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Posts posted by Moruya

  1. I don't think they support drugs either: "We will completely destroy the vices that corrupt our society of Malayu Muslims." though I am aware that the vices they refer to encompass a variety of "society corruptants" - take your pick.

    How does this relate to the Tak Bai incident?

    Are you attempting to make excuses on Thaksin's behalf?

    Are you trolling or just forgetful? Do you remember adding the war on drugs to the Tak Bai incident as a reason why there is an insurgency in the south and I asked you why?

    You replied "because of deaths caused by armed forces" presumably during the "war on drugs".

    I provided a manifesto from one of the insurgent groups pointing out that they wanted their "Pattani" back and would destroy anything Thai in order to do so and stated that it was a more logical reason for the insurgency than your war on drugs reason. I also tounge in cheek suggested as they wished to get rid of all vices, that they would probably have supported the "war on drugs"

    And then you come up with the nonsense above. OK? If you need anything else explaining don't bother asking, I've wasted more than enough time on you than is necessary.

    I'm sure that society harbours grudges about all instances of civilian death - not just Tak Bai.

    Your manifesto, verbose as it is when compared to the PTP counterpart, is irrelevant.

    Civilians died, grudges are still harboured, closure needs to be seen.

  2. the Ombudsman's Office submitted a recommendation on September 13 last year that the Foreign Ministry review Thaksin's passport status

    The Foreign Ministry, which must respond to the Ombudsman within 30 days, in mid-October requested another 30 days to collect information on the issuance.

    Since it had not heard from the Ministry since, Raksakecha said his office on Tuesday submitted a letter to the PM asking her to instruct the Foreign Ministry to heed its recommendation.

    Much like the proverbial "I swear the check is in the mail"... the Cousin Foreign Ministry lied back in November when it said it had replied to the Ombudsman Office. sick.gif

    Thai Foreign Ministry Responds To Ombudsman Over Passport For Thaksin

    It was revealed yesterday that the Foreign Ministry sent a written explanation to the Ombudsman's Office, reportedly countering a recommendation by the latter to revoke the travel document.

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Manasvi Srisodapol said the note was sent to the Ombudsman's Office, but he declined to reveal details

    The devil is in the details.... bah.gif



    I thought he was in Dubai?!

  3. With you writing

    "It appears as though 4 witnesses and a forensic report was not enough to prove that it was the army that fired the fateful bullet. Oh, well, according to some posters on here that can only mean the red shirts were responsible for his death but that's not what the inquest verdict states."

    You suggest something is wrong with the 'appears', 'not enough', 'Oh well'. You don't say what might be wrong, but you merely hint at it.

    So back to the OP with a clear statement on the forensics and reasoning why the inquest has led to an inconclusive result. The victim seemed to remember being shot at a shop, but was found at a petrol station nearby. The army was fighting armed terrorists who were also shooting. It takes an expert interviewer to get proper details from witnesses. Probably the first account was not too clear.

    You may easily see

    "he was shot by the army'

    'he was shot, and 'the army was shooting'

    'he was shot' and 'the army was shooting nearby'

    'he was shot' and 'nearby army was exchanging fire with militants'

    'he was shot' and 'militants nearby were shooting at the army'

    'he was shot' and 'bulltets were flying back and forth'

    Conclusion: Oh well, 88 more cases we will try to pin on k. 'kill me some' Abhisit and k. 'running into it' Suthep.wai.gif

    When I say it appears etc, it seems that sarcasm doesn't transfer well. But still rather than copy and paste, I have opinions. I have a bit of difficulty about what the nation reports as to what the inquest result was. The other paper has a more believable version in that the court basically decided there was not enough evidence on who fired the bullet that (eventually) killed Boonmee without the rest of the embellishments.

    Likewise these "armed terrorists" you say that the army were shooting at in this instance - more from your imagination?

    As for the 'he was shot' rap, <deleted>?

    What would you call 'peaceful protesters' who just happen to be shooting at the army? 'martyrs for the just cause fighting amat and their tools'?

    As for the 'he was shot', well that seems to be the only thing we know for sure wink.png

    I would call them something like contesters of united nations treaties

  4. It remains to be seen which sub-groups protest this year and how the whole thing takes shape.

    Whilst those getting a big rise to the new minimum wage may be happy, those who are made unemployed or who were on a similar salary already and received no increase due to budgets will feel miffed. The THAI dispute may be the tip of the iceberg for large firms and further strikes may become a feature acriss some industries. If that includes the electronics and car-making sectors, then things get interesting.

    The Preah Viharn issue won't go away - the PAD and others will see to that. Does the PTP distance itself from the UN espoused bodies and bury its head in the sand or does it follow the ruling? It's difficult to on the one hand to send your legal team and minister to the hearings and then say that it doesn't recognise the court. Where does the red shirt request to the ICC now fit? It seems to have gone all quiet. Was that just a sham to keep the UDD happy that was followed up by the nonsensical DSI charges?

    The "amnesty" nonsense is another one that won't go away. This is one that the red shirts will be most sensitive about. When the charges against the UDD leaders and lesser members start leading to serious convictions the heat will well and truly be on the PTP to resurrect the Charter change or some kind of amnesty bill and the Dems and Yellows won't let that go quietly.

    The ridiculous rice scam is just building to a head. Either corruption, inability to continue housing the stock, deterioration of massive quantities of rice, WTO sanctions or the government breaking the law on expenditure will see to that. Other farmers such as sugar cane, rubber, tapioca will be seeking some form of equality at the table. Shrimp/prawn exports will be another area where the government may take a hit if the US decides to ban them.

    Household debt, exacerbated by the recent car schemes, will bite in a different way in 2013. If unemployment does start to hurt the workforce coupled with high inflation then the haves and have-nots will be even further apart.

    Thaksin is a one-club golfer. Pay your way into government, pay your way out of trouble. That only works when you have enough money to do so and with debt spiking at ridiculously high levels, that club is running out of sustainable steam.

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