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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. They put in a big new transformer in our neighborhood last year or so. But it has more than just our little offshoot line on it. :D

    Also, we didn't start having problems like this until our neighbor put in all the aircon rooms.

    **edit*** to be fair, we've always had problems but they seem to get worse during the high season esp when our neighbor has all his aircon rooms full.

    Well, its pretty obvious that your neigbour is the reason for your electric problems. Get in touch with the electric-company and see what they say. Dont know who has the responsibility to make sure there is power enough in the line for all this use, but i cant imagine its you.

    Would be either the electric-company or your neighbour that needs to buy upgrade equipment for this new, higher use of electric that came up when he builded the new bungalows.

    Dont know it for a fact, but using common sence this would be the case........... but then again, we are in Thailand.....hmmmmmm. :o

  2. By the way, in our case why the company held our passports (and also applied for one exctra for all of us) was that they send them away and applied for visas. If i where in Thailand for instans and a job came up were i was needed in Ghana after this, company could send passport two and apply for visas while i was in Thailand with passport one. When we came home i hand in passport one, took passport 2 and traveled.

    When you went to Ghana, did the company go to the airport with you and handle your passport the entire trip, never letting you have your passport while you are out of your home country? Would you give your passport to whatever company in Ghana your company was doing the business for? Let them hold on to your passport and hope that they will give it back to you when you leave Ghana?

    As a matter of fact. In Ghana (only time it happende in 12 years traveling) we all needed to leave our passports in the worksite since they needed it in case police come checking (foreign peolple without work permit in Ghana, hired in Sweden) and also they did not recomend to either carry it around or leave it in the hotel so the safest thing were leaving it on the work.

    Even thoug your post backfired i see where you are coming from, and thats also why i added that sometimes its right sometimes its wrong thing in the previos post.

    But i do think Jimabbot has a good point.

  3. We have our own meter (I am guessing this is what you mean by transformer?) but are on a small line branching off from the main one. Neighbor (before us on the line) has put in large a/c house and several ac/ bungalows. Could he be drawing the power away from ours even though we do have a good size meter--we paid extra to get a meter that draws more power.

    I would think so. If your meter is after your neigbour on the same line, the size of your meter wouldnt matter.

    I would guess your problem is the "small line" you describe, might not be suited for his big use of electricity. Needs to be either beefed up, or perhaps you / or the neighbour can get your own line from the mainwire?

  4. Thanks for the responses. These answer my questions. This has my landlord's workmanship written all over it. New houses - everything done not even 50/50. Same problems described earlier - tree limbs & branches covering everything.

    Talking to my landlord about any problem is useless. He just smiles, and tries to be friendly, walks away and does nothing. Maybe I'll do the same when it comes time to open my wallet next month.

    Knowing that the problem might be solved by moving is a help.

    Also the name brand of the transformer and advice to buy the automatic, not the cheap one, was great!

    Thanks all, these responses came pretty quickly. I'll be checking back on the topic over the next few days to see what else turns up.

    - Buzzer

    Yeah, realy buzzer. When its time to pay the rent is when you tell him what you want. Thing being that when i go from my house to Ban rak mainroad i pass estimated 25 nice houses for rent (at least) and many of them realy cheap and newly built. Any landlord in this area not listening to simple demands from long-term renters is about to loose money for sure.

    The market is yours, absolutely no reason what so ever to stay there any further if he dont fix these problems for you. And if you are renting your house i dont see why you should have to buy transformers and so on either. The houseowner should make sure everything work and he shall pay everything for you, let him understand that. This area is filled with availible houses for rent/sale. As is the rest of samui. Put pressure on the landlord, its his problem realy.

    Good luck.

  5. Got mine in Samui 8 months ago using the documents as said by PS. Apart from not having the International Licence , I had my ancient UK one and did not have to do any tests at all. Best to go and ask what they want.

    I would have thought a car will be cheaper in Surat as everything in Samui tends to be well overpriced.

    Same for me, no tests at all (i had a swedich licence) and i got both motorcykel and car-licence since that was on my swedich one.

    I went to immigration, they took photos of me and made all the copys i needed (passport,visa,adress,) 5 minuites walk from there is a clinic where they do color blind test and give you all papers you need. 5 min drive to motoroffice and you get your licence. Unlaminated witch you pay an extra 50 baht for outside motoroffice, haha! Hole procedure was over in 2 hours. No big deal realy. Bring passport, uk-licence, to immigration and a smile. Tell them you want a licence and 2 hours later you got one.

    Also there is the chance to apply for a international licence in before you leave uk and that will be valid everywhere in the world, if you are not moving to thailand and want a thai-licence therefor (good to have in the wallet wherever you go, hospitals,car-renter, or places where they normaly ask every white man for passport, you hand them a thai-licence and they smile, hahaha).


  6. Filipinos Burmese and the like are no doubt used to this procedure and don't bat an eye. It's only when a westerner is alerted to this practice that red alert sounds off. It's that westerner, human rights and fair labor practices rearing its ugly head where it dont belong. I see the girl being dismissed the second someone starts raising a stink about this passport thing

    What a load of bull.

    Fillipinos being used to it? Perhaps. But perhaps that's also why there's story upon story of migrant workers in SEA being abused, taken advantage of, trafficked, underpaid, not paid at all, injured in unsafe work conditions and/or killed.

    Would you willingly surrender your passport to an employer in a foreign country?

    Sorry, but human rights belong everywhere you find human beings.

    When i worked as an traveling engineer in Sweden (1,5 year ago) our company always had 2 passports for every employee. They gave us one when we traveled somewere. If we needed a holiday we had to go in to the office and get the passport.

    Human rights????? For the employer holding your passport, you bring up HUMAN RIGHTS???

    By the way, in our case why the company held our passports (and also applied for one exctra for all of us) was that they send them away and applied for visas. If i where in Thailand for instans and a job came up were i was needed in Ghana after this, company could send passport two and apply for visas while i was in Thailand with passport one. When we came home i hand in passport one, took passport 2 and traveled.

    Holding passport can be right sometimes, and wrong sometimes, but human rights.....well,whatever. I find it harder and harder to take you seriously canadiangirl, hahaha. Sorry.

  7. Hi,

    I live in Bang Rak, and have a constant problem with electricity. I have a digital multi-meter, and monitor the voltage fluctuations quite a bit. When it becomes most serious is during the frequent blackouts, however, every day seems to hold problems with power fluctuations, and the nature of these has changed in the 5 months since I moved here from Chonburi.

    This is serious enough for me to want to do something about it, including moving to another part of the island. Is it the same everywhere? A friend said it was noticeably worse in my particular area - across from Ting Tong Bar on the Ghost Road.

    My lights dim, fans and A/C slow, and my computer's UPS starts beeping. A month ago, this only occurred during the evenings, but now it starts around 8 AM. Up until last month I would see a maximum of 210v and a minimum - very low - 139v. When the power dropped below 175v it would start beeping.

    Now I see high numbers - up to 305v, but usually around 255v. Presently when the # drops to around 235v and less, the beeping starts. I can't figure out why the readings on my multi-meter would change. I also think I need a larger UPS, or line conditioner, to deal with some other electronic components I want to hook up. To summarize.

    Is the problem island-wide?

    Are there any areas outside mine that are better?

    Is there a way I can fix the problem?

    Are line conditioners available in Samui?



    I live a bit further down on the same road, allthough our neigbourhood is only a few years old. No problems of the kind you describe what so ever in my house.

    I dont think it matter what area you live in on Samui, the problem seems to be in your house/neigbourhood electric equipment. Have also a couple of friends in blessing resort close to you and they never said anything about these problems.

    I use to live across chaweng lake in a worn bungalow-village. There we had tre powerbreaks/week and often problems like you describe, but one look at the electric wires in the neighbourhood and one could easily understand why. Completely overgrown with tree and buches in beetween the wires.

    Anyway, your area itself dont have problems that i know of so take a look how wires etc in and around your place look. Have a talk with the landlord / electric-company. Should work fine where you are living. Must be something they can fix.

  8. Thanks for letting us know why the thread got removed.

    By the way - who wants to play Bridge and does not know where other players are should give me a pm.

    :o hahaha. Thats a good one k.s.c!

    And yeah. Thanks for the change of letting us know why thread got removed. Nice change in moderating. Keep it up.

  9. ...I had a non-b since i do have a company. But i was on the low tax (1500/month, and i not have employees) so i had double entrie. Immigration said that since we now are married, me and my thaiwife, i should bring the marriage licence or whatever its called to ambassy on my next visarun.

    I will then get a Non-o visa with multiple-entie that can be stamped every 3 months in immigration. I was already here confused, because entry for me (not englich orig) means border.

    The fact that the immigration official specifically referred to your now being married to a Thai seems to indicate that he meant that you now qualify for an extension of stay to live with your Thai wife. While the marriage certificate plus signed copy of wife's ID card are usually enough to get a non-O visa from a Thai consulate, a few additional requirements will have to be met for the extension of stay.

    Normally, you would apply for an extension of stay for one year but I am sure that your Samui immigration official will be happy to give you an extension of only 90 days at a time if that is what you apply for. After all, immigration can collect a fee for every application. The official fee is 1,900 Baht but some members have posted that the Samui immigration office likes to collect 5,000 Baht if they can get away with it.

    To conclude, the immigration official was correct when he said that if you have a multiple-entry non-O visa he can stamp your passport and you do not have to leave and re-enter Thailand every 90 days. But you have to meet the requirements for the extension of stay, sometimes incorrectly called "visa extension" by immigration officials.



    Is it possible that he felt the OP was initially not earning enough on his WP per month.. But that now he is married he can get the reduced rate for marriage ??

    So that he is basically getting the extension not purely based on his marriage situation but on the fact he gets a lower threashold on married to a Thai national ??

    So you mean having less shares of a company would give you benefit??

    The non-o i got in penang is completely not depending on the company. I did not show any companypapers. Only marriage certificate.

    Get it straight now. Multiple entries. After 3 months i need an entry stamp, right?? This is what immigration say they do, but i take it if they dont do it i do a border-run. When do i (if ever) need extension??

    I was under the impression that i get a entrie stamp every 90 days and after the last one (expires after i had my visa 15 months) i go to penang and get a new multiple entrie visa on same conditions like the last one??? Is that correct??

    Extension (photos of home, neighbours and everything) sounds just to be more hassle than just take a 3 days holiday and get the new visa.

  10. Yeh, good bartman, do post the reply. This will be my situation a year from now i guess........

    Your right, it is a fantastic drive and nature to ranong. The burmasituation now i guess it wont be possible...?

    If you go to penang its not to bad either. Highway all the way. And i can also recommend a nice hotel in sadao, south Thailand.

    I drove there with my wife, left samui 8 o clock ferry, and we took it nice and easy, alot of stops, and still we arrived 4:30 in the afternoon. Had time for shower, a nap, and a nice dinner in the evening. Wake up early and go myself to the border (5 minuites from the hotel) and took a taxi to embassy where eddy met me since i called him and said i want it back the same day. With eddys fantastic help i was back in sedao 7 in the evening. And all i did in the day was sittin in the restaurant speeking with others on a visarun!! Nice evening and sedao again (lots of great restaurants and everything very cheap for a samui-expat, hahaha) and a slow drive home the next day to join the 5 0 clock ferry.

    Now when we (also my wife) found sadao this nice we might even do this when the border trip comes up. Take it as a holiday. The diesel for my car cost me 1500 baht and the whole trip (ex. visa) was about 7000. And there is always variation-options to maybe take one night in nakhom si thammarat or something the next time.

    I stayed in a hotel called "oliver hotel" in sadao. Very nice hotel and easy to find. I think it was 700/night. If you drive to the border any motorbike taxi guide you there for 40 baht.....

    Transcript of my communication with Visa Agent in Penang...


    Q: Can you please tell me what documents are required for renewal of "non immigrant O Visa"

    A: 1. original married certificate

    2. wife ID (copy)

    3. house documents (own or rent)

    4. Thailand bank account book

    Submission time : 9am - 12noon

    Collection time : 2pm - 4pm (next working day)

    Q: What does the Thai Bank Book need to Show? Income or 400,000 Baht?

    A: As for the bank book there is no certain sum of money needed to be shown.

    This is just a supportive document

    Q: Does my Thai wife need to come?

    A: No

    Q: Please understand this is not my first O visa.

    A: With these documents that you have, no matter for the first time or not we are able to

    arrange for 1 year visa with multiple entries.


    All the above questions where answered by a visa agent in Penang. I will not be doing this renewal for another 3 months so hope the rules do not change.

    Thanks Bartman, good information.

    And yeah, you should probably e-mail him again before you are about to leave. These advanced rules seem to change often.

  11. Thai Limited Partnership is another route that you can investigate. Such a limited partnership does not need 4 Thai employees, just 2 million THB Capitalisation per WP.

    The catch is that you need a Thai Managing Partner who is the partnersip's director and that person will have unlimited liability. Your liability would be limited to the extent of the partnersip's capitalisation. The ongoing running costs are similar to those of a Thai Limited Company.

    This model has been used by some foreigners wanting to set up small companies here in Thailand; you obviously need a Thai managing partner who you can trust 100%.

    Can the Thai Managing Partner be your Thai Wife ?

    But i had THAI LIMITED PARTNERSHIP before without emplyees. That gave me only a non-b doubble entry. 6 months. Border run after 90 days.

    I had my girlfriend (before we married) as an managing partner but not sure if your wife can be it. Would think so though.........

  12. Once again, If anyone has a MULTI ENTRY NON IMM O VISA you MUST exit the country at least every 90 days.

    You CANNOT get it stamped at an immigration office. Whatever Samui Immigration says.

    no matter what immigration says???????????????????

    Are you now claiming that what YOU say is more important that what IMMIGRATION say?? Who are you? Head of state?

    Anyway, i do beleive you are right, many people seem to have had this visa many years with similar experience. Im getting more and more convinced that i will have to leave the country every 90 days. But for me i think immigration will always be the attority to ask and not a public forum when it comes down to it. It is interresting with all different experiences. And i still wonder if all the immigrationoffices in Thailand have the same rules. Sometimes it seems like they do different services in different offices??

    Anyway, i do read and try to learn as much as possible on the forum, and speaking to expats. But a week before my visa expires i always go to immigration to be sure i do the right thing. No matter what lite beer seem to think, what immigration says is what matters, at least to me. And going there is a good idea since the rules and regulations about visa issues seem to change very often.

  13. Either that agent is extra expensive, a mistake was made on the fee or there has been a serious inflation problem in Penang as the normal price for an agent to hand carry passport for visa was always 20 ringit.

    I think there still is agents for 20 ringit....... not sure though.

    Eddie has a hotel, 24 hour service, you hand in your papers in the middle of the night and sleep as long as you want the next morning. All you have to do is wake up not later than 3 in the afternoon. He arrange the bus home, whit me he drove me to atm since i needed money and he have westernfood in his restaurants.

    I would guess he is not the cheapest alternative.

    Theres agents and theres agents...........

    I think he is good. But like is said, theres is probably many more and cheaper to choose from. One that others reccommend is nrj books, apparently also very good....

  14. Yeh, good bartman, do post the reply. This will be my situation a year from now i guess........

    Your right, it is a fantastic drive and nature to ranong. The burmasituation now i guess it wont be possible...?

    If you go to penang its not to bad either. Highway all the way. And i can also recommend a nice hotel in sadao, south Thailand.

    I drove there with my wife, left samui 8 o clock ferry, and we took it nice and easy, alot of stops, and still we arrived 4:30 in the afternoon. Had time for shower, a nap, and a nice dinner in the evening. Wake up early and go myself to the border (5 minuites from the hotel) and took a taxi to embassy where eddy met me since i called him and said i want it back the same day. With eddys fantastic help i was back in sedao 7 in the evening. And all i did in the day was sittin in the restaurant speeking with others on a visarun!! Nice evening and sedao again (lots of great restaurants and everything very cheap for a samui-expat, hahaha) and a slow drive home the next day to join the 5 0 clock ferry.

    Now when we (also my wife) found sadao this nice we might even do this when the border trip comes up. Take it as a holiday. The diesel for my car cost me 1500 baht and the whole trip (ex. visa) was about 7000. And there is always variation-options to maybe take one night in nakhom si thammarat or something the next time.

    I stayed in a hotel called "oliver hotel" in sadao. Very nice hotel and easy to find. I think it was 700/night. If you drive to the border any motorbike taxi guide you there for 40 baht.....

  15. Quick question for all of the posters that have been asked to provide happy couple photos: Do you have Thai children?

    As I understand it, photos have always been a requirement for childless couples (albeit not often enforced), but waived for those who've had children.

    Hey guys

    I have a question about this non-

    O married to thai one year visa. I'm a canadian guy ,46, in chiang mai , just legally registered with my thai wife at the local Ampher here. I entered the country on a tourist visa, now expired. I want to apply for the one year(multiple entry?) visa based on status as married to a thai. It is a first time application. Do you know or know anyone who knows what docs I we will need to be successful? I have a bank account, and a house in my wife's name.And where should we do it? Penang? Another consulate? The immigration dept. in Bkk?

    All details appreciated


    Hey. I just got it. In the begining of this post i tell already what you need:

    Marriage lincence

    copy of wifes id card (signed)

    two passport photos

    your passport.

    Thats it. Atleast if you use an agent. I myself used an agent called eddy chia (www.banananewguesthoese.com) and he was very good.

    Others on the forum recomend other agents which is probably fine to.

    This voisa is easy to get and does not require any money at all. No money in the bank. No monthly income. This i know for a fact since i got it 1 month ago in penang and what i stated above is all i showed. FOR SURE.

    Hello mattias33,

    Thanks for the Interesting information. your weblink does not work it should be www.banananewguesthouse.com.

    I am in a very similar situation.

    Live in samui, married to Thai. My first visa was a "non-imigrant B'' and when that expired i got a "non-immigrant O". After the first 90 days of this "O" visa I went to the immigration office in Nathon (Samui) as I had been told that I did not have to leave the every 90 days. But the immigration office told me that I could only get my 90 day stamp there if I could show an income from outside Thailand (as on an O visa work is not permitted). In the end it was easier just to leave and re-enter the country (usually Burma). So I have always had to leave and re-enter the country every 90 days..... Now about to do my last 90 day stamp in Burma 1 day before the visa expires then I will need to renew my O visa and the whole process starts again....I originally obtained my O visa in Australia (home country) as that was the requirement then and it cost me about 6000 Baht and had to show 400,000 baht in Thai bank account.

    I now read that you say it was free it Penang. Do you mean that you did not have to show money or income to the immigration office? and how much was the visa including agent fees..???



    If anyone has accurate/different information of how to renew an O visa it would be greatly appreciated...

    Yep. Never (so far) showed any money.

    Visa fee was 550 ringit (5500 baht) and the agent fee was 60 ringit. I was in a sticky situation since my wife was waiting in a hotel in sedao, i arrived late (10 in the morning maly time) so i had to pay another 40 ringit to make sure the agent got it back the same evening. But hes normal fee was 60 ringit. (dont have a clue where the extramoney went, brags or simply the fact that he had to wait around longer in ambassy??)

    (there is a slight possibillity i turned the figures 60, 40 around but the whole fee in my case was 100 ringit).

    The agent was very proffesional and you can either stay in his guest house overnight, arrive late evening and hand in all your papers, he go up in the morning and go to the embassy himself and come back in the afternoon. You dont have to bother. Or as in my case wait in his restaurant and he have a travelagent next door that drive minivans back to the border for 200 baht. Eddy himself organize it all while you enjoy your holiday!!

    As for the immigration thing, i never done it and it is becoming clearer that i wloud have to do border-runs i guess.........

    If the will be the case its not to bad either. Julias border van is ok and a quick thing. By the way, how did you go too burma, and why? Is it cheaper or faster or did you just siply enjoy the nice roads with the good view?? (fantastic between choumpon and ranong).

    And, thanks for editing my spelling on the website, my fingers are still to big for the laptop even though im getting there slowly, hahaha.

  16. I am happy to say that I recently married my Thai girlfriend.

    There are obvious advantages for my new wife and our child as regards to their relations to my home courntry in the European Union.

    But are their any advantages for me as regards to my relation to Thailand, to have a Thai wife and a Thai / EU child ?

    You dont say much about your situation. In my own case (married 2 months ago) the advantage for me personaly in Thailand is:

    1. I got a non-o visa and therefore we could transfer the company to my wifes name since i dont need a non-b anymore.

    2. Transfering the company to my wife name save taxmoney. Before i had to pay 1500 a month +plus money for attorneys. Now, with a thaiowner, the tax is 4500 baht for half a year and we dont need the attorneys since the paperwork (without me in there) is all in Thai and easy enough for my wife to do it herself.

    My child is also on the way and will be thai/eu same as yours and i dont know what advantage that may mean. If any?

  17. Quick question for all of the posters that have been asked to provide happy couple photos: Do you have Thai children?

    As I understand it, photos have always been a requirement for childless couples (albeit not often enforced), but waived for those who've had children.

    Hey guys

    I have a question about this non-

    O married to thai one year visa. I'm a canadian guy ,46, in chiang mai , just legally registered with my thai wife at the local Ampher here. I entered the country on a tourist visa, now expired. I want to apply for the one year(multiple entry?) visa based on status as married to a thai. It is a first time application. Do you know or know anyone who knows what docs I we will need to be successful? I have a bank account, and a house in my wife's name.And where should we do it? Penang? Another consulate? The immigration dept. in Bkk?

    All details appreciated


    Hey. I just got it. In the begining of this post i tell already what you need:

    Marriage lincence

    copy of wifes id card (signed)

    two passport photos

    your passport.

    Thats it. Atleast if you use an agent. I myself used an agent called eddy chia (www.banananewguesthoese.com) and he was very good.

    Others on the forum recomend other agents which is probably fine to.

    This voisa is easy to get and does not require any money at all. No money in the bank. No monthly income. This i know for a fact since i got it 1 month ago in penang and what i stated above is all i showed. FOR SURE.

  18. Maybe they think you have a years extension.

    I am thinking the same.

    Mattias53, did the immigration officer see the visa in your passport when he told you that you don't have to leave the country?

    You say "one-year visa" and mean the multiple-entry non-O visa, but some people hear "one-year visa" and mean an annual extension.



    No. Ive not yet showed my visa. I went there before i left for malasia. Whole story:

    I had a non-b since i do have a company. But i was on the low tax (1500/month, and i not have employees) so i had double entrie. Immigration said that since we now are married, me and my thaiwife, i should bring the marriage licence or whatever its called to ambassy on my next visarun.

    I will then get a Non-o visa with multiple-entie that can be stamped every 3 months in immigration. I was already here confused, because entry for me (not englich orig) means border.

    Anyway, did what they said, and asked my visa agent in-penang what the rules really are. Do i have to leave every 3 months since its entries? He said no. I ask again and he still say no. If you live in samui you only go to immigration. And, he realy seem to know what he talk about. He actually got a bit offended at the end because i asked over and over again and he specificly told me that, i know for sure, you go only to immigration every 3 months. And he said actually:See you next year!!!

    Part 2 is that i went straight back to immigration, (without my passport though) and asked them: "are you really sure that this is done here?" and they laughed and said "yes". My suspision is from the entry thing, like i said, entry for me is border. I might be confusing it a bit with my not to god englich.

    And part 3: Today at the mall i again run i to thois immigrationguy and my wife is getting embaressed since i ask here to convert all these conversations, when i ask one more time he smiles and say, "dont worry". I worked with immigration 15 years. I know you already 3 years (wich is true) and never lie. I am 100 % sure. After 90 days you come to me and i give you a stamp. And everything is legal, everything is free. FOR SURE.

    Then i come home and read the posts here and now i have to say im really confused.

    Not that i dont beleive you all know what you talk about, at the same time i have to think immigrationofficers (helped me before) and agents in malasia that have it for at living also know what they talk about.............Probably the one who know the least is me myself.

    Realy confusing....

  19. Yes 23rd and 26th

    I need a a holiday.

    And you NEED a bloody NEW van as well, since I get sea sick watching your's! :o:D


    (just kidding ya, LB)


    That van picture is great!! Reminds me of a visarun i once did............hahahaha.


    As mentioned already: 23rd and 26th. Dont have a clue what we celebrate but it is a holiday. Is it rama5? Anyway, if it is one of these holidays when the bars close theres always seven elven......... :D .

  20. Mattias.

    If what you are telling us is correct you are staying here illegally and will end up in big trouble.

    If you have a multi entry Non Imm O you can enter as many times as you want but MUST go over the border at least every 90 days. I hope for your sake you are mistaken about what you actually have.

    Any one else reading your post please disregard it as it is totaly wrong.

    It is a multi-entry. And i have like i said two friend from phuket, and immigration there dont do the entry stamps. They have to go to the border.

    I am not ilegal yet, and wont be because i will check one more time before its to late. But i ran into this immigration-man today again and ask him if he is sure. He said:yes. Dont worry. I worked for 15 years and im SURE!!!

    I havent yet got any stamps but it will be interresting.

    So information. Im 34 years old. The visa is a non immigrant type "o" with 4 entries. I just got it. But according to both the agent in Malaysia witch i asked tre times to be sure, and the immigrationofficer here in samui witch by now i think i asked 10 times, i dont have to leave the country. Just immigration every 3 months.

    What makes me ask so many times, and even bringin it up here is already mentioned friends in phuket. Anyone with a similar situation in samui would be interresting to hear from.

    Also, i could not worry about this since i always ask immigration what to do. If anything is illegal i dont know what i could do different? Im no visaexpert. But i always go to immigration in good time before the visa expires and ask what to do. And then follow the instructions.

    Allthough the reaction here on the forum makes me think twice. But i couldnt possible go there and ask again, they would trow me out, hahaha.

    Sorry but you do not have 4 entries. You can make as many entries as you like , each one being a maximum of 90 days.

    Again you will have to a visa run before the 90 days are up. If you do your last run just before it expires you will get a total of 15 months.

    If you are correct and listen to Samui Immigration you will be in trouble. That is the law.

    Only trying to help.

    Thanks. No it says "number of entries M", your right, sorry.

    Anyway, thanks for the help.

    I just dont see why both the agent and immigration would lie and tell me i dont have to go to the border. I have had many different visas, tourist, non-b, and now non o. I been using the immigration in many years and know them very well. And there advise has always been right.

    But for sure i will go back there one more time in good time before my 90 days expire. You convinced me of that.

    Still strange though........

    Any samuiguy here on the forum that have similar visas?? Im getting really confused.

  21. Mattias.

    If what you are telling us is correct you are staying here illegally and will end up in big trouble.

    If you have a multi entry Non Imm O you can enter as many times as you want but MUST go over the border at least every 90 days. I hope for your sake you are mistaken about what you actually have.

    Any one else reading your post please disregard it as it is totaly wrong.

    It is a multi-entry. And i have like i said two friend from phuket, and immigration there dont do the entry stamps. They have to go to the border.

    I am not ilegal yet, and wont be because i will check one more time before its to late. But i ran into this immigration-man today again and ask him if he is sure. He said:yes. Dont worry. I worked for 15 years and im SURE!!!

    I havent yet got any stamps but it will be interresting.

    So information. Im 34 years old. The visa is a non immigrant type "o" with 4 entries. I just got it. But according to both the agent in Malaysia witch i asked tre times to be sure, and the immigrationofficer here in samui witch by now i think i asked 10 times, i dont have to leave the country. Just immigration every 3 months.

    What makes me ask so many times, and even bringin it up here is already mentioned friends in phuket. Anyone with a similar situation in samui would be interresting to hear from.

    Also, i could not worry about this since i always ask immigration what to do. If anything is illegal i dont know what i could do different? Im no visaexpert. But i always go to immigration in good time before the visa expires and ask what to do. And then follow the instructions.

    Allthough the reaction here on the forum makes me think twice. But i couldnt possible go there and ask again, they would trow me out, hahaha.

  22. If you have not done so before you can obtain a 60 day extension of stay one time from immigration under police order 606/2006 section 7.23

    Penang may be a better choice for multi entry at this time - several have reported none or minimum bank requirements.

    7.23 In case of entering for

    visiting a Thai wife /

    husband or child.

    The permission shall be

    granted only one time with

    the granted period not

    exceeding 60 days.

    Yes, can certify above statement. Got a multi-entry non o in penang a month ago and did not show any bank/salery statements.

  23. I recently had a renewal of extension of stay based on married to Thai woman.

    The new rule was that we had to take some new photos at home showing us together; the front of our

    house and all rooms in the house was required.

    They wanted 6 new photos and told us to come back in a week with the new photos.

    They told us also to be prepared for the same rules next year (2008) renewal with deposit of not less

    than 400.000 baht at least 3 month before the application but without any new photos of cause.

    So what is the process if obtaining 1-year visa extension based on married to Thai woman. (1) Find your girl and get married at local amphur office (legal Thai marriage); (2) If one entered on something other than non-imm visa, go to some Embassy/counsulate and obtain non-imm visa based on marriage documentation; (3) Return to LOS and transfer-in your B400,000; (4) Near the expiration of your non-imm visa, go to local immigration office with marriage docs, bank book, bank statements, bank letter, photos of self and joint housing photos and apply for your "married man's" 1 year extension.

    Is that basically the process? Any steps I missed? I may finally breakdown and tie the knot so just want to see if I got this down :o

    I rescently "tied the knot" myself and went after this to penang. I got a one year non-o but mine is 4 entries. Every tre month i have to go to immigration (ilive on samui,is close, no problem) and get a stamp for free.

    All i brought to penang was this, (a month ago):

    1. Marriage certificate

    2. Copy of my thai wifes id-card (signed)

    3. 2 passportsize photos of myself (dont smile!)

    4. My passport

    I have a friend working in the immigration-office and he say its no problem. They do the stamp every tre months and it is for free. This is also what the agent i used in Malaysia said.

    I have two friends living in Phuket and both of them have the same visa as i have, and for many years they have to go to ranong for the stamp because immigration in phuket dont do it. Apperently all these immigration-offices have different rules? I dont know.

    Anyway, if you do live near a immigration that do the stamp, this is a good option since it dont require any income or money in the bank. Just show that you are married and thats it.

  24. Agree with tropo. Get a agent. Cost you about 500 baht but for sure he fix it all for you. I used a very helpful and proffesional agent a month ago and if you e-mail him i think it would even be possible that he wait for you in the airport and pick up all your things there. You go to the restaurant and he come back around 4 in the afternoon.

    His name is Eddy chia

    If you want i can pm his mobile-nr to you.


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