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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. The year is 2009 nad Figo, Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovic have all ended up playing in Real Madrid. For some reason are they all out in a car with Kluivert.

    Kluivert is not the best driver, and after a few beers he drives straight in to a tree and all 4 of them dies. As everybody understand Kluivert goes straight to hel_l, but Figo, Ronaldo, and Ibrahimovic manage to go up to heaven where St Peter welcomes them and lead them to god. The tre of them walk up towards god in his throne. Gud then says:

    -"Figo, what do you feel is the best with fotball?".

    Figo says:

    -"Well, the best things with fotball is that i have been able to spread happines and joy to the people, and been able to make a living, and seen the world".

    God liked hes answer and said: -"Good. Come and sit on my left side".

    God then asked Ronaldo the same thing and he answered:

    -"Lord, i come from poor conditions. I have been able to show my equals that there is a way out of it and that you never should give up on your dreams. And also i have been able to spread joy to the people".

    God said: -"Very good. You are more than welcome to come and sit on my right side.

    God then looked at Zlatan and said: -"Well, Ibrahimovic, what do you think?".

    Zlatan, raised his head, looked at god, cleared his throat and spit on the floor. Then he said:-"You are sitting in my chair."

  2. The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

    It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

    Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

    Couldn´t agree more. Excellent post.

    Question is: is there ANY winner of this in the long run? If you speek to younger girls (and boys) in europe today many of them dont understand the whole feminism and that whole change in lifestyle where everybody is good at averything and the man vaccums and the woman change the tyres on the car, not because its the natural thing, but to prove how "equal" they are in there "fanstastic" relationship.

    I think it started of pretty good, before i was born, with the "equal rights" and the fact that women should have the same salery for the same job and so on. Im not so sure it ended to good though. For either women or men. But i guess thats one of the reasons why many westerners prefer asia. I dont know... :o

  3. ...who are directly influencing the Thai ladies in a allegedly negative way? Who is creating this "western women attitude". Somehow i doubt it comes from western women.

    The media. They are all western women "values" dominated.

    Even Thai soaps often show arrogant female characters.

    Btw I do not expect vehicles to give me precedence when I cross a road. Only western women do that. You always think everyone owes you everything. Prepare for many delusions in life.

    The vihicle thing is a old game between men and women all over the world. Guys stop the car to let a beutiful women pass, so we can look at her while she cross the street in front of our car. Is a nice thing, a small flirt that both parts enjoy, hahaha. :D

    The REAL feminists dont go in front of a man in a car showing of there bare (sometimes hairy) legs. For 2 reasons. 1. its humiliating for them to be like a "sexy toy" that turns men on. 2. Usually the cars dont stop, hahaha.

    Btw, i realy dont hate either women, western women, or feminists. Its just so funny to get them going. Sorry if overdo it sometimes, but take it for what it is.

    And the thread make already 8 pages!! Wow. Lets see if it makes it to 10! :o

  4. What I was really looking for is a private service aimed at Thais rather than farangs, but it looks like Thaksin ST is the best bet.

    Indeed Thaksin is cheap and good, but go there for a std test sounds more expensive than just go to Samui inter or Thai inter.

    (you are talking about Thaksin hospital in Surathani right?)

    Anyway, good luck. :o

  5. I also dont understand the "obvious reasons" why you wouldnt touch a western girl in Thailand. Regardless, they may just be as highly uninterested in you as dating material as they are to you. No idea where "homebase" is. America? Anyway..if so, America (or any other one country) is only a small percentage of the worlds western women. Comparing a few Thailand based western female friends/acquaintances personalities to an entire country (or the entire western world) just seems a tad extreme. :o

    Homebase for a western girl is the western world. Generaly speaking about western girls (or actually western people). Not particulary the ones from America. I meet them all both in Thailand and before all over the westernworld and i feel there is a difference.

    And im also saying that there is a difference in my own behavior. Living here for 2 years has deffinatly affected me in a good way, i think people that know me would agree on that. I actually know the do because they tell me.

    But anyway: we are all different and like different things and have different oppinions. Isn´t it great? :D

    I also dont understand the "obvious reasons" why you wouldnt touch a western girl in Thailand.

    Well. Im sure it comes to you eventually. :D

  6. "Rude and degrading comments towards women is not aloud on this forum"

    Who makes a rule like that anyway?? Rude and degrading talk towards anything else is aloud but not towards women? There is the western girl for you right there. What kind of odds do i get on the fact that the rulemaker is a feminist?

    Now, im not gonna make a post about that, everybody knows the facts. Im turning the coin and say this:

    I meet some western women that are expats here and i say they have a complete different attitude than they do living in the western world. And pointing it out to them they even agree on this fact. Somebody said that thaigirls gets affected by westerngirls. Id say we all get affected by eachother. The world is getting smaller with internet, tv and airplanes, and everybody knows about eachother and different ways of living.

    Is it not possible that all we western people living in los get a little bit "better persons" over all? I find myself being more helpful living here. I know that its considered very rude to loose your tempor in public so i dont do it anymore unless i feel its realy needed.

    I personaly get along pretty ok with western girls in Thailand. I wouldnt tutch them, for obvious reasons, the competition is what it is (did i see hair and fat mensioned before, or was that about men, since thats aloud?) but still i get along with them and think they have far less feminist attitude than at the homebase. And probably that goes for us men aswell with our negative sides whatever they are. The less stressful environment, the more relaxed lifestyle, and the helpful attitude that i feel is bigger in asia than the westernworld, i think it affects us all in a possitiv direction.

    I dont know. Just my thoughts. :o

  7. Good luck to all TV members for the high season.

    And I mean to all the people I have argued with, badgered, needled, allied with, wound up or just plain laughed with (or at :D ) during the low season. Feels like its kicking in at last down here and hope its not something in my chang making me think this way.

    My optimism is high! I just have a good feeling about it and wondered what everyone else feels! How is the rest of Thailand?

    Will this be the year when we finally make that first million bucks? I say YES :D

    There, my first thread start!

    I feel its getting highseason in Samui. I pick up people in airport/ferrypiers and drive them to hotels, and for the last to days i have to start saying no (wich i dont like at all) to people since all the hotels i work with are fully booked. I have motorbikes for rent and since the last two weeks they are all rented, i have more bikes coming from bangkok (first one tommorow) and its already booked. Also in the rental buisness we now started to turn down costumers. I dont know if it is highseason or if its just my own feeling. On the other hand i hear friends that closed their restaurant and bars for 2 weeks due to lack of people, so i dont know. All i can say is i feel a major difference since a month and a half ago. And hopefullu it keep getting even better! :o

  8. I do not quite understand. Why is everybody in such a hurry? Back to some illegal business???...

    Nah, I just want to know, do not get mad.... I am on Samui(Lamai) for 3 months coming winter, recently retired, have to go to Thailand partly for health reasons (the 8th winter for that) - have no balance when there is snow and ice here in Sweden - and end of January I have to renew the Tourist visa. I do not mind at all to take a few days to go to Penang, where I have been a number of times, I have never been to Burma which possibly would make it more interesting, if there is something interesting to see if I stay for a few days?

    I do writing about the Burmese junta, here and there, and I think that contributes more than the harm done if I am there as a tourist for a few days.

    What about train to Penang? Train BKK-Penang no problem, BKK-Surathani and boat, no problem. Any complications to take train from Surathani-Penang-Surathani?

    Agreed. No reason to stress. My last visa i drove nice and easy to sadao with my car. Took a hotel there. My wife was waiting in the hotel while i took a taxi in the morning to penang, got my visa and back to the hotel in the evening. We had a nice few days holiday in sadao. No stress. No uncomfort. Nice and easy holiday. Will do the same when its time next year to renew the multiple entry.

    However, some of us living here have multiple entry visas wich means we need a border run now and then. Thats a one day trip. Ranong is a very beutiful ride, nice roads and views and with op description of this new company its like a "familytrip". Border-runs is always a bit of a drag but if it is done in a pleasant matter its ok. Just cant afford to make every border-run as a familyvacation aswell, but i agree with you that its better to take it easy. Cant understand the "formula one visa runners".

    I also agree that samui is better than Sweden in the vinter-time, i did that choice myself and its a winner, i promise!!

  9. A friend was asking how much viagra he can take back to Scotland. Is there a limit?

    Also, can it be given to dogs? My dog is meeting a friend's to breed, maybe he could do with the help :D .

    A "friend of mine" is not unsual worlds when viagra is mentioned. But seriously neeranam, blaming the dog is a bit low.


    Sorry, had to do it. :o

  10. Lopburi3. Im sure its said many times on this forum, but can you explain the "extension" one more time? I have a multiple entry non-o. First one. When this is used up in september next year, what do i do then?

    Is it possible to go to Penang and get a new multiple o on the same requirements i did before? Or, must i show income in Thailand? And the incomepart, would it be possible to show money sent from sweden?

    I mean, i have a thai bankaccount. I regulary transfer money to that one from Sweden. Would that qualify as "income"?

    We live of our company in my thai wifes name. What kind of papers do we take that prove the income. I mean, my wife is the md in her own company, she can set her salery to wathever they want it to be, but what "proof" will they need?

    Many questions, but the main one is "extension". Is that the same as getting a new visa or are there 2 different options in my case next year?

  11. May i suggest you guys go a bit easier on the boose?

    Is choeng mon on the ringroad?

    - No

    Is tesco lotus on te ringroad?

    -Yes, both of them.

    Have you driven the ringroad?

    -Probably not.

    Who was talking about Choengmon being along the ringroad ? :o

    And yes, I drove the ringroad quite a few times; suggest you have a better look at the pics from Google, measured and posted earlier.


    I will. Can you have a better look at previous posts and maybe even op opening post?

    "Who was talking about Choengmon being along the ringroad ? :D "

    What is the definition of ring road? The tourist sites say you can reach all beaches from it. My definition of the ring road is (Nathon, Maenam, Bophut, Chaweng, Lamai, and back to Nathon) But if all beaches is in the ring road (for ex Chongmoen), is Tesco Lotus on the Ring Road?
  12. While I have great sympathy for the plight of the Burmese people, posting photos of the dead is inapproppriate.

    I don't think the OP had any intent of supporting the Burmese junta; he just had to do a visa run, and was discussing his options.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Sorry for the photo.

    I was also advised that they may come from south thailand.

    Anyway the Op waa talking about buying stuff from Burna, and that is supporting the junta.

    Even on a border run a person is paying the Burma government.

    Did he had the visa for free?

    We must not forget.


    You are just to much. How can you put these aspects in a visarun??

    Makes it pretty impossible to live if you start to think like that.

    Hey, i had carrots with my dinner today. Can you bring a picture of a rabbit that died, because of lack of food?

    ´Give it up emmezeta, your completely off. The guy started a thread about visaruns to burma, i for one is interrested in what people can contribute to this. Has anyone tried the "new guys" out? Is it good and safe and do you reccomend it?

  13. I've just spent the last day measuring the coastline and I make it 256.5 KM and that's at the high tide make, does someone disagree?

    my money says your closer to the real figure .

    265,5 km, hmmmm....

    The Island is 256 sq km.

    265,5 km makes 6637,5 rai of beach property.


    I think I have found a new land scandal...

    Well, mats is not your thing, hahaha.

    256 sq km is 160 000 rai. And no, its not all on the beach. No new scandal.

    As for the maths, i could make a long post but i go the short way and send you a link, hahaha:


    Calculations are best done solberly, poorsucker. :D:D:D

  14. Surely I dont (I guess I cant because post will be deleted) mention the name of the company here but it wasnt H or J company but the Easy. Price was really fair plus 10 US for the stamp. Viagra copies and cheap whiskey helped to bring back balance.

    Best ever Burma trip and driver. Clearly someone in business has been reading these posts...

    Nice place to go and support giving them money.

    People should boycott even all travel agency that do business with Burma.

    The man in the photo was a monk......

    Hey. Thats a terrible picture.

    I once did a visarun to Burma and spent some bahts in the Thai-immigration. Are you saying im therefore contributing to that horrible picture?

    I cant beleive how or why you would do a post like that. You must be pretty twisted.

  15. A few years ago bought my b/f a Honda Phantom (which he loves) for about 86,000 B.

    Am thinking of upgrading him to a Harley Davidson model FLHTC Electra Glide classic (as a birthday present) cost about 627,000 B according to Harley dealership in Bangkok.

    Is there a BIG difference between the Harley and Phantom other than the "mystique" and status of driving a Harley? Is the Harley worth it??

    I know nothing about motor cycles other than I'm afraid of driving or even riding on them.

    Anyone knowledgeable & experienced with Harleys out there that would like to comment about this upgrade??

    :o Why did i not find you before your boyfriend??

  16. Trolling. Again.

    Looks that way for the following 3 reasons:

    1. U.s economy is only 20 % of the world economy according to wikki.

    2. U.s economy is looking on a upgoing over the next 5 years. In cbo you can read forecasts about 1,5-3 % up in gdp from 2008-2012.

    3. Not the least bit related to Thailand and this is a Thaiforum.


  17. I find it depressing that many relish the prospect of US ecconomic woes.

    If the US Ecconomy 'tanks' then it is more than Americans that need to worry.

    Perhaps a re-read of 'The Grapes of Wrath' is order, or indeed a first read for some.

    Here. Here.

    Nobody should take satisfaction in a faltering U.S. economy or $. I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the U.S.A. is still the driving force in the world. No U.S. markets, then Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese and other manufacturing economies in trouble. If the Americans aren't buying , then there's real trouble ahead.


    Lets hope U.s economy straighten up soon then since it ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllleeeeeeeeeeees the world.

    Happy to say At least the Swedich economy only went up and up over the last 5 years. I wonder how that can be?

    Or wait, hmmmmm, E.u, is that in the world??

    Hmmmm. Confused..... :o

  18. Church worked fine!! Got the "snus", and some Swedich mustard (slotts) and lingonberry perserve!! All Sweds that so far havent been there, i recommend it. A little of everything. Swedich goods.

    Once again thanks George!

    Thaivisa, save you when you need it!! :o

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