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Posts posted by Penkoprod

  1. Is this China Garden the place on Soi Lengkee that everyone was raving about when it opened last year?

    If thats the place then its "English style".....whatever that means

    Chinese Restaurant

    We will offer Pattaya’s most authentic English style Chinese food in a comfortable air conditioned setting with additional seating on our front patio. We have agreed for a chef from the U.K to work at our premises as our Head Chef, he will also instruct and train our Thai chefs in the art that is Chinese food. The restaurant will have an open plan kitchen with a “large glass window” so dinners will see our expert chefs preparing their meals.

    The plan is to have the restaurant operational within 2 months only in the evenings initially from 5pm until 12pm. Once all building work has been completed we will offer a lunch time buffet at a set price and a “take away & delivery service”


  2. You would get one or two frosty faced cows with scowls on their faces, walking in front of their husbands, whose faces were anything BUT scowls.

    More a mix of lust and passion towards the indigenous females, and "<deleted> did i marry YOU for?" towards the wife !!!

    But there were ONLY a few about the place until recently

  3. and why is it that I never saw scotch eggs in Scotland?...but then, I never saw burritos in Mexico City...mebbe gotta quit the vodka and the lonely hotel rooms and get out more often...' si me puede preparar un cheeseburger, por favor?...'

    Cause they aint a Scottish egg. It takes its name from the VERB........"to scotch" meaning to cut or score

    The present day one was a recipe from Fortnum and Masons. But the original recipe comes from India.

  4. They're dry looking because they are coated in a crust of breadcrumbs.

    Bite through that and you will get to the more succulent parts of it. The pork, followed by the egg.

    Just get them, and then get them down your neck !!!! giggle.gif

    You know it makes sense jap.gif

    Just get the one for now, and see if you like them

  5. I have always thought the AVB option, linke to Comolli, was the one Fenway were looking at all the time, until they saw all the adoration from the fans that KK had, and, seeing as how he seemed capable, he was given the job instead of AVB.

  6. Do you use different connections for both the PC and the HDTV player?

    If so (probably) then its a common enough fault... the connecter, or bridge to the PC is faulty

    The drive itself will be fine, as all files show on HDTV player

    Looks like you need a new casing, or someone to renew the connector/bridge

  7. Bunters food?

    apart from being hopeless with cooking, Im also quite clueless around bangkok it seems. laugh.png dont know any of those places you mentioned ohmy.png

    What are your Google skills like, then?giggle.gif



  8. it does sound simple doesnt it smile.png

    but.....how does it really work?

    boil the eggs first

    then wrap uncooked meat around the egg, and then fry? ermmmm but then we would have uncooked meat touching the outside of the white egg....and does the meat then really thouroughly cook through?

    if I sound clueless, thats cos I AM clueless tongue.png

    will also check out villa the next time im in that neighbourhood (not very often)

    The secret is...you only boil the egg until its "just" soft

    That is, its still a liquid yolk.

    Then, when you fry or bake the thing, once the thin layer of meat around the egg has been cooked (a matter of about 6-8 minutes) the egg, protected from the main heat of the oil by the meat and breadcrumbs, continues being "boiled" until it is whats called "hard boiled" if that makes sense.



    Lets hope no one mentions Gala Pie !!!!!whistling.gif

  9. So no suggestions for Bangkok?

    Have you not tried the likes of Bunters Foods?

    While they may not advertise them, they might be willing to make a few. If only to test a new revenue source.

    Failing that, they may be able to suggest a place that DOES do them

    Other than that, you could try the numerous British style restaurants/guesthouses around ?

    British Pie Shop, Chequers, Witch Pie Factory etc, etc spring to mind.


  10. I'm American and have travelled quite a bit on business. The best ever sctoch egss that I have ever had are not "hardboiled". They are soft boiled and served hot ritght out of the fryer, When you cut into then the soft yolk of the egg envelopes the sausage and whatever it is presented on. I've tried making them myself but ended up with a egg and sausage stir fry, still tasted good, but not a scotch egg!

    As you say, there are a few variants to the dish. The "runny yolk" one being a good one

    I've also heard of them being put in an oven and roasted for 30 mins, instead of being fried (with just a light brushing of oil to the top of them)

  11. In the UK they are sometimes called Kebabs

    More or less the same result, thoughwink.png

    Well,I lived in UK for 65 years and I never heard or saw a Scotch Egg called a Kebab..A Kebab is on a stick or screwer so maybe your "kebab' is a Scotch Egg Lollipop??

    Well, heres another link to a recipe for a dish called "Nargasi Kebab" with pic.


    And one from the BBC:


  12. I think its what you say..... "just some wizened zombie behind the desk"

    This was produced by using the search facility on the HSBC website itself

    Things you should know

    Before making a payment, you'll need to have your HSBC account number and sort code to hand. You'll also need the following information about the receiver:

    their full name, their full postal address, their International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or account number / BSB number (where the destination country does not use IBANs), their bank sort code, their bank's SWIFT BIC code and their bank's intermediary SWIFT BIC Code

    Payments will be routed overseas using this information. Incorrect or invalid information may lead to the payment being delayed or rejected by the overseas bank. In such cases, because of charges and differences in exchange rates, you may not receive the full amount back.

  13. coming in large size and mini.

    stoneyboy - does that mean different types of eggs are used?

    after Ive tried the scottish version from shop or pub somewhere then wiII think about modifications

    i imagine they are usuaIIy made with chicken egg, but I Iove Iove Iove quaiI eggs in savoury dishes [have substituted in thai dishes such as 'khai pha-Io' and it worked reaIIy weII so that wouId be my aIternative recipe


    I shaII be on a quest

    suggestions weIcome!

    Firstly, these AREN'T Scottish in origin. They originate in the Middle East/Indian subcontinent.

    The word "Scotch" being the VERB

    Heres a recipe for "Nargis Kebabs"

    All the way from India:

    Ingredients (makes 4)
    5 free-range eggs, plus 1 egg yolk
    250g minced beef or lamb
    2 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed
    2.5cm/1in piece root ginger, peeled, grated
    ½ tsp ground coriander
    ½ tsp ground cumin
    ½ tsp chilli powder
    ¼ tsp ground cloves
    1 tbsp cornflour
    2 tbsp flour
    2 tbsp sesame seeds
    vegetable oil for shallow frying
    7. Bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook 4 of the eggs for 4-5 minutes until they are
    medium- to hard-boiled. Drain and cool under cold running water (this will prevent the yolks from
    discolouring). Peel and set aside. Beat the remaining egg in a bowl and set aside.
    8. In a bowl, mix together the minced beef, garlic, ginger, spices, cornflour and egg yolk until well
    combined. Season, to taste, with salt.
    9. Divide the beef mixture evenly into 4 portions. Roll each portion into a ball, then flatten out to
    form a thin patty. Wrap each patty around the peeled boiled eggs, smoothing out the join and making
    sure there is no egg left exposed.
    10. Roll the scotch eggs in the flour, then dip in the beaten egg and roll in the sesame seeds.
    11. Half-fill a frying pan with the vegetable oil and heat until hot. (CAUTION: hot oil can be
    dangerous. Do not leave unattended). Fry the nargis kebabs in small batches for 4-5 minutes, turning
    the eggs occasionally, or until golden-brown all over and cooked through. Remove from the oil with a
    slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.

    I would think the quails egg would be a bit too fiddly, and small to use in a scotch egg, tbh. But i bet it would taste great !!!!!


  14. This highlights one of the perils of living off, and relying on, for any great length of time, a "non Thai" ATM card.

    Not to mention all the fraud, and abuse that could, potentially wreak havoc with both a persons bank balance, and their stress levels.

    These foreign ATM cards (foreign to the Thais, that is) should only be used in a situation where there is no other alternative, IMO. Inside a bank, over the counter withdrawal is the way to go

    I know, from experience, there are few feelings worse than being 10,000 KMs away from home, and standing there while ones card gets swallowed.

    Happened to me once, and i vowed it would never happen again. Luckily for me, the ATM spat it out about a minute later... as i stood there stunned and wondering what to do. A horrible, horrible feeling while it lasted

    Good that you are able to get around it, without too much trouble smile.png

  15. Have a look at sevenseasworldwide (Google it)

    They quote £80 per 40 kilo "tea chest"

    But, realise, also that the real fun will probably start at the Thai end, when (and if) the Customs take an interest in your shipment.

    TBH, it seems to be more of a lottery than anything else

    Good luck, and please keep us informed how you get on


  16. Hope the ED visas will not be affected by more and more schools offering super cheap visas as their main product. Ok guys, keep pretending that this is not the abuse of the system. Save money and destroy the system. Later you can move to Cambodia, some say it is a good alternative to Thailand so if you do not like Thailand enough get ready.

    Walen School - not the cheapest but most reliable.

    Surely, what they're offering is, more or less, the same product as you...no?

    As your own site says:

    1-10 years Thai student (ED) visa

    Plus a Flash graphic stating "Free ED Visa! Unlimited stay in Thailand"

    Pardon me if this comes across as critisising a sponsor, but i see very little difference in what you offer, as opposed to what the school in the OP is offering, apart from a price difference

    I think all the OP was asking (in a roundabout way) is whether or not studying Thai ONLINE would be acceptable to the authorities, with regards to the legality of issuance of an ED visa.


  17. Fernando Torres.............

    Would he be welcomed back by the fans to line up with Suarez, as an attacking duo?

    Rumour (OK, OK its the Daily Mail!!!) has it, he will be sold for £20 Million by the Chavs, to cut their losses on him

    Interesting scenario, though, huh? ;)


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