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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. The ghost road has been in dire need of repair for years but as long as the heavy trucks travel it and they continue to use sand to fill in the holes it will be a lost cause, left to the locals who use it.

    Here Maccaroni man actually bring up something else. Why are the heavy trucks even aloud to drive there? I ubderstand the few that need to go to a construction along the way, but i get the feeling a lot of them are just taking a "short cut".

    The Gohst road is to small for trucks. Everytime you meet one its trouble. And they go "full speed" taking more than their half of the road and just force normal cars of the way. A like you said, destroy the road aswell.

    Id say a first step in making the gohst road better would be to forbid the heavy trucks.

  2. Also interesting to note that the moron actually openly admitted in this forum that they actually bribe the police. For goodness sake mods, don't delete this thread, cos that's almost enough evidence in itself to get him deported! Hee hee!

    You shouldn´t have said that. The guy was just about to post his Name, adress, and a photo of himself! :o

    What a moron. Hope they catch him and his crew soon. I wouldnt mind partisipating in the wall thing......

    But hey, we are a lot of readers on this forum and now these guys have our eys on them. Alot of expats!! And we all hate this phenomena so i say. BE WARNED!!!! :D

  3. Any Swedich people in Bangkok thet can tell me where to by "snus"? I have a lot in Samui as i import it but im now in Bangkok longer than expected and im running out!! Anyone able to help me?

    (snus is a swedich tobaco placed under the "stiff upper lipp", completely legal also in Thailand, i swear.)

  4. We could look at it this way:

    – First, the officer wrote the number two and drew a circle around it.

    – The he needed to write the flight number QF001. Seeing that 2 in the circle looking like a Q, he thought he had already written Q and added F00.

    – Finally, as he was writing 1, at the end of the down-stroke his hand jerked to the right and this made the 1 look like an L.




    Wow, your good! Ever concider doing investigations for the feds? Hahahaha.

    Anyway, your right, we cant assume it actually is what its looking like in this case. I have a hard time beleiving he actually ment what he wrote. But it would be nice to show this thread to the officer and have him explaining!

    (dont ever loose this passport, it is a classic!)

  5. i live on that road and the smells coming from the hotels is sometimes over powering ,i,ve never seen the yellow sh_t box at any of these places ,so guess where its going .....

    Well, lazeeboy, im not shure i make you happy or not but to chear you up a little bit i have to say that the "rainwater" on the lakeroad never smells better than when its raining because then it actually have rain in it!!! :o

    And no, i never seen the boxes either allong that road and no i dont have to guess, i know for a fact, people that drain their toilets right in the buches, and when the smell gets to bad once a month they through a little clorin in the buch!!

    Now, we (also me) are very quick when it comes to blaming surathani province for "steling taxmoney from samui" and so on, and i agree on that issue, samui infrastructure is not good enough considering how much vehicle tax and personal tax we all must generate. But, everything is not to blame on the community. I mean, along "gost road" where i live, there is so many new projects coming up, looks like realy expensive projects to, why wont they go together and fix that road? Must be only a small pice of money if these big buisnessmen did it together,and it would defintly help them sell their houses!!

    And the lake road. Yes it is the crapiest road in samui and no i dont drive there anymore due to the wholes witch should be fixed by taxmoney. But then again, the drainsystems on the toilets in the mountain? Is that the communitys obligation to fix?? I dont think so. And as long as it continues, why would they put alot of tax money in fixing the whole, when the road is fille with toilett-water anyway?

    I dont know. Just my thoughts. :D

    Anyway, hang in there lazeeboy, dry season on the way, hahaha. :D

  6. I like radar, it's the best way for short forecast (2 or 3 hours)

    the lake road is flooded as usual the main road into chaweng ,and its full of sand and holes ,nice welcome for the tourists..

    The lake road is halfway flooded even with no rain at all since most of the "cheap charlies" up the mountain drain their toilets right out the road. I lived along that road for a 8 month period and i never ever seen it completely dry of water.

    I nowadays dont have anything in that area to do and i say let the poor guys drive around in their own toilettwater since they are to cheap to make a real solution of this problem.

    However, there are people still building along that road (even new resorts, when there are 100 empty rooms for rent already) and im surprised how you can build fansy,new buildings and dont do anything about the road?

    Well, not my buisness. I just never felt safe driving a motorbike in that road, even in dryseason, and for some reason my clothes never smelled good when i came home either!!

    It just keeps on amazing me how people that drain their toilet water right down the mountain, then complain about how much water there is on the road!!

    And then off course there is the all known problem with "taxmoney" from bikes and cars ending up somewhere else than on the roads.

    Well, it is what it is. Thailand is still the pardise and samui is great. Gotta love what we have!!!

  7. T.s. You seem to be expirienced.

    At least when you go all the way from choumpon, lomprayah minivans drive you for free on samui. How is it when you go only from pagnan?

    Because as we know, even if the taxiride is only five minuites you might easy have to pay 500 baht for that one with samui taxis!!

    Or do actually seatran have a similar service from ban rak pier? I mean a free van?

    Othrewise i agree with you that Ban rak pier is the place you want to come to if you are heading for the airport. Mae nam is way out there and with a "lake" in the middle of the town. Maybe lomprayah catamaran actually go all the way to seven eleven in mae nam soon?!

    Only chaweng lakeroad is worse.

  8. Let me just say, completely off topic, that i lift my hat out of respect to lopburi3!! I myself get a headache from reading visarules in 3 minuites(only my own case!) but you just seem to keep on going and keeping yourself updated and helping us all out!! I read this forum regulary and i learned a great deal from you!! Thanks for your great advises and keep it up!!

    Respect :o

  9. Don't know the resort's name or if the pool is open to non-guests. But it's only about maybe 75m west of that Seaweed restaurant/bar.

    Koheesti my friend, from seaweed 75 m west i can think of at least 10 goooood drinkingplaces. My only question is: how did you ever manage to be solber enough to see a pool, hahaha?

    Where you out of money, or did you actually fel in the pool? Hahahahaha! :D . (Sorry buddy, have to do it, old habbit)

    Ok, sorry, really of topic. Back to pools!

    The hotel on the left of the lomprayah pier has a pool. Might not be the best excercise pool but the invironment sure is something else. Right on the beach. I used it sveral times when i ordered drinks. (quite good trick to use pools that are not public, but might not be the thing op ask for!!)

    And while im at it, a pool that i havent seen mensioned in this forum before but that i think is the greates one on the island, also good for exercise, ban suan sook in the lake road! The exercise starts already with the walk up the stairs to the pool. Once you are up there its a view all over samui. Absolutely fanstastic and never crowded. I been there many times all alone. The lady there use to accept public use for a small fee but i havent been there for half a year now. Just thought it deserves to be mentioned as it is sooooooooooo great!! :o

  10. i think safteywise the boats themselves are similar. i much prefer the seatran though. i really dislike lomprayah as a company and in the monsoon that boat really gets chucked around. you couldn't pay may to take a kpg chumpon run, and i don't get seasick

    I would have to agree with you. Allthough i took the lomprayah one time all the way from samui to choumpon and it was a realy nice ride. But this was is GOOD weather. I think i would have a different oppinion if we ran into the monsoon, catamarans are not comfortable in bad weather.

  11. Compared to the "new?" boat seatran is "bad luck" for the reasons i already metioned.

    If you want to go quicker than the 90 minuites you would have to go with a speedboat. By,rent or pay somebodý that have one to drive you.

    Kao chai?

    Is there actually somebody with information on this boat? Is it a new thing or have i just missed it before??

  12. Blessing village has a long nomral swimming pool. down the ghost road in bang rak

    Blessing is a good exercise pool indeed. But you need to catch the hours when its not filled with divers, hahaha, witch is getting harder and harder since all the divingschools in samui seem to use it for school.......

    Great pool though.

    50 baht for one day use. 500 for the month. Open for public use 9-5. :D

    that's not bad. :D

    especially when you consider buddy lamai is charging 100B a day for a 5hit, kidney bean shaped pool, usually full of kids.

    The Blessing is also kidney bean shaped. But a BIG and DEEP kidney bean.

    I was in Fisherman's Village yesterday and there was one resort toward the western end with a really nice pool. It had a small parking lot between it and the road.

    Are you calling the gulf of Thailand Swimmingpool? :o

    What resort is that?

    And is the pool for public use or only residents?

  13. I didnt check the nr. Its probably not brand new, like you said an older boat that got painted. Allthough i wouldnt call it old fishing boat. I found it at least much better than the other boats. Might have been around for a while then, but in that case ive always had the "bad luck" to end up on seatran, but then again it realy is not that big of a deal since the ride is an hour and a half long.

    Just a pleasant afternoon surprise for me. :o

  14. :o I,m flying with my wife to Penang this thursday,I just got married.I read in another forum a guy´s friend got back from Penang 3 weeks ago with multi O visa without having to show any proof of funds.

    Yep, did the same about 5-6 weeks ago. No moneyproof. Just marriagecertificate,signed copy of wifes id-card,passport and 2 photos. Used an agent in penang. Handed it over in the morning and got it back the same evening. No problem what so ever. (Non-o multi)

  15. I had been looking for a gas bbq for a while, and finally bought the Quik-fire 2 burner stainless model.

    They have been mentioned in the forums recently, locally made in Udon.

    They are truly a work of art. Sturdy enough to dance on, and hot as hellfire if you turn them up.

    The heat is easily regulated, and the cook area perfectly fits two of those 1/2 sized stainless inserts you see on buffet tables,

    I'm sure a full-sized one will use the same space. With the double walled top closed, this makes for a nice oven.

    I could go on and on, but suffice it to say,

    I'm impressed, truly


    So, where did you buy it and how much did you pay?

  16. Blessing village has a long nomral swimming pool. down the ghost road in bang rak

    Blessing is a good exercise pool indeed. But you need to catch the hours when its not filled with divers, hahaha, witch is getting harder and harder since all the divingschools in samui seem to use it for school.......

    Great pool though.

    50 baht for one day use. 500 for the month. Open for public use 9-5. :o

  17. Took the car to Bangkok on the last tuesday and was surprised to see we where going from a brand new pier in Nathon!! I did not even know they where building one and now its finished! Offcourse, im not in Nathon very often. Even more surprised when i saw it was a carferry i never seen before. Very nice boat, far better than the others and seemed very new aswell. According to the wife all the signs on the boat are in chinese language so it appears it comes from there. Anybody know whats up with this? Is this boat suppose to be in Samui-Donsak permanetly or did they just borrow it for a short time to service the old ships? Anyway it was a more plesant ride than it usually is. Good initiativ, hope its here to stay! :D

    ... :o , i think u d'ont go to Nathon for a very long time.

    This pier replace the old one, maybe the Raja-Ferry will use the old-pier soon (somebody told me)

    Actually i came 3 weeks ago, but at that time they still used the old pier. Just havent noticed they where building a new one.

    Looked like there where alot more fishingboats at the old pier than usual....Maybe they let it up for the fishermen.

    Outsea we met the old ratchaferry, witch make speculation going....... Maybe they want to go straight from the mainland to koh pagnan with the ratcha? I dont know. Will be interesting to see what the plan is, i guess we all are winners no matter what.

    And it sure was a very enjoyable boat compared to the old one. More "sundeck" with alot of chairs both under roof and open air, and also more comfortable massagearea and cafeteria. As usuall in Thailand aircond was going full to produce "winter-temperatures" inside, but im outside anyway. :D

    The absolut best they can tell me in this case is that the new boat aren´t replacing any of the others. Its been a problem long time coming to Donsak and all boats are fully booked. Even if you have booked a ticket you are happy to make it. Arriving to donsak 11 o clock and just barerly make it as the last passenger on the 6 o clock ferry. Maybe they finally realized that more boats are needed?

    Well, lets see what happens.

  18. Congrats man, great for you! And for me because im in a similar situation, my first coming in december.

    My wife also want a farangname and i want a Thai name. In our case i think we will let the munk give the thainame and i myself give the (swedich) farangname. The farangname will then be the name we use in speakingterms (nickname in thailand and real name in Sweden).

    I thought it over and my thoughts are that a kid with a farangname i Thailand gets nothing but respect, while a thainame in Sweden probably will gain some rasist scoolkids reason to give the kid a hard time if he /she go to school there eventually. I dont know, just a thought.

    Anyway, congratulations to both of you (3 of you eventually) and all the best!

  19. most of the girls seem to leave thong nai pan when they go off to university so there are not too many thai females here. but there are quite a few long term farang females! hrmmm.

    Would be nice if all posters refer to the SAME island!! Hahaha, but then again, op left it open for us to persume. Maybe on purpose to make the thread more fun?

    Female population, hmmm, let see. I always felt i got to much attention (specially in soi reaggae!) and im a pretty uggly guy. Id say there are enough women! Any woman from the western world thinking about moving here: you dont HAVE to, thanks for the offer but its ok at the moment. Offcourse you are welcome to move here for other reasons than increasing the female population. (Dishes,vaccuming,general maidservice and worshiping western men for instans). KIDDING. :o

    Btw. This thread is only for joke i persume, so i took the chans.

  20. No question automatic is more comfortable. But of course also a bit more limited when it comes to for instans island-driving with high hills and bad roads. Then again its up to the driver to consider every limitations of his/her vehicle.

    Pricewise i would like to add the factor of the many drivers that dont realy know how to gear an engine. I stopped counting the times im sitting in a car thinking "hope the plan is to change gear before a cylinder blows", with drivers that either have serious hearingproblems or dont know anything about viscousity of oil, enginetemperatures, and so on. High rpms in high temperature climat sure is a enginekiller and a fuelconsumtion raiser. In those cases it might be cheaper with a automatic, at least in the long run.

  21. Rainy season and low season means many shops are open on random days; no customers means no need to work!

    btw, nice advertising for the guy: maybe you also want to broadcast where you buy other illegal items, substances...


    it's not illegal. I saw him pay for his temporary sales permit of pirated dvd's to the police. Maybe he can't afford to make his operation legal anymore because he was complaining how expensive it was every month.

    Pirate-dvds is not illegal? Since when?

    Paying the Koh phagnan police makes pirate dvds legal? Did Warner agree on this, hahaha?


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