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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. I use to think that Bernie would run as a third party but now that Hillary is about to be indicted I really truly think he is going to get the nomination. With that said, do you think Hillary supporters will change over to Bernie or just stay home and sob ? Just wondering

    She will not be indicted. But dream on anyway ...
    I am thinking more than just an indictment for the emails. I think in addition the Clinton Foundation has been doing some funny money handling and Bill and Hillary both will be going down. It is time to pay the piper and I think their luck has run out.
  2. I think a few interesting events will come into play in the next few months.

    The way it is looking it is possible that there could be a third or even forth party running this election.

    We have the possibility of an indictment of Hillary for emails and who knows wants going to happen about the Clinton foundation.

    We also have a major civil case against Trump coming.

    And who know what else trump, Clinton or the news channels will dig up.

    TV news ratings are going to do well and that's for sure....

  3. Poor Bernie. Cheated and treated with contempt by the Democrat establishment and Clinton, Inc. Sanders people need to protest this travesty in November. Destroy the Democrat machine.

    Says a vile monster supporter. Democrats aren't that stupid ... the greater evil is the vile monster by FAR.
    Whatever happened to honesty and integrity? I understand telling some white lies or stretching the truth but Trump and Clinton are both down right liars, I refuse to vote for anyone like that, period ! Until people stand up and say enough is enough it is just going to get worse and worse. Those who cave into the lies or vote for these kinds of crooks are part of the problem and I consider enablers. Vote for anyone who is honest, left, right or a moderate. Your vote will do a lot more good as a protest vote and at least you will be moving the country forward and doing your part.

    Some may not agree with Bernie's positions but at least he is honest.

  4. Soi LK Metro always popular with Brits and many Falang owned businesses. I agree with the poster below who says

    Without actually counting there must be around a dozen agogos in the soi that vary in quality but with the majority continually proving popular.


    I believe you have to take the opinions of JT with a grain of salt because he didn't make it in Thailand and has to go home if his other posts are any indication. A better source would be the Inspire group who actually works in Thailand.

    LK Metro was busy the last time I visited a few months ago. I have found that some places are busy and some are not.

    For those old timers, do you remember Pattaya Land soi one and two. This area had about 8 gogo bars and the streets were crazy with punters every night. The bars were packed for a few years and then just like that it started to die and now it is dead ... The hot spots change every 7 to 10 years and Soi LK Metro will follow history. I just wonder where the next hot spot will be ?

  5. Trump calls Bernie "crazy Bernie". There is a saying "never fight with a crazy man because you can't win". Maybe that is why Trump is afraid of him, he believes his own BS.

    Bernie would discipline Trump like a master disciplines a dog who craps on the floor, rub his nose in his own filth. Trump would be barking with his tail between his legs.... I would love to see that debate. Too bad Dumb Donald won't do as he said... Again ! Flip flop flip flop flip flop ....

  6. Not surprised that dumb Donald would say he would debate and then change his mind. It is almost a sure bet that when he opens his mouth he will talk crap and then have to backtrack. Hahaha.... He is going to really make America look like a bunch of <deleted> if he gets in office. They will have to hook up some type of shock device to him so when he starts to wonder off course when talking to the press or in a public meeting they can give him a shock, like training a bad dog :)

    Just think if everyone acted like trump, what a terrible world it would be .....

  7. And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

    You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

    no you don't ! I owned a bar and it don't happen that way. Few people just wonder in without buying something.
  8. Watching that video of the guy in the blue shirt shows that he is not a very friendly guy and is looking for a fight. What ever happened to the rule of law. If the guy walks out without paying call the police. It's violence that is a major problem here and is out of control. And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

  9. This Yahoo interview below with Michael Isikoff provides some more interesting details regarding this report.

    Among the the points he makes is that the report states that when junior Clinton staffers expressed concern about the email use, a senior Clinton staffer instructed them to hush up about this and also told them that Clinton's actions had already been okayed by State Dept. lawyers (which was not true according to the report).

    Also, Clinton has made statements during the campaign about this whole issue which contradict the report.


    The Pantsuit also declined to cooperate with the IG's investigation and refused to be interviewed. What's she trying to hide...seems much more important than what's in Donald's tax returns while a PRIVATE CITIZEN!
    Don't forget the missing emails, did she delete emails? If so it is obstruction of justice. Just so many things wrong here ....

    Donald should however release his tax returns.

  10. Bernie is toast. His continuation just dragging Hilary down. Trump's not-so secret weapon for now. On the other hand quite quaint reading above all the European-style forum socialists lining up to 'er vote for Bernie and his populist drivel. Sort of like Jeremy Corbyn without the charm sad.png

    Dragging down Hillary, hahaha ... Now that's a laugh. How much further down can one go ? Hillary and Trump are as low as they can go, lie, cheat, maybe even kill to get want they want ...
  11. Being a Vietnam era vet and having been offended by a local tour company speaking out about how terrible America was and still is. I was offended but just kept it to myself.

    For me, I think we should let them sink in their own blood. Let them fight the Chinese and become what they are destined to .... We have other places to build bases... Screw them !!!

    I visited Hanoi when American tourists were more rare. I definitely got special attention from tour operators but considering the history I felt it was understandable. The main question I got was, why don't we see many Americans? (Duh!) It takes time.
    as a Vietnam era vet I wanted to see the new Vietnam. I visited Vietnam two years ago and spent two weeks traveling from South to north. My last stop was Hanoi. A friend and I went on a tour of the city and the guide went out of his way to say how terrible America was and that we were not welcome in his country. There were 10 foreigners in the group and I am sure he was brain washed by his government. I have zero time for him or Vietnam. Let them figure out their own problems and I will watch while the Chinese invade .... Karma !
  12. Being a Vietnam era vet and having been offended by a local tour company speaking out about how terrible America was and still is. I was offended but just kept it to myself.

    For me, I think we should let them sink in their own blood. Let them fight the Chinese and become what they are destined to .... We have other places to build bases... Screw them !!!

  13. The biggest problem I personally have with Sanders is that the promises he make to the naive younger population that he can legalize pot, socialized medicine and other subject that he will never get thru congress or the house. Then his age, even if he's healthy he may do 1 period but if he don't achieve his promises the republicans will win after 4 years. Democrats need a better candidate and I think Hilary can do the job, us did a lot improvement under Bill.

    and Hillary can keep everything the same .... Screwed up ! I want someone who is pushing for change not someone who is fat and happy taking money from everyone to get into the .01 percent. Hillary is as bad as trump but in a different way.
  14. I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

    That's certainly what Clinton is counting on from the electorate. It's not a universally held opinion though

    it sounds like Sanders isn't about to say he will tell his supporters to vote for Clinton, at least not at this point. He said Hillary will have to reach out to them. Sanders does not like the way he and his supporters have been treated by the DNC and I think he may just consider a third party run. I hope he does !
  15. I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

    My vote in that case would be a write in with Bernie Sanders. My vote will count as a protest and it and millions will be noticed in the future and will have a better chance of changing minds and hearts than giving one of those liars my vote. Bernie or bust !!!
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