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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

  2. My X Thai GF's brother was a drunk, had two kids which he never took care of, cheated and lied and everything else a scumbag would do. He became a monk and the family would lop down in front of him while he blessed them and acted like he was somebody. It turned my stomach ! After a few years gave up the monkhood and returned to his old self. Respect for that POS not me then or ever. Cloths don't make the man, it's the man that makes the cloths..., or something like that.

    Sadly Thais got this hole monk thing all screwed up.

  3. If Sanders can win the remaining states he may still have a slight chance, but it would have to be big wins. California has over 500 delegates and if he can take over 75% thats over 200 in one state.

    Super delegates don't vote yet so don't count them. They can change any time they like.

    Who knows what can happen to Hillary between now and the convention, she could get indicted.

  4. Most guy's first sexual experience in Thailand is with a bar girl. Mainly because it is cheap, easy and in most cases solicited by the girl. These guys don't know what hit them and can't believe their luck. Either too lazy or just happy with their new found goldmine they never look beyond the bars. Now there are some who don't take this path or divert from it and look for an experience more like back home, a normal relationship that doesn't start with a bar fine. Sadly however all the talk back home comes from these guys who found this "goldmine" and are so proud. But at the same time these same guys put down these girls because the girls didn't fall in love and only took their money. That's the way I see it....

    And one more item...

    Bar Girls are for play only ! Repeat until you get it through your thick head... Don't date them, don't fall in love with them .... And for sure don't marry them.

  5. Lotus is very near my home so I shop there. I do however don't really care for the place and the way they operate. One example that really gets to me sometime is the timing for stocking their shelves. They stock during their busy hours. You can hardly get by due to all the boxes and people doing their work. Why don't they wait and stock in the evening or early morning ? Other issues but that one really gets to me.

  6. As I stated earlier, if there was a three party race I don't think anyone would get the required 50% + 1 thus going to the congress to select the president and VP. This is a good possibility if the Republican nomination is stolen from Trump or if Sanders looses and decides to continue the fight, both of which I believe is possible. I think Trump or Sanders has enough of a following to throw it to the congress. How would that end up ? I truly think this might happen this election. Would be fun to watch :)

  7. Now it is looking like Trump or Clinton, pick your poison, or .... Just wondering your thoughts, If Sanders ran as an independent I think no one would get the required delegates 50% plus 1 to become president. Thus, the House would pick the president and the Senate would pick the VP. Republicans control both house and senate but hate Trump. Now, if the house and the senate can not get a majority then it continues, which is very possible. I believe there is a chance that Sanders could be picked for one of those positions. That would put him in a good position to influence his platform.

    Or, do you think Hillary will offer Sanders the VP position to attract his following ?

  8. Me and my Thai girlfriend rent a house from her brother. We all live on the same land including her parents. Being on a retirement extension I see no reasons to actually get married. My girlfriend wants us to marry, buy some land and have a house built or should say, buy her some land and a house with my money. I flatly refuse because I will not invest in anything in Thailand that I can`t own and be at a huge disadvantage.

    If there were ways that I could buy land and be 100% secure, meaning no one can throw me off then I wouldn`t hesitate, but there isn`t. Not interested in a condo.

    Never lived or owned property in thailand.....

    So if i own the property and she owns the land and the poo hits the fan.....1.....tell me how she can throw me off the property and maybe do

    me out of money?........or is it -she cannot sell,but can move in herself and keep you out?

    It really depends on the location and your neighbors. If her family is next door and live all around you then it might not be a good idea as they could make your life living hell or worse.
  9. First get out of pattaya. You are in a town that is based on sex where love is paid by the hour. This is sin city and should be treated that way.

    Move to Bangkok where you have one million plus halfway educated office girls looking for love who you don't have to pay. It is a goldmine with endless vanes running in all directions.

  10. I think Trump will get the required delegates and will go on to the general election. With Hillary to run against I think he will also win and be our next president. Everyone is sick and tired of the current elected officials and now want an outsider. If the democrats were smart they would elect Sanders and have a chance.

    I don't really care for Trump but I don't think America can take another 4 years of pandering to big business and special interests. Sanders is my first pick followed by Trump. Going to be interesting.

    I wonder what, if anything positive, the Dem and Rep leadership would learn from seeing two candidates competing in November (Bernie & Trump) who are outsiders and haven't been long time members of the party?

    I expect that instead of making positive changes based on the message sent by voters, they would just make it harder for non-establishment figures to run as a Dem or Rep in the first place.

    I think you are correct that non-establishment figures would perhaps in the beginning encounter more problems on top of the current ones they already have in running. But perhaps also if you removed the special interests and those running for office ran for the people and received their money directly from the people, as Bernie is doing, then perhaps you will see more and more non-establishment figures running.

    People are tired of the establishment running the show and calling the shots. That is way Bernie has done as well as he has with zero support from the " establishment" they have even tried to hinder him as much as possible. If he looses the democratic nomination, which it looks like he will, I would bet he could pull 30 percent of the vote running as an independent. Never before possible to pull near that amount as an independent but today people are sick and tired of business as usual. Americans want their country back and Hillary is not going to give it to them.

    Only problem is that a huge percent of the votes will come from Hillary and will put Trump in the white house. Thus Bernie will not run ..., would however be an interesting 3 way race. I hope he does it but I don't think he will.

  11. Wow all this talk about degrees and education.

    Whilst the holders of such qualifications have nice pretty pieces of paper to show family and friends out in the real world a roll of 2 ply paper that one wipes the ass with has more actual value and cred.

    Good luck getting a work permit without one.

    Without a degree in Thailand you as a Thai will find it very difficult to find any job that pays well. Even most government jobs require a degree here. If no degree you are stuck in the lower levels and can not move up. If you are a farmer or a plumber or an electrician it don't really matter but if you notice few of those make any real money. There are many technical colleges here that provide training and a step up but it will still be unlikely that you progress about a supervisor. Upper management requires a degree unless daddy gives you the job. It's the way of life .... Some exceptions to the rule but few .

    Find a girl and your love the old fashion way, by dating, and if possible an educated one so she can take care of herself if necessary.

  12. Ask your woman why she loves you and you may start to see the light. If the only thing she says is because you take good care of me, meaning giving her money, then you know that her love is based on you paying her or buying love. If she also says because you excite me, because you are handsome, because you are a good man then perhaps you have something. Is she only a good times girl or will she stand by your side if things go bad ? Will be be by your bed side when you are sick ? Will she stay if you loose your income and need to cut back on expenses ? Will she stay if she gets a better offer ? Any time money plays a major factor in a relationship there is always the question if that is all there is.

    I like the old fashion way of dating and getting to know each other and falling in love with money never coming into play. If the relationship can make it past the first year or two without money then I think you got a real chance for true love. Call me old fashion :)

  13. I think Trump will get the required delegates and will go on to the general election. With Hillary to run against I think he will also win and be our next president. Everyone is sick and tired of the current elected officials and now want an outsider. If the democrats were smart they would elect Sanders and have a chance.

    I don't really care for Trump but I don't think America can take another 4 years of pandering to big business and special interests. Sanders is my first pick followed by Trump. Going to be interesting.

  14. Most of the incidents we read about happen late at night and involve alcohol. I have seen this in the last year time and time again just in the places I drink and even with the guys I hang with. The number of fights mostly involved farang on farang and were alcohol induced.

    My advise, after a few beers and before too late go home. Also, if someone in your group is starting to get out of hand or loud call it a night or just go to another place away from them. Maybe just become a morning person and exercise and enjoy the sunrises and forget about the alcohol .... :(

  15. He checked the bag in at the ticket counter and then went through the personal screening. He then proceeded to the gate. While at gate his checked bag made its way through the X Ray and the staff detected the problem. They took the bag to the gate and asked the guy to confirm that the bag was his and then had him open the bag. Very understandable except if there was a bomb it would have made it to the gate. I would think that the guy and his baggage would have been taken to a more secure location and not the gate where many people were present.

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