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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. YSS has no info on actually what their suspension components do. I use my cheap Wave to explore farm tracks in the mountains. The ride is a bit firm to say the least.
  2. Most mom and pop hardware stores have and sell brushes. Pick the closest ones and file down.
  3. - clean the surface with muriatic/hydrochloric acid. - 1st paint coat should be 80% thinners/20% pigment mix - 2nd coat normal
  4. Well they are both obviously 160. If there is a difference and I say if. It would only be a slightly shorter left-side crankcase or swing arm. About 38mm. The rake and trail are the same so the 38mm has to come from somewhere. The old GY6 has a short and long version so I suppose it is possible.
  5. Well, that's conclusive then.🤔
  6. Unless I misunderstand you will need an interposing relay to switch the 220V. Then you will need a 12v supply To power the relay. You might get away with using the 18v for the photocell. But... ❔Buy some mechanical ones and change whenever.
  7. Thais don't fight to win. They fight to injure or at worse to maim
  8. Seeing as we are in informative mode. Steel link CVT "belts" push they don't pull.🧐
  9. The aircraft stops at the gate and they deplane.🤔
  10. Then apply and take the test like anyone else. It makes perfect sense to me. If you only explain half of your problem then no one can really help you. Condescending? I thought I was quite polite🤔 It seems like you know what the problem and answer are you simply wanted to complain they won't do it your way.
  11. I know you or your type because you seem to show a complete disregard for others around you. Selfishly sitting to your truck while others around you choke on diesel fumes. Or am I wrong🤔 What other people might do is not an excuse for bad manners.
  12. It will be classified as oversize like golf clubs. You drop it off and pick it up at the Oversize" counter/desk. Will probably get there before your suitcase appears on the carousel.
  13. The fact that you have to ask says reams about you.
  14. You have an expired Thai license so you will have to go through the "Thai" procedure to get it renewed. You couldn't just rock up in UK with a Thai license and expect to renew your UK one.
  15. Someone with the same name🤔 Or a nome de plume.
  16. I was sat in a bar once and a guy showed up with a push cart with party dresses for sale. I bought at least three for the girls. Quite good fun as I remember.
  17. Resting one's thumb on the scales. An old butcher's trick.
  18. The yellower ones are non-ferrous so can be soldered. FYI
  19. Is this a millennial thing? Thinks the world owes her something. 🤔 It is sad but she now has to get on with life. I wonder who is feeding her all the entitlement stuff?
  20. Where does one purchase books? Are there any good sellers on, say, Shopee for instance?
  21. Blue works as does orange,
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