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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Yep I seem to remember those.
  2. Everyone in the UK gets access to free schooling. That some apply themselves better should not be the reason for derision
  3. A lot of fuss for 600 Baht. You knew it was an expensive bike when you bought it.🤔
  4. Yes. Because we don't do it anymore but that does nullify the fact it was done often in the past.
  5. This was written by a Bot? Not one word of sense in the whole post🤔
  6. I find it amusing that people from Appalachia, according to the video above in this thread, are celebrated for their use of Elizabethan English and yet we are supposed to ridicule people from,say, Suffolk. Or as you point out from sowf London.
  7. I believe the footpaths were paved long before the streets. 🤔 But yes it must be difficult. The Germans speak German, the French speak French, the Swedes speak Swedish and the Americans speak...er English
  8. Do you use protection? I sit under it and wait for the bus🤔
  9. Strangely he could have had a good life, lived in a nice house and never wanted for anything. Except his wife did not want to live in the shadow.🤔
  10. Not a copy or ripoff as you wish to call it. Simply a reincarnation of an old model They also had a town version Look familiar 🤔
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