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Posts posted by Penkoprod

  1. I was listening to an interview with Robert Kraft ( was a potential buyer of the club before those first cowboys rode into town)

    When the conversation came round to "why didnt you buy Liverpool when you had the chance" towards the end of the piece. Its about the six minute mark of the MP3, where he goes on about a salary cap, and the lack of one as the reason he didnt make a bid for the club

    He seems to know more about the prem than FSG even, and comes across as being a "decent American (would be) owner"

    OK, he got confused with Watford and The Spuds, but other than that he made perfect sense, IMO

    Take a listen here:



  2. Thanks Bina, Rice555 has opened an old Hydroponics Thread and i have re posted my information on that thread, i dont know what to do,posters are asking questions and i dont know what method they what to know about , but i understand that some like to have it all on the one thread, may be they could put a header on their posts so we know which method they are asking about. UP TO YOU!!



    Thats what i keep saying...people dont know how to answer, because the asker doesnt specify which "ponic" he is relating to. I can imagine it would get even more confusing to a newbie seeking info for the method he is researching.

    I can also understand people wishing to share info on both methods, instead of either, so maybe a solution would be to pin the hydroponic thread in the same way the long forgotten aquaponic one was? That, or pin this one the same place, renaming it to "hydroponics"? That way they wouldnt be too far from each other, and people can dip in and out of each, knowing what method the content is for.

    That is until we hear whether or not there will be 2 (or one?) new subforum created.


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  3. This thread is getting a bit disjointed now

    Some are talking aquaponics, and some are talking hydronics in the same thread. I can see this getting really messy, lol !!!!

    Perhaps its time a decision was made whether or not we get sub forums for each?


    Disjointed. Two topics is hardly confusing (not to me anyway). Sounds like fish-poo.

    By mixing posts on Hydro and aquaponics in the same thread it allows the reader to gain an insight to both methods.

    Well thats one way of looking at it.

    But theres already some confusion in the thread, where people are having to ask which procedure people are asking info about, before they can give that answer. If fact, they may not have the answer if its the procedure that he knows little about........if you get what i mean

    And it seems to be heading in the direction of a pissing contest as per usual in a forum

    A bit like football supporters ragging on the other team (or procedure)

    There seems to be some interest in both topics, and, as such both might be better served with their own topic/sub forum?

    Or just the one sub forum for both, where each header could indicate whether it was hydro or aquaponics being discussed in the thread.

    We await the verdict !!!!!


  4. Well, how i read it was:

    We gazumpted Swansea and "put them in their place" by having Sigurdsson prefer us to them

    Along come Spurs and it hurts me to say this, but....do the same thing to us !!!!!

    Reading between the lines at what Rogers is saying now, there will be little budget as it is, so i think he'll be looking to other areas of the squad that need players for, before tinkering with a midfield that has plenty of bodies in there.

    Its continuity we need right now afterall, not more wholesale changes, or "selling to buy" like we have done in the recent past.

    We are a long way off being an attractive proposition, so we better both get used to it in the first place and secondly, hope and pray that we keep what we have got from going to other clubs.

    This episode has shown us we are competing in the transfer market with the likes of Stoke, Sunderland, Newcastle, and West Ham, even (no disrepect to those teams, BTW)

    Also it can be likened to....we are looking in the George at Asda aisle, as it were.

    The players we are seriously being linked to are those around the single figure milllion, and are of no interest to the now big five or six clubs above us in the pecking order.

    That's the problem at the moment, IMO.

    Once the likes of some London clubs, and both Manchester clubs have had their fill, we will be left with the scraps, unless and until this new manager can turn things around, given time. I just hope he has more to offer than this tika-taka <deleted> everyone seems hung up on at present, though.

    While that might work for Barca, and in La Liga, it dont think its going to work in the Prem for too long, if at all.

    And certainly not with the likes of a team with a big centre forward of the old school variety, a number 7 that likes going on mazey, junky runs at defences, and a midfield general that's known for the spectacular long range blockbuster goals he scores.


  5. TBH, its all a bit of a lottery, in spite of what you read on places such as this, or indeed the customs and excise site.

    I know of cases where people have sent their stuff over using their Thai wifes right to have a certain amount of stuff shipped over duty free, only to have hassle at the Thai end with duty being levied, followed by the usual bartering to get the price down to a level that was acceptable.

    Other cases, similar to your friends situation, with a few boxes sent, with no problems or extra monies being paid

    A true case of TIT if ever there was one. Ya pays yer money and ya takes ya chance, as the saying goes


  6. There's a report in the Belfast media that ex-Rangers captain Steve Davis will be a free transfer capture. I've seen plenty of the guy, he will be good at shoring up the midfield, we're needing a guy that can put his foot on the ball and take some of the stress off Gerrard.

    Apart from Gerrard, there's Henderson, Downing, Spearing, Leiva, Rodriguez, Adam, Shelvey, and Sterling. plus the likes of Joe Cole and Aquilani on their way back, so i think we got the midfield area of the team fairly well covered.And, while we all have our opinions of those on the list, eleven midfielders in a squad is enough, dont you think?

    We DO miss Alonso, though, thats for sure

    I'm a little weary of getting people "with potential" in all the time.

    Some of the above were bought because they had this "potential"

    We now have a manager "with potential" Its all a bit "vague" at Anfield at the moment.


    Problem is though that beit that they are on their way back only two or three of them are any good

    Like i say, its OK saying "they are no good" or that they got potential, or whatever. We all have our opinions, afterall .

    But theres 11 of them and thats not counting the players in defence that like to get up in attack, too. Enrique, Johnson and Kelly spring to mind.

    Perhaps the problem is TOO MANY providing to those that didnt do the job in the final third of the pitch, neglecting their defensive duties along the way. And it doesnt matter how rosy the glasses are, we didnt do the business in those respects last season. Lowest goals tally that i can remember, and games lost where we dominated.

    The fact that Davis is on a free might have some bearing as to why he is being linked to the club, perhaps?

    The signs are we wont be getting THAT big a budget to deal with all the deficiencies at the club, but i dont think midfield is where any of an inadequate amount is a priority.

    Its going to be a case of build on what we have already, and try and get the best out of them, because these owners have deep pockets, but only short arms


  7. There's a report in the Belfast media that ex-Rangers captain Steve Davis will be a free transfer capture. I've seen plenty of the guy, he will be good at shoring up the midfield, we're needing a guy that can put his foot on the ball and take some of the stress off Gerrard.

    Apart from Gerrard, there's Henderson, Downing, Spearing, Leiva, Rodriguez, Adam, Shelvey, and Sterling. plus the likes of Joe Cole and Aquilani on their way back, so i think we got the midfield area of the team fairly well covered.And, while we all have our opinions of those on the list, eleven midfielders in a squad is enough, dont you think?

    We DO miss Alonso, though, thats for sure

    I'm a little weary of getting people "with potential" in all the time.

    Some of the above were bought because they had this "potential"

    We now have a manager "with potential" Its all a bit "vague" at Anfield at the moment.


  8. Is this anything more than speculation? http://www.dailymail...uis-Suarez.html

    personally it wouldn't surprise me if he left and juve, to me, look as good a destination, barring barca and real, as any..

    He's certainly been "dead man walking" since FSG hung him out to dry over the Evra affair They should have either backed him, or sacked him right there and then

    I can also see the likes of Škrtel and Reina moving soon, too. Maybe not this window but next, if a club comes in with a decent enough contract.


  9. ok , my biggest query is where can the equipment for the aquaponics system be purchased in Thailand ? excluding tanks, i think that can be sorted easily enough ... i have found many good suppliers in Australia but of course prefer to purchase here ...

    I would think you are in "Heath Robinson territory" with this

    You will have to cobble something together out of what you can find.

    There will be a few aquaculture places around big cities i should imagine, for things like pumps and the like but a DIY culture will get most of what you need, i should think.

    "Adapt and overcome" being a key phrase.

    Might be a bit of a pain in the neck, but......think of the fun you can have designing and then finally running a system you, yourself and no one else has

    That is until such times as some enterprising person comes up with the idea of making custom kits and so on, here in Thailand.

    The likes of Sylvia Bernstein, Gina Cavaliero, Murray Hallam etc


  10. I only inquired about a subforum on Hydroponics, considering that there is already a pinned section on aquaculture/aquaponics i think hydroponics should stand alone because of the vast difference in the two, this is only my opinion of course,


    The only thing about pinned threads is that they get lost in the mists of time, as it were

    Like your title states, perhaps a sub forum on each of the 3....Hydroponics, Aquaponics and Aquaculture.

    This might generate a bit more interest than at present.

    In fact i am very suprised there isnt a place for the aquarium folk to post/gather

    Isnt this a popular enough pastime in Thailand, i wonder?


  11. got a great car off an english guy barry from hull. he lives in naklua. only 6000 for 1 week. no problems ....

    No problems until you have an accident and discover that his private insurance does not cover you. Will Barry do your prison term for you? I doubt it.

    Only a complete pea-brain would hire a car here without full rental insurance, especially given that Hertz will currently rent you a low mileage fully-legal and fully-insured car for just 5500B/week, including zero excess insurance.

    Thats not a bad price, whatsoever

    Better than renting one from someone of the "Arfur Daley" business school (non Brits can Google the name, should they not know who he is/was)


  12. To me the common thread is the water, farming a body of water. Be it pond, puddle, or concrete tank with vegetables or fish. It is about establishing and maintaining the water condition such that plants and fish can grow. Integrating the two means you are "jumping in" in a bit higher off the diving tower. The high divers are those silly buggers like me that dream about adding pigs, ducks, and feed manufacture to the water system and jump off the top.

    Seriously, integrated farming is the future, successful monocropping is very limited and lets face it not sustainable economically for more than a simply Thai lifestyle.

    Pinned topics may be more appropriate to maintain focus on the individual topics. But I would suggest that some form of catalogueing system of folders would give people looking for information more direct access. For instance waste management is discussed in pigs101 but I doubt too may people would go looking there for it if they wanted to treat waste water from a fish pond.

    Our subforum smallholding etc.. was a good idea whilst someome was driving it and people were finding it hard to find quality organics information.

    I suppose I am suggesting two things. Firstly the common threads in farming water deserve to be collated under some interest grouping. Secondly that perhaps the moderators should look at the overall structure, perhaps some form of keyword cataloguing ?

    Someone mention ducks????giggle.gif

    Looks a nice, clean system too

    Pen koprod

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