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Posts posted by Moruya

  1. So if the election is declared null and void and a new election held do PT really think their antics over this will endear them to the BKK voters.

    The vote clearly showed that for whatever reason the people of BKK said they wanted Sukhum-bhand in the job?

    If I was a BKK voter who had voted for Sukhum-bhand I would be highly peed off that the same bunch of bandits who burnt and held my city to ransom have on some flimsy excuse got the one I wanted chucked out.

    It's almost as bad as having the Prime Minster and his party that you elected in, being illegally deposed, except that it in this case it only involves the electoral voters of Bangkok and not the Entire Country.

    I remember now why the music industry switched from vinyl to CD

  2. So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

    The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

    They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

    For such an experienced commentator on this site it is somtimes hard to believe that you have ever been to Thailand. Especially when you sum-up with such perverted views of reality as those expressed in your few short words "who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence."

    So good you posted twice!

    Not sure why you clicked the "like" button?

    I have pointed out on many occasions within this forum the policies that PTP made and failed to deliver. Here are some that I haven't pointed out - but perhaps you can explain?

    Rewriting the 2007 Constitution

    Freeing red shirts jailed for protesting

    Doing away with the lese majeste law

    In fact other than feeding the red shirt fat cats, what has the PTP party done for the grass roots?

    This is my 10th year here and I have watched with both eyes open

  3. So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

    The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

    They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

    • Like 1
  4. I was reading an article this week on an experiment where 2 rats, thousands of miles apart, had micro impants placed in their brains. One rat had learned how to operate a coloured button for food and managed to transfer that knowledge to the other over the network. Skype for rats was my initial thought.

    Does that mean your brother or sister think like you.

    Is that a question?

    If so, then I would have to say that we all think the same way - Thaksin's and Yingluck's brains operate in the same manner as those of rats.

  5. Is it? Pongsapat received more votes than any other candidate being it PT or Democrat ever and Bangkok is shifting rapidly from a DP base to PT. Was it closer to 70/30 before it is now maybe 53-47.

    The Nations are the apologists for the establishment, their newspaper comes closer to a school newsletter than a serious paper. They are biased to a point that Fox news seem to be objective.

    That's a very weak statement.

    Imagine if the Dems had fielded Korn? Pongsapat, a one month PTP member, would have lost his deposit!

    • Like 1
  6. How low do these PTP people stoop in blatant disregard of law. Use of photos and then altering them is a criminal breach of copyright - copyright theft. Yet of course, no one will bring charges. I suppose they feel immune with the Police chief on their side. Amazing Thailand alright...

    "... celebrities' pictures were doctored to show they supported candidate No 9. They included Bird Thongchai McIntyre, heartthrob Nadech Kugimiya and boxer Buakaw Por Pramuk."

    Oh the faux idignation is more than I can stand. Now step away from the propaganda aka the Nation and let's see what actually happened.

    "Meanwhile, some celebrities' pictures were doctored to show they supported candidate No 9. They included Bird Thongchai McIntyre, heartthrob Nadech Kugimiya and boxer Buakaw Por Pramuk."

    Shock, Horror, and then you read on

    "Their fan clubs asked if the celebrities' photos in social media were real or doctored. Bird yesterday posted on his Facebook page, "The pictures that show I support a candidate are doctored. I don't support anyone."

    So basically somebody has posted on facebook or whatever photoshopped photos of "celebrities" and the idiot dems are going to ask the Bangkok election to investigate it (hopefully in the chance they can get the PTP dissolved over irregularities no doubt coffee1.gif ).

    Hallo, is there anyone sane left in the country?


    Do you really think it's acceptable?

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