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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. Yes.

    You are darn right people are scared.

    This administration, and the previous administrations, will be losing long time supporters.

    Special Interest groups and Government Contractors face being put out of business. All the years and years of being on the receiving end of the Bush administration and those that followed...are coming to an end.

    Only the Lord knows what Trump will uncover.....They want to silence him. Exactly what they want to do. The rest of the riff raff opposition is only worried about their government handouts...and will say or do anything...to keep them on the booze and gals.

    Lets get it over with, I say....."Hang em out to dry" go Trump! (fist pump).

    I would say you were correct up until recently. Trump was paying his own way, talked about helping the middle class etc etc . All looked good except his stupid comments and rude behavior. He has just came out and said that he will not finance the run for the White House, he has changed his mind about taxes and want to give tax breaks to the corporations and the 1%, he has said that minimum wage increase he will have to think about, etc etc ..., this has only come out since he has basically won the republican nomination. He is now changing his toon to what the big wig money wants. He basically lied to his supporters and now he will twist and maneuver however he can to win.
  2. Many different situations with girlfriends and wives. I prefer an independent educated girl who makes her own money and can walk away if she wants. I provide the living arrangements since I make the most money and she works, advances her education and takes care of most of the house keeping. Some guys prefer their lady to be a house wife. There are a number of reasons for this, she can not get decent paying job, have kids to care for, lonely guy and want a friend to always be around, or some guys are just jealous and don't trust their other half.

    Paying someone to stay with you who other wise would not is a rental agreement, nothing more nothing less !

    And you are a real catch, I suppose. Because you take care of the living arrangements, you expect that she does most of the housekeeping. Just because you earn more does not mean that she does not work as hard or harder than you, yet housekeeping remains her duty. Surely if you are both working, housekeeping should be a shared task.
    it's a 40sqm condo for Gods sake, 30 minutes a day max cleaning. I cook she cleans, I pay all the bills for house car etc.... Wash and ironing is sent out. No complaints from her or I so I don't think you should worry your little brain regarding our arrangement. Fair deal for both :)
  3. Many different situations with girlfriends and wives. I prefer an independent educated girl who makes her own money and can walk away if she wants. I provide the living arrangements since I make the most money and she works, advances her education and takes care of most of the house keeping. Some guys prefer their lady to be a house wife. There are a number of reasons for this, she can not get decent paying job, have kids to care for, lonely guy and want a friend to always be around, or some guys are just jealous and don't trust their other half.

    Paying someone to stay with you who other wise would not is a rental agreement, nothing more nothing less !

    Uneducated girls can walk away too - lots of work for unskilled labor in Thailand. Some women stay with men because they like them and get paid too. To suggest otherwise is foolish and smacks of inexperience with the opposite sex.

    did I say otherwise ? I said "paying someone who other wise Would not stay ..... " Meaning if you don't pay they don't stay .

    And as far as educated or not I have found that few uneducated girls make much money and thus are more apt to stay than an educated girl with a good job who makes enough to support herself well. That is unless the uneducated girl goes to dance at a bar and collect bar fines.

  4. Many different situations with girlfriends and wives. I prefer an independent educated girl who makes her own money and can walk away if she wants. I provide the living arrangements since I make the most money and she works, advances her education and takes care of most of the house keeping. Some guys prefer their lady to be a house wife. There are a number of reasons for this, she can not get decent paying job, have kids to care for, lonely guy and want a friend to always be around, or some guys are just jealous and don't trust their other half.

    Paying someone to stay with you who other wise would not is a rental agreement, nothing more nothing less !

  5. Trump has been changing everything including his platform, if you can call it a platform. First he bragged about him financing his own run but really only was lending money to his campaign. Now he says he will not finance his campaign, wow ! He is looking for money from the rich and major companies... A major change I think.

    He has also now said an increase in wages is something he needs to see about but is really up in the air about. Next, he says he will reduce the taxes for the very rich, the 1 %. Wow !!!

    Now that he has won the primary he is changing his platform to go with the establishment and he is forgetting about what he ran for and what people supported him for. It's only about winning and he will say and do anything to win.

  6. If Bernie can get 70 % of the California delegates that will reduce Hillary's lead by around 180. Washington was 30 and there are still many states to go. This race is not over yet. And if Bernie gets more delegates than Hillary going into the convention there will be hell to pay if the super delegates don't change their thinking and vote for Bernie.

  7. If Bernie takes California, it could make the difference for him.

    I think he will do it.

    Given recent poll results, it seems unlikely Bernie can overtake Hilary, or even catch up as HRC is increasing her lead.

    CA has 475 delegates, Hilary needs only 154 to to clinch the nomination, meaning that Hilary could lose big in CA and still pick up enough delegates to win.

    I too like Bernie and believe he would make a good president, but the delegate math just isn't going to allow that to happen.


    super delegates don't get counted until the convention. There is a vote and the winner if having 50% plus one wins. This is unless Hillary can reach the magic number without the super delegates, which she can't ! Bernie is not finished yet and may still pull the rabbit out of the hat. Go Bernie !!!
  8. A huge part of the president's job is diplomacy, dealing with heads of state and Appointing ambassadors and judges. Also being the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world. What the hell does trump know about any of these things ? Nothing ! Can you picture him starting to call world leaders ugly and fat when they disagree with him ? Or, he decides not to attend a United Nations meeting just because he didn't like someone who questioned him on something. He doesn't even know the names of countries , their leaders nor is educated about world history.

    Running the American Economy is only a small part which he really has very little control over. In addition, do you really think any senator or representative is going to support his ideas ? He does not have the power to just stop trade deals or build walls without the support of others. The president is not a King ! He can not just do as he pleases.

    I can see a third party coming.... Ryan will run and no one will get enough electoral votes and the Republican Senate and House will select the President and VP. We will see for the second time in history a Republican President and a Democratic VP, Ryan and Clinton. Hahaha.... Could happen :)

  9. But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

    It's finally sunk in what Trump supporters want. They don't want someone smart, or strong, or principled, or honest, or even someone who can govern. What Trump supporters want is someone "different." That's it, and that's all. Trump certainly is that.

    You're right and they don't give a <deleted> about that. But they do think he's smart, strong and honest to a fault. He's already proven that being the last man standing.. Whether he's principled or able to govern remains to be seen.

    Hahaha.... You can't be talking about Trump. Smart, honest ... really ??? I don't think so !
  10. If the Bush family won't endorse Trump, how is that not a good thing? Left wing liberals who rightfully hate the Bush dynasty would have to agree with them or not laugh.png

    Trump has entirely turned the tables in this election

    like it or not the Bush family has power in the Republican Party. It is really Trump against the party. Those voting for Trump are not party leaders but people who are angry with the system, same as Sander supporters. The question is, are there enough angry people who are upset with the system to vote for someone like Trump ? Maybe, maybe not ....
  11. I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

    I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

    Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

    Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

    I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

    "The entire race might have considered him" Don't think so. The entire race would have overlooked him if he presented himself as the same as all the other politicians. He's just proven that being up against 17 others well funded like Jeb Bush Reality TV is the medium these days and he has exploited it.

    read again .... As to how I used the word Race, as in a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics.
  12. Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

  13. I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

    I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

    Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

    Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

    I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

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