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Posts posted by Moruya

  1. Constitutions SHOULD be hard to change. That's the point! That's the protection a constitution offers (of course it DOES need to be reasonably well drafted in the 1st place, by those with the national, as opposed to self-, interest in mind)! One man's "booby trap" is another man's protection against mob rule (aka chaos). I saw one pinhead on another board pontificating about how the US Constitution is over 200 years old, was never meant to last this long, and should be ignored. A perfect example of the dangers of ignorance & mob rule.


    Evolution happens, society develops, things grow, meanings change, old orders die out and new ones occur....

    Adaptation and all that.

    Aye. But if Thailand follow Thaksin's path the Thais will be back in the trees in some kind of anti-Darwinian nightmare.

  2. The previous boss wouldn't have had this issue.

    The new one was parachuted in by PTP complete with a Damapong on the board.

    Top brass feed from the trough. Workers cannot

    1. The previous boss is the one that was in charge as TG posted some terrible losses. He also was responsible for making a decision to purchase equipment when TG was not generating the profits that could service the debt associated with those purchases

    2. The use of the term "parachute" is inappropriate. The current CEO is qualified to be a CEO. At least he understands the fact that the airline must be able to service its debt.

    So how do you explain Damapong?

  3. I saw rice in makro a while ago, significantly cheaper than the rest. Couldn't work out why?

    Marked on the packaging, "old crop".

    There's an "a" missing and a superfluous "o" in your final line.

    To the eye it looked very similar, just a shade darker. obviously it's usable, just not as good as fresh crop.

    Did it have the famous nutty aroma of the Thai Hom Mali with a slight hint of Pandanus?

  4. How can some people scoff at the EU seal of approval. We're talking about a well respected organization with a stellar human rights record. Oh sure, some of you will point to Continental Europes sordid history, but that's all in the past innit it? Let bygones be bygones I say, as the EU leads the way in human rights. Why just look at the great work the EU did on Bosnia. And then there was Rwanda and Burundi. France has cut a path on human rights when it gave Baby Doc Duvalier and all sorts of former African despots sanctuary. If it hadn't why gosh, they'd still be doing bad things wouldn't they? Today, Italy and Spain have set the standard when it comes to boat people. I'm sure the Thais have picked up a few pointers from their EU friends handling of North African refugees. The Spanish internment camps are quite something. Although journalists are barred from entry, I heard they have a football pitch beyond the barbed wire,. And let's not forget how the EU led the way on the genocide in Darfur. I think some of the EU diplomats managed a bit of hand wringing on that issue.

    Those naysaying Australians, Canadians and Americans have been critical in the past, so the EU diplomats will set this matter straight. After all, the Australians have this odious position that detainees nutritional, shelter and medical needs should be met. Imagine that. And those silly Americans and Canadians and their human rights nonsense, well 'nuff said. The Eu has cleared the matter up and it's good enough for me by jingo. We can close the file now.

    Let's not leave out Hitler. He would make the current regime look good.

    But wait! We're talking about the here and now. Modern slavery.

    That's bad and past deeds do not make it right no matter how much you lie to your conscience

    • Like 1
  5. Pongsapat said the allegation came up in 1998. A Royal Thai Police investigation team looked into the matter two years later and found he was innocent.

    Is there any corroboration to his own claim of alleged innocence "written in a rubbish second class tabloid newspaper"?


    Maybe here?

    Next to that, maybe you can find the shoplifting police report in your homeland? rolleyes.gif

    Should be a piece of cake for you.

    Now, that would be sensational wouldn't it?

    "Buchholz found proof for shoplifting by Pongsapat in the USA" clap2.gif

    He's certainly stealing the place to be a potential governor from up and coming PTP candidates purely on the basis of being in the same class as Thaksin.

    He only joined the PTP this week to be legally able to do so.

    Shifty bunch of bar stewards appoint yet another tea leaf too!

  6. Never let the facts get in the way of prejuidice, eh???


    OK - substantiate your claim that Yingluck's popularity is on the increase?

    The economy is no strenthening - far from it. Overspend is around 5% and national debt has risen by a staggering 20% of GDP since the Dems.

    Remind me how much of the flood "infrastructure" that the massive loan was taken out for has been done?

    The 300B wage went in 15 days ago - already seen stories of 250,000 unemployed in anticipation

    Militaru tension - yes, they had a sectret meeting to discuss their response to the ICJ verdict

    Thai involvement with ASEAN? You're kidding right? The government is too scared about impending disease

    BOI up? They haven't published an annual report since the Dems were in power.

    Tourism up since the massive floods. Splendid. Well done.

    Please see here and try and read some newspapers of greater depth and content than the Nation.........


    Recent reports say BOI applications and approvals are higher than previous years, I'll leave it to you to read the paper that cannot be mentioned.

    By all accounts relations between PT and the Army are warming and are certainly not as frosty as they could have been.

    Viz recent comments from Prem.

    Your comment on the recent meeting ( can't be secret if you knew of it ) is a red herring.

    Where are the reports of 250,000 unemployed ???

    Ask any Thai person you know about the standing of the Government, is it going up or down ???

    Where is your evidence to suggest it is going down or are you just in denial ??

    Your comment re ASEAN is inane.

    What is happening in Myanmar ???

    It's not all doom and gloom and the reality is a bit different from the garbage portrayed by some on here.

    I have several black bags for your empty and unsubstantiated comments

  7. Never let the facts get in the way of prejuidice, eh???


    OK - substantiate your claim that Yingluck's popularity is on the increase?

    The economy is no strenthening - far from it. Overspend is around 5% and national debt has risen by a staggering 20% of GDP since the Dems.

    Remind me how much of the flood "infrastructure" that the massive loan was taken out for has been done?

    The 300B wage went in 15 days ago - already seen stories of 250,000 unemployed in anticipation

    Militaru tension - yes, they had a sectret meeting to discuss their response to the ICJ verdict

    Thai involvement with ASEAN? You're kidding right? The government is too scared about impending disease

    BOI up? They haven't published an annual report since the Dems were in power.

    Tourism up since the massive floods. Splendid. Well done.

    • Like 1
  8. Meanwhile, Thailand goes forwards, the PM's popularity rises, the economy strengthens, major long term infrastructure is being planned and implemented, the 300 minimum wage has not caused the economy to collapse, military tension with neighbouring countries is on the wane, Thai involvement with ASEAN is growing, BOI applications and approvals are high ( if not at record levels ), the military top brass seem to be cooperating with the Government and tourism is up.

    This must hurt some on here.

    Red underpants brigade?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Self delete my illconsidered reply to excessively stupid, but typical of Thai Visa, comment from previous poster.


    I thought your initial post was both excessively stupid AND ill considered

    • Like 1
  9. Why do the Shinawatras seem so keen to give this land away......................

    Just a guess but it's a Khmer Hindu temple and belongs to Cambodia.

    I'm sure they don't give a toss about the surrounding scrubland either, except the fascists in the PAD keep raising this non-issue.

    Both the scrubland and the PAD are an irrelevance.

    I'm going to keep repeating this for the benefit of some posters' apparent and complete lack of historical knowledge. The fascists in the PAD are living in a bygone era where Thailand was allied with other fascist Axis powers, and used France and Indochina's military weakness in the region while fighting Japan to conduct a land grab of much of Western Cambodia. Victory Monument in Bangkok celebrates this embarrassment. These same Thai fascists no doubt consider that vast swathe of land to still belong to Thailand, even though it was repatriated to its rightful owners when Thailand ended up on the losing side of the war.

    Throughout recent history Thailand has always been the aggressor, even committing atrocities and war crimes during the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians at Preah Vihear in the late 70's when the Thai military forced people fleeing the Vietnamese invasion over minefields and off cliffs.

    Cue conspiracy theories about oil and gas reserves to excuse this most recent case of blatant nationalist posturing.

    "Just a guess but it's a Khmer Hindu temple and belongs to Cambodia."

    The case there is very contentious. Technically the land and temple fall inside Thailand given the agreed watershed.

  10. "Moody's review is not focused on current affairs, but forward-looking aspects. The infrastructure investment is a long-term policy, as it would be legally binding for this and subsequent governments. This should convince rating agencies of the long-term bright prospects of the Thai economy," said Kittiratt, who is also a deputy prime minister."

    More deputies than the US sherrif's department.

    "The government tentatively plans to provide 8 per cent of the needed funds through revenue of involved state enterprises, 69 per cent through borrowing by government and state enterprises, 9 per cent through annual fiscal budgets, and 14 per cent through public-private investment."

    Mister "Little White Lie" brings you a 101%

    "Of the total budget of Bt2.2 trillion, 64 per cent will fund 31 rail-related projects, 24 per cent will go to 13 road projects, 7 per cent to seven water-transport projects, and 4.75 per cent to four air-transport projects."

    The other THB5.5M will evaporate

    "The investment is to make Thailand the Asean centre for trade and investment," he told the audience."

    Who went on to check that their wallets were still in their pockets

    "To Moody's analysts, Kittiratt said the country was rebalancing the economy by trying to reduce reliance on export and boost domestic consumption through several measures such as the rise in the daily minimum wage to Bt300 nationwide, which would consequently boost economic growth."

    Moodys analysts know a fallacy when they hear one! Eat your own rice boys and girls.

    "He told Moody's that the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra enjoyed political stability and was ready to go ahead at full steam to move the country forward and implement all policies. The situation is different from 2006 when the military staged a coup d'etat and the country lacked political stability."

    So stable that members of their own government cry "coup" every 5 minutes

    "He said groups of people with starkly different political stances had expressed ideas and treated one another on a softer basis, resorting more to the parliamentary process to solve political tensions. This suggests that renewed political strife is less likely to erupt."

    Pitak who?

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