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Everything posted by Greenside

  1. It wasn't the original issue, I think I probably overtightened while refitting the cartridge (I dissembled it completely and now wish I hadn't as it's a so-and-so to put back together ???? ) I've superglued it and now going to have another go at installation. Kerox is a major valve manufacturer based in Hungary, by the way. The cartridge was decent quality but got very stiff to operate after eight years of service as they all tend to do. Thanks for the advice anyway.
  2. Looking for a replacement 35mm single lever mixer tap cartridge like this: It's a very common size and you can find them online for a couple of hundred baht or less, but of course all the usual suspects (Global House, Home Sukapan, HomePro et al) do the "my mee, you buy set??" routine which at a shade under 10k isn't very likely. Delivery from abroad is tediously long since the kitchen sink is unusable in the meantime. Anyone know a plumbing supply store in CM?
  3. NETA has just opened a showroom and what will be a service department next to Amway on Mahidol road in Chiang Mai. I'd never heard of the brand and dropped in this morning to check them out. They only had the Neta V on show, a sub compact with ok(ish) specs, built down to a price allowing an opening promotional package of 549,000 baht including home charger and installation, year of 1st class insurance, 5yr warranty on the motor (8 on the battery), free charging at PTT stations (if you can find one with a charger) and roadside assistance for 12 months. Design is somewhat quirky and the interior space very limited but it was fun to drive around town. Good Cat is far more attractive and practical, but around 50% more expensive.
  4. OK, I get that it's not the custom to use wooden fence posts here, but when faced with having to string a chain link fence or barbed wire between existing wood structures (or trees in my case) then galvanised fencing staples are the best solution. Aren't they? Global House, which carries at least a hundred miles of barbed wire and chainlink fence in every conceivable size and sharpness and other usually reliable standbys had clearly never seen them. Lazada and Shopee likewise. Any sightings would be appreciated!
  5. I use skype for Windows desktop (on a wired network connection) frequently for calls to landlines, mostly in the UK, and never had an issue until yesterday when all attempts to call a couple of my regular UK numbers produce an error message "Your connection is too weak. Please try again later". Other numbers seem OK. I've done all the suggested fixes (re-installing, different Hardware and ISP, wi-fi, ethernet, rebooted everything except the cat....etc) so I'm thinking it must be Skype. My ISP is AIS and DTAC mobile data on my phone. All give the same error. Anyone else having similar issues?
  6. As an alternative to PayPal I used to use Kasikorn's Online Shopping (debit) card linked to an account with a limited amount of funds for safety, but they discontinued it earlier this year promising its re-introduction in September but I never received any info about that. Today I replaced my lost ATM card and found that they've given it the same functionality so I can use it for international purchases and recurring subscriptions. Irritating that they sting you 300 baht for a new card, but I'm glad that PayPal and the NTID are no longer of concern.
  7. I use snbforums often and, as you say it's a useful resource. The article that Crossy linked to is the best explanation of Bonding and Aggregation that I've come across - thanks for that. I'm not planning to get another WAN line - just wanted to improve the connection between the router and my NAS although I can see now that it will only help if someone else is streaming from the media server on the NAS. Many thanks to everyone who contributed ????
  8. As I understood it, the Pink ID with its 13 digit number isn't sufficient to get registered with a digital ID, or did things change?
  9. It depends on just what you mean by "sit for a while". Ten years of trying different approaches tells me that if it's anything shorter than a couple of hours you are unlikely to be able to clear this water to a state where you will want to use it in your house. After the first year we switched to city water which (luckily) had just become available and just run the well water through an aerator and two serious filter units for irrigation - even then, pipes, sprinkler heads and valves clog up quickly and need lots of maintenance. If you can, switch your supply: it's likely to be cheaper in the long run.
  10. Thanks for the contributions. End of line had occurred to me as the AX version has been available for some time and there appears to be more than one vendor offering these. Even though the risk is relatively small I think I'll steer clear. Crossy, what device were you using link aggregation with? My old(ish) QNAP TS-651 supports Port Trunking and it would be helpful if Lightroom didn't slow down even more should my daughter decide that Streaming Gatcha Life videos is essential at the very moment I need to use it...
  11. Looking for an ASUS router with 8 Gigabit LAN ports and if possible Link Aggregation. The ASUS-AC88U-router-AC3100-Dual-Band-Gigabit-WiFi-Gaming-Router seems to fit the bill (I don't care about Wi-Fi 6, before anyone mentions it!) but there seems to be a large number of suspiciously cheap listings on Shopee - including the link above - which have no sales and no ratings. Given the price is a lot less than half of others, that in itself is a red flag. Has anyone bought one of these and was it working and genuine?
  12. 13:00 today: Lamphun road between Nong Hoi market and Mahidol Road. Rajaveh hospital told us there was a shuttle operating which turned out to be a boat also delivering drinking water en route. Quite deep in parts - I'm amazed that the bike in the bottom picture kept going for the entire length.
  13. I used to have an hourly updated page of the river levels and flow volume bookmarked but can't find it now - does anyone have a link? FYI some areas of Vieng Kum Kam are now waterlogged and a number of smaller roads flooded and impassible in a saloon car.
  14. The Chiang Mai Photographic Group is still in Post Covid mode and while our website is still up, activities in the forum are virtually non-existent at the moment. You will find a cmpg page on Facebook but it doesn't have much to do with the group of talented photographers who attended face-to-face meetings every couple of weeks since 2007 and mounted a dozen well received exhibitions here in town. I'm currently wondering if there is enough support to reboot the CMPG and would be pleased to hear from both experienced photographers and those looking to develop their skills. Please PM me here. Airport Plaza 2018 Maya 2016 Opening Day, Maya 2016
  15. Spot on. The cost of insurance that covers outpatient treatment is disproportionally high and so there is an incentive to both the patient and the hospital to be admitted if it looks feasible to claim. Insurers are savvy to this and vet the hospital bills ruthlessly before agreeing the payment - many (most?) hospitals won't let you leave until the insurer confirms it's okay and it can sometimes take several hours - just what you don't need when you're eager to get home.
  16. Good sources, thanks.
  17. Thanks, I have them now. Take a look at Christian Cantrell's "Containment" and "Equinox" Plus, (not SF but one of my favourites), "Replay" by Ken Grimwood. - written before Groundhog Day but about a hundred times better. You'll thank me, honest!
  18. Funny, I know I'm in a (very tiny) minority but I could never really get into Terry Pratchett's world. I should give it another try (if I can take another pass at Copperfield, that's the least I can do!) I loved all Douglas Adams' work and built a significant SF collection over more than thirty years starting in the early 60's until I had to sell it on moving house back in 2000. I have now got a digital library of over 7000 books which I manage with the indispensable Calibre, running on a PC. I'd be interested to hear from anyone with a decent collection who'd like to swap some files. Please PM me and we'll set something up.
  19. Seems to me that this is a perfect place to give a shout out to the SCOTUS Honest Ad which, if some reason my link doesn't work, can be found on Juice Media's You Tube channel along with many for Australien institutions and policies.
  20. Found it ???? ! Somehow I managed to pack it in my tool box when we got back from immigration last week, so now I can get back to reading David Copperfield which is just remarkable to revisit after a 60 year break. That Dickens guy can write. Thanks to those who replied. I never found phones, tablets et al conducive to recreational reading - poor screens compared to e-ink, loaded with distractions, much shorter battery life and, best of all, my children don't pester me to lend it to them for Block Puzzle or Word Shaker. Any gadget in daily use for ten years (and I really do carry it about most of the time) rates as almost miraculous in my estimation and it seems to be one of the few products where further development was unnecessary - Amazon really nailed it a long while back.
  21. I'm mislaying things increasingly frequently in my old age and have been searching for my Kindle since the beginning of the week. If you should come across a well cared for ten year old Kindle Paperwhite in a brown handmade leather slip case, I'd be super grateful to be reunited with it, since its been my constant companion for almost a decade now. Its possible I lost it outside immigration or in the car park across the road on August 4th. Please send a PM if you have a lead on it.
  22. One thing to bear in mind (at least at Nakornping) They will not give you a booster of any kind if you have had Covid within three months. I struggled to find a parking place for about half an hour last week only to be given that news... Hope this helps somebody.
  23. Thank you very much. Beautiful bird and not particularly unusual judging by the vast number of (good) photographs that a search brings up. This one seemed to have a hint of blue visible on its tail when it took flight. Here's what my picture should have looked like!
  24. Apologies for the lousy picture , Just seen in our garden for the first time. Maybe a woodpecker of some variety?
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