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Posts posted by Penkoprod

  1. DirectGov seems to think otherwise, and they should know.

    They have to know their arse from their elbow 1st !!! ;)

    The 5th paragraph of THIS PAGE tells a different story:

    Anyone leaving the UK with more than £1,000 in cash must provide evidence if the source and intended use of the money, or it may be detained. This is to prevent the proceeds of criminality being hidden in bank accounts and other assets overseas, and to prevent the theft of money from the public purse through unpaid tax.

    The £10,000 figure bandied about is what has to be DECLARED, via form filling.

    Anything above "just" £1000 needs to have evidence supporting the fact that its yours, and people like the police and customs are entitled to ask questions, should one be carrying £1000 or more, entering or leaving the country.


  2. According to the last part of the attached document from The Royal Thai Consulate at Hull, you need to show a bank statement confirming you are in reciept of a state pension and/or a private pension.

    This statement should show a minimum of £900 per month, and can include any income, like rental income etc.

    Nothing in there about ISAS, but i think the key word is MONTHLY, so i wouldnt rely on ISAS in calculating the £900




  3. Methinks Kenny is showing all the classic early symptoms of a cross between Fergieitis, and Wengeritis.

    There was enough quality (on paper) for us to have beaten the likes of Stoke, flakey and dubious refereeing decisions notwithstanding.

    Put the ball in the back of the net and there is no argument. We didnt do that on Saturday.


  4. They say its anonymous but the questions are phrased in such a way that it would be very easy to see exactly who worte it unless you give a load of nonsense in which case whats the point.

    Oh you cynic, of course if you send the survey back as an email attachment that may give them a clue.

    Maybe they are actually trying to improve their service.

    I'm with the cynics on this one

    The less these pri erm i mean gentlemen know, the better, IMO

    Once they stop looking at you like you were something they have trodden in, then, yes, by all means ask away. Doesnt mean i will answer, but at least i will feel like my monies to pay their inflated salaries isnt entirely wasted

    So, for now, they can go shove their snoopery where the sun don't shine.


  5. It always amuses me when i see an article such as this

    Especially in a country where the same figure of 80-85 percent of the population still crap into a hole in the ground, and farm with buffalos, and not tractors, lol

    And where, apart from a few tourist places you feel like you have stumbled back in time, to the 19th century

    Where is the infrastructure to deliver this Technology to the masses?



  6. If you use THESE you can register both a UK landline, and as many UK mobiles as you like, and, if using any free minutes with a monthly plan you might have, all calls from a mobile or landline work out at 1p per minute, Plus a local call charge from a landline and VAT

    Texts from the mobile (or internet) at 1.8 p per text of 140 characters

    NO faffing about with access numbers, welcome messages and the like. Just a local number assigned to each Thai number you register with them. (Local, as prefixed with 0161, 0208, 0121 etc)


  7. It was my understanding that most airlines insist that you have a return ticket if travelling on a tourist visa

    Your understanding is incorrect. If you have a tourist visa you will be able to board a plane with a one way ticket. I have done it 10's of times. If you plan on entering Thailand with a Visa-on-entry, it is more likely that you may be refused boarding if you have no ticket to depart from Thailand.

    You might care to look at THIS thread, for the up-to-date info regarding tourist visa requirements ;)


  8. Hi Penkoprod, I've never heard of these devices before, I know they are for UK HSBC customers but out of interest how do they work? Do they connect with your PC? is it wired, bluetooth, wifi? What's the advantage over manual entry of a PIN?

    I'm in the dark ages, stuff changes so quickly!


    Those are some very good questions, and ones that i can't help you with, other than to say they don't connect to your PC, and i cant see any antenna to indicate any wireless connectivity.

    Going on a rough and basic (VERY rough and basic) series of tests using the damned thing, i *think" each IB number is issued with a block of random 6 figure passwords (is password the right thing to say, with there being only numbers? ;) ) which are probably all stored on the HSBC server and you need to generate one each time. Some i have generated were the same numbers...even logging on days apart.

    IMO, there is ZERO advantage in it, as it still needs a "three stage login, as before. Plus the added "fun" of code generation with this card thing They just changed the DOB question to one you input yourself.

    There are, however certain disadvantages, as others have noted. Lack of portability being one. The key fob one is much better

    The worst one, however is what happens if the bloody thing stops working 10,000 clicks from the "mother ship"

    Password stored in ones head are more reliable than those stored on a piece of circuitury, encased in plastic and made in China. And you STILL have to remember the PIN for the card to generate this "random number"

    Other than that, i am flummoxed (Nothing new, there then !!!! :cheesy: )


  9. So, what's being said is there is NO protection from these dubious "snakeoil sales people" then?

    Surely there will be SOME kind of government organisation to oversee some of the products. Especially those that get ingested/ swallowed. Even a basic one?


  10. I see it's made with Sonnen-blumen oil. Sunflower I suppose. Not olive oil as the OP seeks.

    Half and half, sunflower (or one thats not too flavoured is better still) and olive oil is best.

    Start off with the sunflower oil and check consistency when adding the olive oil to see if it needs the full half of olive oil.

    A minced garlic clove or 2 wouldnt come amiss, either ;)


  11. You need an employer in order to get a work permit, so you might want to find an agency to hire you and work through them (or form your own company, which must have majority shares owned by a Thai national).

    Can't the OP be the employee of this "Thai band to back me"

    That is, turn the whole thing on its head...they hire him to front the band?

    Might be worth exploring


  12. I wish we had a TV member with influence who knows people with even bigger influence who can contact 60 Minutes about doing an undercover sting operation that will expose the scam to viewers worldwide. Maybe that will get their attention.

    One thing wrong with getting "an outsider" organisation involved (meaning non Thai) all that would happen is similar to what happened when the recent (last year?) TV docu was filmed by a non Thai organisation?

    Big Trouble In Tourist Thailand i think it was called. The film crew that were still in Thailand (Thais) were thrown in jail, and all manner of threats of embargos were made, stating nothing more than that it showed Thailand in a bad light. NOT that most of it was true and needed looking into by the Thai authorities, but that "the big, bad farang film makers" were making nuisance


  13. Every problem has a solution. Firstly I stuck the required 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank several years ago, not only does it earn interest but I don't need to worry about fluctuations in my income. As to a home, I bought two old houses next to each other, through my partner of course, 300 KBaht each, for a further expenditure of 150 kBaht each I rebuilt and modernised them, I now have 8 rooms, and two toilet/bathrooms, a large patio, two small patios and a small garden, all for 900,000 Baht. My partner also makes dresses, it keeps her in pocket money. I pay all the bills, electricity, water, phone, Internet, food and support 9 cats. :lol:

    I also am a type 2 diabetic, diagnosed last year, the drug of choice - gliclazide is very cheap, £1.80 for 28 tablets in England, about the same in Thailand. However a small glass of bitter gourd juice every day will do the same job and is cheap to make, cinnamon is also effective. A diabetic diet is no more expensive than a normal diet and all the main stores sell sucralose sweetener. The real difference is you have to cook and eat in-house, ready cooked Thai food is full of sugar.

    Why do you need a car? We use a mixture of song tauws, buses, taxis and bicycles, healthier and less stressful.

    My basic income in England is about £1000 per month bottom line, sometimes it touches £1200, I shift £500 to Thailand every month via the Internet it costs me about £3.59 per transfer, I never need to contact my British bank, either in person or any other way, Internet banking is available to me in both countries.

    Frankly I think you are going about things the wrong way, or your wife is leading you by the nose. As to supporting two kids, I informally support half a dozen kids in my village, feed, clothe and pay their school bus fares, the costs just get lost in the general household budget, as does the 3000 Baht per month tea money to the local police, and contributions to the village social life.

    A few questions, if i may:

    1) You saying you manage on approx. 24000 per month in Thailand and leaving the rest in UK (?)?

    2) Is that just for you and your partner?

    3) How are you managing to shift £500 per month, via the internet, for the princely sum of £3.59

    (I think we ALL would like to know how the answer to number 3, lol!!!! ;))


  14. Well, i got mine today, and activated it.

    First usage is a bit strange, but OK after that

    I can see some "squeeky bum" times for some people, though, as the key itself looks and feels a little flimsy. Not too bad, but i thought it would be more robust than it is (made in China, too!!!!) If it stops working 10,000 KMs from home then the fun will start, lol !!!!!

    You can actually feel the backs of some of the buttons on the underside of it, for instance. Its got a cheap lanyard with a 6cm keyring on the end. THAT's coming off, thats for sure !!!!

    I don't think it was made to be portable, cause its too thick to fit in a card compartment, so its not something you can carry around...probably no bad thing, in case of loss, and the pain of getting a replacement

    Better get used to it, as i reckon most, if not all other banks will have similar soon enough...if they don't already

    HSBC STILL use that awful rapport software though, which i thought would be replaced by this key


  15. Anyone know where to get polo shirts with a small embroidered custom logo done?

    Any large town/city will do. Not so keen on online, though, as i like to see what i am *actualy* getting prior to paying for things in Thailand.

    Got a quote from a company in my home country....over £120 a pop, unless i buy in bulk of 250+, and even then it dont come down that much, percentage wise.

    Thee MUST be somewhere in the kingdom that does them for a reasonable price.


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