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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Not seen here, as in Indonesia, using the waste heat from the AC to heat or preheat water. Put a copper coil in a tank and connect it before the heatX in the outside AC unit,
  2. How much would it cost if , say, Tony Blair was president? How many tourist pounds would he bring in? How would he personally help the poor?
  3. What about Hops Brew House🤔
  4. Well, he's not in Chiang Mai but if you contact him I am sure he will recommend someone hear you. He does go upcountry to do group lessons. How to contact him? Use the internet and your grey matter.
  5. Why not take the man to a Government Hospital? Oh wait. Commission🤔
  6. Is Doug Hood still around🤔
  7. Either way, you'll need it certified and translated into the other language.🤔
  8. How do you know they break the rules, what rules? They are bureaucrats doing a job.🤔 Simple as...
  9. There is no underlying reason we are just here. Or if you must have one? -To procreate.
  10. My wife's new puppy was acting up. My wife said "she is being naughty". I said "Naughty isn't the word" My wife said "Then what is the word?"
  11. Recent observation. Flush the toilet when showering🤔
  12. I believe 6kW will do it. 8 would be better as you can always turn down the heat.
  13. I've used Flash Express on 3rd Road opposite Soi 25
  14. Luckily you are not Irish🤔
  15. An Albertan going to work in the morning.
  16. Look on Google Maps for School supplies or Art Supplies.
  17. Looks similar to Guillain-Barre syndrome with the intravenous immunoglobulin and all.
  18. Maybe Thai tourists go there to pick up foreign bar girls🤔
  19. "Wbu is a slang term that has different meanings depending on the context. It can mean what about you, what's been up, or someone who likes cock. " https://www.urbandictionary.com › define.php?term=wbu This explains a lot about the OP's myriad of topics.🤔
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