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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. Yes indeed. After the Don Meuang incident, it’s great copy for newshounds isn’t it. Whilst accepting this may be a developing situation, initial medical costs reported of THB 7k don’t appear to indicate a major injury…
  2. The flight mentioned above goes over Jordanian, Saudi and Emirati airspace….
  3. You’re right of course but I rather had more of that positive modern outlook vibe from the now sidelined Move Forward Party. Having to read press this week about PT’s own dinosaurs in Plodprasop, and the particularly vile Chalerm, I could see why some might be having doubts that we are set-up for a repeat performance of the last PT administration. Whoever is fronting the current government, we all know the true power behind the scenes, who could not in any way be described as a spring-chicken. PS : my keyboard tried to autocorrect Chalerm to Charm. Never in the history of autocorrect has a more inappropriate suggestion been made !
  4. Could well be ! That sounds very similar to my COVID symptoms but the runny nose was only about 5 days.
  5. So an 186% increase from 1/10/22-30/9/23 compared to 1/10/21-30/9/22. Thailand's obviously an attractive investment destination. Oh hang on, wasn't there was some sort of minor global incident in that 21-22 period ?.... I wonder if that might have artificially deflated the investment figures for that year, making any comparison pretty much worthless ?
  6. Not buying it. Just trying to distance themselves so Chalerm can do his “behind the scenes” stuff without implicating the PT leadership or the messiah. My initial enthusiasm for a new democratic government (sort of) is starting to wane. PT need a refresh, in yesterday’s news we had Plodprasop and today Chalerm….
  7. I pay no attention to these reports, not sure if it is the reporting or the source but they are often way off the mark and usually way too broad to be any use. I mean, come on ! ???? Best to use them as an advisory to go and check a proper weather information source.
  8. Jamie's restaurant had been racking up reasonable and consistent losses since their inception in 2016. For sure, COVID made the decision easier to wind it up but I understand it was badly struggling even prior to this. Jamie's operated under a licensing/franchising type arrangement (perhaps similar to hotels) and he provided some Management & other staff here in Thailand, as I met some of them. The business was actually owned by Siam Piwat Group. I assume Gordy will be looking at a similar arrangement, at least, he will be if he has any sense !
  9. In my case I would be more like the typical Thai investor who has invested overseas and would be bringing my funds back in Thailand at some point (or maybe not if this transpires...). Pretty sure my overseas investments are taxed for capital gains and most deduct tax on dividends. Likely no issue there. An exception, the UK offers zero tax on dividends for non tax-resident investors, which was looking an attractive option, until this news reared it's ugly head. Whilst I would certainly pay any due tax in Thailand through gritted teeth, I would do so. More of concern for me would be the sheer bureaucratic ball-ache of any such process with the Revenue Department and the documentation/time required. If they want people to reduce offshoring investments they can look to reinstate/reinvent LTFs. They changed this scheme a few years back, so many people started looking for alternatives. The SET is far from stellar but certainly has the convenience factor for locals, removes most FOREX risk and used to come with decent tax benefits. I was chugging along for many years using LTF until they changed the scheme/benefits. The change is what actually motivated me to go out, research, set-up an offshore trading/investment account and move most of my investing out of Thailand As for the overall tax regimen in Thailand, well, let's save one that for another day...
  10. Ironic. Given your name I'd assumed you would be a big fan.
  11. Yes, I noticed that comment in the OP as well. Being generous, maybe something is lost in translation but if true it is a disgrace and highlights a key cultural and societal deficiency.
  12. It happens. A mate of mine was sexually abused by his Doctor in his teens. He didn't report it or confide in anyone until his early 30's. There was then an additional wait of several more years before the police felt they had sufficient complainants/evidence to launch a criminal investigation. He would have been around 40 years old by the time the Doctor was convicted, jailed and struck-off. In general, I am still trying to figure out how I feel about the increasing trend of serious charges/accusations being made via the media. I suppose this is the classic investigative media expose which may well empower additional complainants to report their own issues but at what point do the hacks sit back and think they might have a moral obligation to hand over to the police rather than generating copy, to what extent does this kind of publicity impair any future judicial hearing and is it fair on the accused to be publicly exposed in this way outside the normal judicial process ?
  13. Not sure Thailand is considered "developed" and fairly sure it is still "developing". What is does have is an unusual demographic profile for a "developing" country.
  14. Your linked article references a decline in birthrates (in some European countries, not others including Germany which you specifically mention) during the pandemic, which the article itself has a historical precedent during previous pandemics. The article implies this is due to a variety of socio-economic factors. I don't see any reference to still born statistics or any claimed linked between this and vaccines. Still, feel free to conspiracy theory away to your heart's content...
  15. It's possible, I work in a field with higher qualifications available and we learned the hard way that graduates with Thai nationality with degrees from overseas universities are not allowed to progress with the qualification unless they have a Thai bachelors degree. Archaic & dumb...
  16. Hmm...I suppose it's a marginally better way of self-enriching those in power than buying submarines. At least the tablets might have some utility and benefit to the Thai people...
  17. You can probably double those numbers for the 7-11 version ????
  18. I am a Thai tea lover and have given the 7-11 Thai tea a swerve for as long as I can remember. Can't answer the question but it tastes super sweet as hell to me, and I have a sweet tooth ! Good advice, and for Thai milk tea there is usually some sweetened-condensed milk going in there, so you can even order no sugar (can also say "mai sai nam tan") and it will still have some sweetness. If you are "hardcore" you can also ask them not put in the sweetened-condensed milk as well. For black teas, I like a little bit of sugar to liven it up a bit.
  19. The guy in the OP proclaiming the benefits for Thais must be a shill. I think we all know whom this is going to benefit more…
  20. Laudable but as usual a confused message from TAT. Given the ever growing focus on Indian and Chinese tourist markets - would "sustainability" be high up on their list of priorities when choosing a destination ? TAT can go on as much as they want about this kind of thing but unless the main executive arm of government get policy and implementation sorted out, then frankly, they are p1ssing in the wind. As for the littering, it's a depressing, serious and embedded cultural issue here. I really don't understand why they can't find the time to run a concerted public education programme (as a Brit I recall my childhood "littered" with Green Cross Code, Learn to Swim and Keep Britain Tidy public service announcements) I really don't understand why they don't do these sort of things here, they can also add drink driving into the PSA equation.
  21. As we say in England, poacher turned gamekeeper….. With his skillset, he would be better suited to monitoring the smuggling of wheat, what with this being the precursor for high-purity flour production.
  22. Yep. Apart from the relatively "no-brain" option of milking tourism to death (2000 : 10m pax --> 2019 : 40m pax) I find it hard to clearly identify what Thailand has done to innovate or meaningfully develop it's economy over the last 20 years or so...which is concerning for a middle-income country with a super-aged population status.
  23. Get your point but, for example, I currently work in Thailand and will be looking to retire/semi-retire mid-50s. Probable/possible I will take some sort of part-time role with my current company (presumably on a working visa/WP arrangement) but would certainly be interested in the option of being on a retirement visa that comes with some flexibility for work, be that independently or lecturing in Universities etc. In terms of teaching, my old man was a teacher trainer, and whilst it is certainly a distinct and specialised skillset many "corporate" bods in their 40s-50s-60s, will have had a huge exposure to and experience of both receiving and giving trainings to a reasonable quality. I'm fairly sure they would be overall be beneficial for the Thai education system.
  24. What else is there to be said- words of wisdom...
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