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Posts posted by Penkoprod

  1. Now... The rules says that if you import your personal effects within the first 6 months of your first 1 year "extension of stay" i.e.

    Extension based on marriage or Extension based on retirement you are entitled to import your "stuff" free of customs duty and free of VAT.


    Can you provide a link to this evidence about being able to import stuff free of customs duty and VAT?

    Because what i used to have was a link from the Thai customs themselves stating that this WASNT so cut and dried as you think

    (i lost the link in a hard drive crash and reformat)


  2. You have to balance what you see as "expensive" with what you might get of a similar quality in Thailand (if, indeed such a quality even EXISTS in Thailand!!!)

    You have to work out beforehand if those costs are worthwhile or not. And not just financial costs, either. There is the price of convenience in having your own stuff to hand, insterad of running round looking for like-for-like items.

    You may well come to the conclusion that its not that expensive afterall


  3. All sounds like a less than fun experience scorpio, on the plus side at least you didn't get too much stick on here.:)

    Not yet he hasn't !!!!! Give it time ;)

    Seems the poor guy was between a rock and a hard place, trying to do the best for his wife, but, on the other hand realising what he, perhaps should have done.

    As another poster stated, it certainly was an eye-opener, and an education. Forewarned is forearmed

    Props to the OP for posting in such detail, and honesty :clap2: :jap::clap2:


  4. Down again. For days. The humanity!

    How are you trying to access the site?

    Its no longer a "dot com" address. Try editing the com and change it to a "me" instead.

    Worth a shot


  5. With regard to importing stuff from China (and some other ASEAN countries) isnt there a much lower rate of import duty, or is that all "smoke and mirrors" like the imported beers saga from near neighbours, like Laos, for example?

    They (the Thais) come up with some other way of making the costs prohibitive?


  6. How many eggs per day does each bird lay per day, and how old are they when you buy them?

    And, indeed at what age do they become uneconomical to keep when they reduce/stop laying?

    The reason i ask is, i cant get my head around the figures you mention, both here and on that website you linked to, in terms of both profit and workload.

    Does your profit figures take into account that, assuming you buy them as chicks,that there is no profit for 40-50 days, and you are paying to feed and shelter them in that time?

    Does this "about an hour a day" include the cleaning of all the pooh and piss of the 1,000 birds on a daily basis? And how are the eggs collected from those cages on that website?

    From what i know of intensive farming (even on a small scale as this) all equipment and buildings need to be kept clean. Scrupulously so, in fact. Otherwise any bird getting an infectionfromdirty equipment will soon infect all the others. Seems to indicate a lot more time needs to be spent than just an hour or so a day.......no?

    Tne phrases of "easy money" and"Thai farming" dont sit too well together, either.

    Not wanting to doubt you, but, i just cant see it being that simple to make that much clear profit for such little effort

    I am willing to be enlightened, as i am sure others are.


  7. Easy for you but why would you assume everyone eats 1 egg a day? I could easily polish off 10 a day with 4 or 5 for breakfast.

    Hmm. Are you that muscle-bound body-builder chap that I often see at breakfast who eats a mound of boiled eggs and nothing else?

    I was always told that even one egg a day is more than one should really be eating, for health reasons. I eat one most days, but not all.

    Letest evidence to from The British Heart Foundation suggest that eggs are, in fact OK to eat in quantities more than previously(and erroneously?) stated

    Here and Here are just 2 articles from them about eggs that nails the myth


  8. อุ่นใจ means comfortable, so it's not quite correct.

    insecure is ไม่มั่นใจ

    lack of self confidence is ไม่มั่นใจในตัวเอง

    You can say that somebody lacks self confidence: เขาเป็นคนไม่มั่นใจในตัวเอง

    paranoid is ระแวง

    If you'd say that somebody is paranoid you'd say เขาเป็นคนขี้ระแวง

    This is great stuff, can anyone write it in English for me so I know how to say it..??

    Try Here for a phonemic translation

    I found the above site not 100% foolproof, but good enough most times


  9. Those seem cheap prices

    Tell me...........do these quotes include any excise duties (or tea money payments :whistling: to customs) ?

    Also will the boxes be shipped in a timely manner?

    I have read (probably on here) that your boxes will form part of a container shipment, and, dependant on a full load being present before shipment. Some peoples stuff being held in UK for many months before being shipped

    Worth checking with 7 Seas 1st, i would think.


  10. For those Brits that are arguing over who gets what and what its called, follow THIS link and all will be revealed:


    Then click the link on that page reffering to "Changes In Circumstances" Where it goes on to list things that affect entitlement thus

    Changes you need to report

    You must report any change in your circumstances to your local benefit office as soon as it happens, whether or not you think the change is directly related to your benefits.

    Some examples of the changes you need to report include:

    * getting married, entering into a civil partnership or moving in with a partner

    * moving house

    * getting a new job, whatever hours you work or pay you receive

    * getting a pay rise

    * inheriting or unexpectedly coming into money

    * taking in a lodger

    * no longer being sick or ill

    * travelling or moving abroad

    The last line kind of nails it



  11. Could it be that you have "a bit of a reputation" thereabouts, whether justified, or not?

    Because, it seems there are at least 2 seperate incidents you have referred to that involved you directly.

    There was the original one mentioned in the OP, and the one quoted below

    I remember a few months ago going through the same market and some people I knew stopped me to chat. One of the vendors stepped in and said to them that I was a very bad farang, but since they knew me, we all just ignored him.

    Perhaps you should take a step back, and keep yourself to yourself.... for the time-being at least.

    You could try asking those "people that know you" to ask around, to try to get to the bottom of these seemingly unfounded allegations made against you.

    I would tend NOT to let it lie, as these things can quite easily spiral out of control.


  12. Liverpool's start to the season is in many respects better than it looks.

    We have had 4 'tough' away fixtures this year Arsenal, Stoke, Everton and Spurs (winning two and losing two). In last seasons match equivalents we lost three and drew one. If you add the fact that we won at Wolves at home this year (lost last year) our match equivalent progress is running at +8 for the season. That is not bad after 7 games. If we achieve +12 for the entire 38 games, we will make 70 points which will, almost certainly, be enough for fourth. At +8 we are joint leader in the PL on a match equivalent basis with Newcastle.

    We have a very tough match coming up - Utd at home - but then we have a pretty smooth run of matches until the year end. Norwich, QPR, Swansea, Blackburn and Man City at home. West Brom, Wigan, Fulham, Aston Villa and Chelsea away. 6 wins from those 11 matches (inc. Man Utd) should be enough for fourth at Christmas.

    It's the likes of Blackburn, Norwich, Swansea and QPR that we have struggled against in the past (and not just recent past, either)

    As Kenny says........one match at a time !!!!


  13. They (the phone companies) wouldnt run to the expense of suppliying the necessary hardware to supply a phoneline, unless there were a demand.

    Therein is your problem. If theres no demand then ...no phoneline

    A friend of mine took up residence in a largish village about 20 Kilometres east of Pattaya. Not quite in the boonies, but far enough away from the bright lights, and near enough for things like Western style shopping, etc. Then he came to the same situation as you re internet. Called round all the companies in the Pattaya area and was told either a flat "no hab" or that they wouldn't provide an additional tranche of lines until at least another 100 people were to show an interest. (They...TOT, btw):rolleyes: had already laid on the 1st 100 lines a few years before.

    You will also have the added problem of trying to create that demand from people who need dragging from a 19th century attitude and lifestyle into the 20 century...nevermind the fact that its the 21st already!!!!


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