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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. Bernie is the only one who can salvage this disaster of a presidential election

    A violent contender, who condones violence (see remarks in article)..

    How does this make him the saviour?

    Trump turned out to be a peaceable man...despite rhetoric to the contrary. There was only one or two punches thrown, on his behalf. LOL, the "one" old guy with a cowboy hat who sucker punched an antagonizer.

    The craziest thing is, all the predictions of violence by Trump turned out to be smoke. The Republican National Convention will be a peaceful.

    The Democrats are the thugs...as I knew all along.

    hahaha.... Too funny !
  2. Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

    Presidential elections in the US don't work that way. Look up "US Electoral College" and read up.

    what I said above is exactly correct. In order to become president from the general election one must have 270 electoral votes. If that number is not met then the House will select the president.

  3. I seriously cant believe the op, even back on 2004 I found the minimum someone could survive decently in Thailand is at least 25K per month or 300K per year, I am sure the op is living in nakhon nowhere with a simple room without furniture, air-con or fridge eating fried rice everyday and riding 5 baht buses !!!, nowadays you need to spend at least 30K per month in Bangkok or 25K elsewhere.

    I live in Pattaya not far from the beach and I have all I want. I eat fresh fruits for 5x less than in Europe. eat chicken and chichkebab... most of my food is bought on the street and it s very good. probably better than you food cooked in Chinese toilets. or sushi traveling in front of people who cough...

    condo was 4100 last month, all included.

    I should have asked the question like this: "what would you do if you go back in your farang and suddenly everything is 10x cheaper?"

    would you eat 10x more and buy 10 cars, rent a flat that is 10x bigger?

    if you have a normal lifestyle, I can tell you it's hard to spend more. it has nothing to do being a cheap Charlie.

    Instead to spend, I save the money for my retirement and this is why I like being in Thailand. I got more for less, when in Europe I would worry of losing job, ... not even sure to live on a retirement pension when I reach the 65yo.(maybe pushed to 95 one day because pension' money (SS for US guys here) is melting like an ice cream under the sun )

    and what about health and accident insurance ? Had a friend who lived here on the cheap for years. While riding his motorbike home one afternoon a Thai on another bike hit him head on. He never expected it or had a way to avoid it, just boom ! 3 million baht later, his family had to pay, I was with him on a plane trip to take him home to his family. He was never right afterwards and died about 4 years later. He was about 40 when he passed. You may save money but there are risks .
  4. To get an ok size 40sqm one bedroom apartment in a decent location in Bkk is 15 to 20k. Health and car insurance, electric, water, phone, Internet is another 10k. Food costs can very but cooking in room, Thai and western, for two people is at least 10 to 15k. If you drink you are looking at another 5K plus. Add to that going out to movies, going out to dinner, buying cloths and bathroom items etc and you can add 10k more very easy. That's 50k plus and that don't even cover your visa and re-entry, trips back home, money as gifts to gf, etc etc which could add a few more K a month. How someone can call living on 30k a month living is beyond me but I guess everyone's standards and ability are different. If I had to do it I guess I could or if I wanted to take advantage of people I guess I could.

    I lived in a village for a few years and the guys there who were cheap were talked about behind their backs daily by Thais and even a few farangs. Most moved into their girlfriend's house and basically lived same Thais. They drank what ever was the cheapest and ate the unhealthy oily crap on the street, that's not living in my book ... But up to you as they say in LOS.

  5. Again, I don't blame supporters of the vile monster gloating now that the polls showing the race tighter than the pundits expected (wrong, yet again) but get real, polls aren't going to mean anything until after both conventions (comparing bumps and V.P. pick impacts) and then of course as the tactics get solidified on both sides, debates, etc. In other words, it's way too early for polls to mean anything.

    For example, the polls showing Sanders stronger than Clinton vs. the vile monster ... I've never believed that would actually hold up if Sanders was actually nominated, but alas, we'll never know because he won't be.

    hahaha.... The Democratic establishment selected Hillary and never once paid attention to Bernie. I will love it when Bernie runs as a third party, perhaps Green Party, and takes the election. Both Clinton and Trump are only in it for themselves and don't care about America or it's people. I can see Hillary receiving 30%, Trump 30%, and Bernie 40% of the vote and the House of Representatives giving it to Bernie. Feel the Bern !!!
  6. Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

  7. How come, and this is probably a silly question, non-Thais can get the death penalty yet I have not seen one Thai no matter what crime they committed ever get the death penalty.

    The Malaysians with drugs and the guys from the Koh Tau murders spring to mind. We read Thai's, like the guy in this story commit murder yet I bet he wont get the death sentence the same as many others have not received it.

    Before anyone comes out with the usual comments it would be appreciated if someone could give a proper answer. I have lived in Thailand longer than most on this forum so no silly comments please.

    The answer is that if you confess the judge goes easy on you. Death becomes life and 20 years become half or 10 years.
  8. Thais believe in just about what ever the monks say is true, I think it's as simple as that.

    For me, let's just say that I don't disbelieve in ghosts or spirits. I guess I am open to anything but it has to be proven. I do think that man's knowledge is very limited. In the next 100 years I think we will disprove a few things we now believe are correct and prove a few things that we currently believe are not possible.

  9. I would guess that if the democratic primary race was to have a rerun starting today and there were no closed primaries Sanders would have a blowout. I think Hillary would loose in just about every state except some of the states that the Republicans will take anyway. What do you think ?

    The presidential race will also be just like I stated above, not closed and independents voting. Unless Trump's support starts to fade Hillary is going to be in real trouble. If the democrats were smart they would be working on a way to elect Bernie.

  10. This topic thread has been going on for months... but it will not matter if Sanders wins most every state. As long the Democrat Primary Race is not really a race but a fixed ending ... it is a non event. Regardless of each state primary Hillary gets the Super Delegates that insures her victory. So the Democrat Primary is a charade - a sham ... People made to feel like they are having a say in choosing the Democrat Primary and well NO - THEY DON'T - unless you want Hillary to win.. Done Deal for Hillary Clinton ... What a joke.

    Bernie is starting a movement and win or loose that movement will grow and grow. The movement is also not just in America, it is starting around the world and even in Thailand. My GF recently asked me about Bernie. It seems that even Thais love him and what he stands for. His movement is going international and It is intended to right the wrongs of the world.

    Go Bernie !!!

  11. I was kind of happy at first with Trump shaking up the system but with all the 8 year old man child stuff he says and does it has to make you wonder. Trump has some real issues. This faking on the phone to be someone else is just too far out there. I am not an expert but it sure as hell sounds like his voice and the way he would speak. These are games children play not the President of the United States of America. He turns stupid as soon as someone says something he don't like or even disagrees with him, he has to win even if it means being stupid. He can't fire congress or world leaders so what's he going to do when things don't go his way, make up silly names for them or throw a fit and jump up and down and want to punch them ? Even his ever changing platform is now basically starting to look like an insider. I don't like Hillary but at least she is not a man child.

  12. How dumb is he ? Dumb Donald is so dumb ... that he is changing his platform to align with the republican platform. Ryan is slowly pulling him into their circle and Trump is happy to go as he only cares about winning. He also will be happy to get their money and that of big business. Hahaha... His supporters should be hiding their heads as one of his major campaign pledges was to self support so no one could buy him. This guy is as stupid as they come... Dumb Donald !!!

    Not so fast, speedy.

    Trump is a one man/funded show up to his official nomination at the convention. After then, it becomes a Republican Show....and will also involve a running mate.

    With information confirming the Democrats will be helping Hillary raise money (100 million or more). Trump is only doing the same.

    The one man show is pretty much over. It's a new ballgame...and yes...he is on the Republican Ticket. Republicans will be helping with fundraisers.

    Not such a big surprise...and doesn't mean he "lied" at all.

    hahaha.... The following link says it all and you prove the point.

  13. How dumb is he ? Dumb Donald is so dumb ... that he is changing his platform to align with the republican platform. Ryan is slowly pulling him into their circle and Trump is happy to go as he only cares about winning. He also will be happy to get their money and that of big business. Hahaha... His supporters should be hiding their heads as one of his major campaign pledges was to self support so no one could buy him. This guy is as stupid as they come... Dumb Donald !!!

    Not so fast, speedy.

    Trump is a one man/funded show up to his official nomination at the convention. After then, it becomes a Republican Show....and will also involve a running mate.

    With information confirming the Democrats will be helping Hillary raise money (100 million or more). Trump is only doing the same.

    The one man show is pretty much over. It's a new ballgame...and yes...he is on the Republican Ticket. Republicans will be helping with fundraisers.

    Not such a big surprise...and doesn't mean he "lied" at all.

    Hahaha.... You keep telling yourself that .... Hahaha.....
  14. Hit someone on the head and throw the body off the balcony to cover up the crime. I think many of these so called accidents or self flyers really are a bit more sinister than the police care to admit.

    wouldn't you expect a head injury if you jumped off a high building?
    it really depends on the fall. If he lands face down and has a hit on the back of his neck then I think it is a little strange. Nothing should be dismissed before an investigation is done.
  15. Dumb Donald is falling in line with the Republican Party as he smells money to pay the loans he made for his primary run. He is doing what he does best, run after the money by saying and doing what ever it takes" the art of the deal" . I wonder what he is going to say at his next debate as everything he said before that people have repeated over and over has now changed. Is the wall still going up ? Hahaha.... Dumb Donald :)

  16. How dumb is he ? Dumb Donald is so dumb ... that he is changing his platform to align with the republican platform. Ryan is slowly pulling him into their circle and Trump is happy to go as he only cares about winning. He also will be happy to get their money and that of big business. Hahaha... His supporters should be hiding their heads as one of his major campaign pledges was to self support so no one could buy him. This guy is as stupid as they come... Dumb Donald !!!

  17. This report is so wrong with their numbers but no surprise. Super delegates don't vote until the convention so Hillary still needs over 700 delegates before this is over. That's like counting on the Indy 500 to be over if there is a car one lap ahead but still 10 laps to go. This race will be over when the super delegates cast their votes at the first round of the convention or Hillary drops out due to legal matters.

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