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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. Give her 15 or 20 or 25 or 50k a month and she will spend it all before the month is over. She has no idea where it goes because she is paying for everything everywhere she goes no matter who she is with, my guess. I can spend 100k in a month and have nothing to show for it all because it's 100 baht here and 1000 baht there. Everyone has their hand out and when ever you hold back the long faces start. I would bet she has loads of friends and she is the center of attention. Hard to break the mindset as they have an image to uphold. If possible have her list her expenses and show receipts. Electric, gas and water can't be so much so the remaining must be going for food, medical, clothing, school and showing big face with partying ..... She has enough but doesn't know how to control herself.

    One last thing, teach her to say NO. This way when people ask her to foot the bill she will have a ready answer. NO !

  2. If it is only two guys on a street then I think I would fight and go after each as if my life depended on it, and would win ! If 3 or more perhaps it is a swing like crazy and run like hell into a shop someplace near by and call police. This is a no win situation but I won't just sit and let cun/-s kick the shit out of me. They will also pay a price.

  3. The two worse relationships I had in Thailand were based on money. Tell her you are broke and need to go back home for awhile and if she goes it's a good thing, if she understands and says she will wait for you then she may really care. Parasites will only drain your blood and energy. Best to be rid of them.

  4. To the OP,

    Get on a dating site like Thai Friendly. Economical, as you can join and participate free or charge.

    Many on here will advise of gold diggers, but they are way outnumbered by genuine Thai girls (or other) looking for genuine relationships.

    Like life, you will just have to sort through till you find your diamond.

    I met my lady on there, so its possible.

    I chatted and met many beautiful ladies on there. Good way to pass the time and keeps you occupied.

    Good luck!

    This is good advise ! There are many ladies online and I would guess many as good or better looking than your X. Join a gym and a good dating site and start to build your confidence. The girls will be flirting with you and soon you will be back in action perhaps better than ever. Good luck !

    And trust me, you will get over it !

  5. When my relationship with a girl I cared about ended I too was depressed and my mind kept doing the what if's .... For me it was those cheap massages, sitting at the beach relaxing, reading a book, motorbike rides on the dark side, and chatting with other ladies online that got me past the lows. Get back on the horse as quickly as possible, she is not worth the time or effort of being depressed ! Just remember it's not the end it's the beginning of a new exciting life, have fun and enjoy. Block her and delete all evidence that she was even part of your life and move on. Good luck !

  6. People should not judge or put everyone into the same basket. She makes a few good points but it is from a woman's view who has not experienced the hell that some western women put their Xs through. Don't judge a man until you have walked in his shoes.

    The expat women I know who are professionals and work in Thailand seem to understand and accept the full range of men who come to live or holiday in Thailand. Those women who I have met who have only been here a short time or holiday here look at guys who live here as sexpats, not all but many. Perhaps they have been burnt by their husbands running off with younger women or they are just jealous of Thai girls.

    We all have different life experiences so what she says fits some and don't fit others. I have had too many western women look at me when I am with my girlfriends with hate in their eyes. They only see an older farang with a young Thai girl walking together or having something to eat. They have no idea if she is my lover, daughter, secretary, etc but they judge. For those who don't judge me I will not judge them. Live and let live !

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  7. Any relationship that starts with a bar fine and then goes into monthly payments is what I call a rental agreement. True love will only be known if the payments are stopped and she stays.

    So what do you call a relationship which starts with a million Baht wedding party, puts you into mortgage debt and misery until it ends with a legally imposed monthly alimony payment and loss of house?

    I prefer True Love Pattaya Style.


    I call it a mistake !

    Nothing wrong with rentals as long as you understand and accept the terms.

    The problem with many of these relationships is that the love is one sided.

  8. Any relationship that starts with a bar fine and then goes into monthly payments is what I call a rental agreement. True love will only be known if the payments are stopped and she stays. For those who are in a relationship based on money who do not test the true feelings of the girl are fools. Cut off the funding for a few months and see where it goes .... I would guess back to the place you rented her.

  9. One point that is always overlooked is that when most farang go to the national parks they normally bring their Thai wife or girlfriend or partner. It is mostly the Thai's request but yet we have to pay for the privilege to take them.

    I understand charging a higher price just to keep the numbers down or they would be over run with Chinese tours. They could however just charge twice the price and not 5 or 10 times the price.

  10. Perhaps the reason the Thais charge 10 times the price to foreigners at national parks is because if they didn't they would be over run with the Chinese tours. These tours try to package as many free and cheap places as possible. Anything that is really interesting they negotiate the price so low that it is sometimes less than half the Thai price. The tour companies however charge the fully price ++ to the tourists. A huge part of the money charged for some of these tours never leaves China.

    Chinese put the Thais to shame as far as scamming goes.

  11. Driving around north west Thailand the last two days. Most of the ponds are dry or have a foot or two of water. The river banks are wider than I have seen for years. A few smaller rivers are dry.

    Not sure when this will change but if no major rain in the next three to four weeks I think there will start being runs on drinking water. Just in case I have stocked 8 packs above what I normally keep. That should at lease hold me over until I can book a flight.

  12. The polls are wrong because the republicans haven't bothered to focus on him. Imagine the endless red baiting ads they would run nonstop if he was nominated. He would be creamed. Hillary's negatives are already well baked in. She will be very strong in the general probably unstoppable unless it's against Kasich.

    I disagree but I respect your opinion, it's possible. I think Sanders has most everything out in the open and you can only say socialist so many times without people dismissing it. Sanders has a huge following, Huge ! And if trump would win the primary I think 30% of the Republicans would vote for Sanders.
  13. Not only do I don't think Sanders will be nominated, I don't want him to be nominated.

    Because I'm sure if he is, he will lose the presidency.

    Younger Americans may not stigmatize socialists, but middle age and older do, and the older people vote at a higher rate.

    I want the strongest candidate that will actually WIN the presidency against the horrible republicans. That is Hillary Clinton.

    Electability matters to me. A LOT.

    Bernie may have some socialists ideas but isn't most of the America based on this anyway. At least he is honest and I think he is looking out for everyone except the super rich. Most of us would gain with him in office and I believe make the middle class stronger . As far as winning the general election I believe the poles show him the best shot against the Right (Rep).
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