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Posts posted by Moruya

  1. So much paranoia with this topic.

    Actually the area Bangkok sits has been sinking long before Bangkok was even build.

    The Gulf of Thailand didn't even exist millions of years ago as the land was connected. The southern peninsula continues to break away and the Gulf of Thailand continues to expand northward as the southern peninsula pulls away.

    Blaming civilization and oil companies does make for a good story though.

    The oil field comments were to draw a similarity with what needs to be done with the reservoirs once the oil/gas have been removed to support the formation above as the pressure that was supporting it has now gone.

  2. There are countless examples of areas subsiding when oil or gas field are produces over a long period of time.

    Just do the opposite for Bangkok. Find a suitable formation 1-3,000 m below Bangkok, drill a couple of hundred wells and inject water over the next 30 years.

    Some cuttings reinjection into Bankok's morally depleted zones would work.

    Alternatively some horizontal drilling might assist. I remember the days when it was live in the Star of Light bar

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  3. It's fairly silly IMO that an MP ceases to be an MP, when Parliament isn't sitting, so that he then gets sent back to jail.

    Why doesn't this apply when they are sitting, at week-ends, either ? So he spends Saturdays & Sundays back inside ?

    The honourable thing would be for him to resign, until the case is sorted, and to take his punishment for his previous actions like a man.

    Or for parliamentary-immunity to apply only to things said within Parliament.

    No honour among this bunch

  4. I would imagine that David Bowie was at full volume.

    Am I wrong in recalling that Noppadon was the man who was removed from his position around 5/6 years ago for practically signing away the PV rights to the Cambodians?

    yes, you got that wrong.

    Noppadorn signed a bilateral agreement to support the UNSECO heritage bid by Cambodia.

    Abhisit whit his weird goals and his ultra nationalist friends from the PAD used that to create stink.

    Foreign minister and legal advisor broke the law.......

    Methinks that's where the stink came from

  5. DSI to probe on Yingluck for perjury

    The Department of Special Investigation will form a fact-finding panel to probe into alleged perjury involving Pheu Thai candidate Yingluck Shinawatra before deciding whether to launch a full investigation into the issue.

    The panel will try to clarify two legal questions - whether there is cause to suspect Yingluck's involvement and whether such perjury, if committed, would fall under the DSI jurisdiction, DSI Director-General Tharit Pengdit said on Tuesday.

    "The DSI will expedite the probe, expecting its completion soonest possible," he said.

    Tharit was reacting to a petition filed by two activists, Kaewsun Atibhodi and Tul Srisomwong.


    -- The Nation 2011-06-21

    How far did you get Tarit?

    • Like 1
  6. Yingluk's destiny is to be a footnote on Wikipedia highlighting her complete failure as a puppet PM for Thailand who brought the country to it's knees because of an ill conceived rice pledging scheme and Government borrowing beyond it's means or requirments.

    Dance puppet, dance.

    I have 2 points to make here.

    One crime she is guilty of is becoming more popular than her older brother.

    The second crime is that she already has a case hanging over her head for asset concealment and perjury at her older brother's trial so she should have known better.

    • Like 1
  7. Substitute by The Who
    You think we look pretty good together
    You think my shoes are made of leather

    But I'm a substitute for another guy
    I look pretty tall but my heels are high
    The simple things you see are all complicated
    I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated, yeah

    Substitute your lies for fact
    I can see right through your plastic mac
    I look all white, but my dad was black
    My fine looking suit is really made out of sack

    I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
    The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
    And now you dare to look me in the eye
    Those crocodile tears are what you cry
    It's a genuine problem, you won't try
    To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by

    Substitute me for him
    Substitute my coke for gin
    Substitute you for my mum
    At least I'll get my washing done

  8. Veruca Salt, the little brute,
    Has just gone down the garbage chute
    And She will meet as she descends
    A rather different set of friends
    A rather different set of friends
    A rather different set of friends
    A fish head, for example, cut
    This morning from a halibut.
    An oyster from an oyster stew,
    A steak that no one else would chew,
    And lots of other things as well,
    Each with a rather horrid smell.
    horrid smell
    These are Veruca's new found friends
    That she will meet as she descends,
    These are Veruca's new found friends
    The one's who spoiler her
    Who indeed?
    Who pandered to her every need?
    Who turned her into such a brat?
    Who are the culprits? Who did that?
    The guilty ones now this is sad
    Dear Old Mum and Loving Dad

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