people come in with tips you have much to choose from. Let me tell you this. Dont pay deposits. Dont book longtime before you are here. There are a huge selection on free rooms/houses on this island, it is the costumers market and it is dirt cheap when you look around.

    If you do need any help. PM me.

    Good luck.

    <deleted> ! :o did you read my op?

    Yeah. Read over and over again now and to me it still looks like you want recommendations for housing????

    Totally wrong?

    Well, anyway, tryed to help. Big missunderstanding obviously.......... sorry.

  21. Chaweng Gardens Beach - around 1000 for beach side room. Discount if you stay long time. Cleaned every day, nice staff. About 5 min walk to main Chaweng road but quiet. Good fun (if you like the Eagles)

    Yeah, really. Put in some information if you are longterm or short-term. Even as a tourist you get a really nice room for 1500 baht a night. And if you are longterm this mean 45 000 baht a mounth a give you a top of the peak room anywhere on the island.

    Give info on this forum to get tips on where to stay.

    You can also pm me personaly since i work with about 50 of the hotels/resorts on the island and will find good price rooms for you for cheap price.

    I dont put names on the forum since that can be concidered commersial and i dont want to do it and also think it is not aloud.

    But please put more info on what you are looking for and we will all help you out finding it. Its a jungle out there and alot of minor serious small resorts that totally rip you off. A groundrule here is that if a really nice room, fully equipped (aircon, tv, cocking-unit, micro,dvd,) is located in chaweng-area the price for a nice, newer house/bungalow is 10k a mounth + electric or 800 dayly (low season prices). Farang-runed it goes up to 12k. Alittle bit outside chaweng you can take another 5k of the price. If you go to nathon you should get it even cheaper.

    In this forum all the members will tip in and give you a direction on where to go to not get scammed and to have a priceworth living, just let us know a little bit more of time you stay, what your looking for, and im sure you get all help you ever need on the forum.

    Now, there will maybe some people that say im way out, in that case it gets even more proven, pm me.

    If more people come in with tips you have much to choose from. Let me tell you this. Dont pay deposits. Dont book longtime before you are here. There are a huge selection on free rooms/houses on this island, it is the costumers market and it is dirt cheap when you look around.

    If you do need any help. PM me.

    Good luck.

  22. Today I talked with one typical cab driver, here short english version:

    "Why you dont open meter?"


    "Why not?"

    "Low season"

    "Why Taxis can open meter in Phuket?"

    "Phuket is a big town, Samui is small"

    "How much you pay for police?"


    and so on. Every answer with an arrogant attitude like "You stupid farang have no idea".

    I dont despise people without brain, I dont despise arrogant people but I hate to meet this two characters together in one stupid a..hole.

    yeah."People with no brain" would be a good descripton of samui taxidrivers.

    I heard yesterday they have like a "rolling system" where some part of bangkok police move around to different provinces.If that is true it would explain samui-express article since the "new cops" probably wont be on the "payroll".

    Anyway, louds of questions on the thread.

    For instans: "um, how many *more* customers do you need when 2 trips a day nets you 1000 baht? when all you have to do is make sure you meet the incoming flights four times a day to make 2k?"

    Well: why did i pay 52 % income-tax when i was in Sweden??

    Why do the rest of Thai taxis run on meter??

    We r idiots??

    Partly true, but main thing is something called "law".

    Its about to be followed and the more people that follow it the better the society work. Offcourse the individual sometimes make more money not following it. Whats new with that??

    If the whole country did not follow this law we could say something is wrong with the law.

    The samui-drivers decided to make more money on their taxi-jobs than the rest of the country. I have 2 think it is pretty serious since tourists come here after going elsewhere in Thailand and do not understand why all of a sudden they pay up to sometimes 5 times as much for a taxi-ride.

    It does not matter how the taxi-drivers see it. What matters is the law of Thailand, it is about to be followed for samui-drivers aswell as the rest of the country.

    Sure, even in Bangkok you would get drivers refusing to put on meter. But in Samui you can not find a single driver that put on a meter, and this has to be changed

    For tourism, and even for the drivers themselves, even if they are to stupid to understand it.

  23. In the western world this does not have to be learned, its a given fact, hahaha. Funny how we sometimes have to educate these people in things that really should be obvious. Well, they are poor and different and, to there defence, brought up to have a little less moral in order to survive.

    Are you serious? You think theft by employees is a problem limited to Thailand??? And brought up a little less moral, oh please! Apologies if your post was a piss-take.

    Ok. No, off course not limited to Thailand. At least in my country (low moral sweden in many cases) most people would take it as given fact to get fired if any criminal act is performed on work, while i imagine here it would be more of a surprise to get that kind of punishment, i dont know. I was just persuming that if you are brought up in a little bit tougher climat you have to care a little less about right or wrong in order to survive, for instans steeling from a tip-box wich is your friends money and normaly nothing you would do if you werent desperat for money.

    Anyway, it was just a way for me to try to understand this behavior. I might be way out........

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