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Posts posted by Penkoprod

  1. I hear that Liverpool are not prepared to pay his wage demands, that is the trouble with players or agents these days, had he gone to the swans he would not of been earning what Liverpool are prepared to pay him but lets face it in todays game it is all about greed how much can I get and nothing else Loyalty is no longer in the vocabulary of todays modern day footballer's

    While i agree with what you say 100% that there are far too many mercenary players/agents even managers, we are going to be in the shit with these tight-arsed, cheap Charlie owners we have at present bah.gif


  2. Am i missing something, here?

    All i see are 2 females and 2 males

    There's a bit of pushing and shoving in an attempt by one of the males to steal a handbag from one of the females

    Then all four of them either walk away unscathed, in the case of the females or ride away unscathed in the case of the males

    Have the police released footage of a different incident?wacko.png


  3. Yeah i'm interested in one of these. Curious about the mount though, hate things hanging on my windscreen. I was thinking a pen type cam linked to a box with the gizmos in it in the glovebox or elsewhere but the only one's i can find seem to be the whole thing in one chunky unit.

    Have a look into adapting a satnav bracket to take the cam in some way.

    Thats what i use in the car

  4. This mushroom farming seems to involve an awful lot of faffing about.

    Are the returns THAT good? It seems very involved and time consuming (and, TBH, boring)

    More of a hobby/business than anything from what i have seen on the subject


    • Like 1
  5. I understand the concern as i have the same concerns myself.

    While its all very well saying that, having the ball means the opposition cant score, unless your own players do something with it, apart from passing the ball back and forth, that is, it gets pretty boring pretty quickly.

    There seems to be no room in his philosophy for a long, defence splitting pass to an onrushing forward to smash into the net, thr likes of which we see sometimes from a Chelsea side, shall we say.

    Lets hope its not a case of boring the opposition (along with the fans!!!!) to death.

    We were always lacking in the final third, when it came down to it. Lets hope Brendan can work on THAT too


  6. I would like him to do well if he was at any other club including Spurs because of the way he likes to play football.

    what if Liverpool do not win anything in the next season....what happens then? If they give him another season sort of makes the clubs sacking of Dalglish look very bad and the owners will come under more pressure.

    He is a nice guy and his teams play nice football...all too nicey nicey whistling.gif He will need to grow some to be successful at Anfailed.

    I think the decision to sack him was made due to a culmination of a lot of different reasons and circumstances.

    Not in any particular order and just a few that i can think of, apart from just the eight place finish but, the over £100 Million spent on squad and the ROI of it not being very good was one of them

    The unwavering support of Suarez in the Evra row, instead of either just distancing himself from it, or knocking what turned into a media circus with the tshirts etc on the head was another.

    His surly attitude at every interview, whether pre-game or post-match yet another.

    In short, there wasnt just the ONE thing that led to his downfall, i dont think.


    • Like 1
  7. well FSG are going to stand or fall on this new structure penkoprod. i'm just about inclined to trust them for not being idiots at this point. but i'm still not totally confident they know what they are doing.

    the DoF model works perfectly well elsewhere - man city and chelsea for example - as well as at almost all top european clubs. be interesting to see if van gaal can keep his nose out of team management affairs though.

    bbc reporting it's rodgers. which i think i like. he'll do. just want a manager in now and for us to get on with it.

    Well, looks like its fallen!!!!

    Yesterday it was said that Martinez turned down the job citing his "serious misgivings" about working with a DoF

    Today, its being reported that Rodgers was going to walk away from the deal unless he was given full control of the team...IE, NO DoF

    One word............GOOD !!!!


  8. Good article on Brendan Rodgers and Liverpool.


    While it's OK to say "he's a good manager, and what we need" or something similar, its the whole management structure that the owners are trying to impliment thats going to be the downfall perhaps.

    This "Director of Football" post is a nonesense, and one thats never worked in UK wherever its been tried. Throw in the position of a "Technical Director" as well and you have a 3 tier management system.

    Too many cooks spoiling the broth, methinks. Especially if (as expected) van Gaal takes the post of DF.

    I remember Shanks, when he retired was told not to come round to Melwood again, as he was undermining Bob Paisley by his mere presence there.

    There's a reason why all the big guns that are availible are turning their noses up at the post. Could THIS be the reason???


    • Like 1
  9. I think that was the original plan when FSG took over.

    A youngish manager with a Director of Football.

    In hindsight its a pity they didnt implement it in the first place

    Ian Ayre has just said on Sky Sports News that there ISNT a manager in the frame, or a plan in place

  10. well FSG have put their necks on the block here. if they've sacked kenny without having a plan in place and a new manager all but done and dusted - one who they are prepared to back financially - then they're screwed really. as are we!

    Totally agree. This though, is your typical Seppo employer reaction to an employee who they see as not pulling their weight.

    The one thing i cant understand in all of this is, when Torres put his transfer request in, he more or less cited the fact that yet another "long term plan" was in place, and he didnt feel that, at 27 years of age, he could hang around waiting. (That, and some reference to "broken promises" that were allegedly made to him)

    Similar, in fact to the Owen affair. Now, say what you like about him, but this "long term plan" seemed to be his tipping point.

    Sacking some of your key staff and management after one bad season of rebuilding doesnt strike me as "long term"

    A bad, sad day in the history of LFC was when we "went for the Yankee Dollar" IMO.

    Even Moores would be preferable to what we've had at the very top since he sold up


  11. brendan rodgers at swansea looks like a manager going places, i like him. nothing much else inspiring in the premier league. i'd have rafa benitez back in a heartbeat though.

    Thing is though, is that, while you would have rafa back, FSG wouldnt touch him with a 10' pole


    what makes you say that mate? i'm not so sure.

    Rafa tends to want to run the whole show, and, lets be honest, here, throws the dummy out of the pram if he doesnt get his way. Talk of tables, lampshades and vicars on mountains of sugar bears this out, and doesnt help his case any, either.

    As far as FSG goes, its THEM that run the club, and anyone there else is just an employee of theirs

    IF they had wanted him istalled then they had the opportunity to do so, after KK finished his stint of caretaker manger at the end of last season.


  12. brendan rodgers at swansea looks like a manager going places, i like him. nothing much else inspiring in the premier league. i'd have rafa benitez back in a heartbeat though.

    Thing is though, is that, while you would have rafa back, FSG wouldnt touch him with a 10' pole


  13. I am beginning to think that City Hall view the success of these ventures on how much of a traffic snarl-up there is generated.

    The bigger the chaos, then the more successful its been.


  14. Sad, terrible case, and deplorable act

    However, there must be more to this case than meets the eye, or thats been reported so far.

    Like has been said in the original (now closed) thread elsewhere, its not as if this is an unusual event, worthy of being reported by various news agencies.

    I'm not saying it SHOULDNT be reported, but why it's been singled out for such press attention ahead of all the other cases of a similar nature.


  15. If you are the paranoid type you could do all your banking at the teller window and decline to have an ATM card linked to your account. Also, keep all your teller-window transaction records so if there is anything amiss, it would have to have been an inside job.

    You know when you say "at the teller window"?

    I wonder does it mean ONLY inside a bank, or can one of the exchange booths dotted around the place be used, with only a passbook? I am talking of booths belonging to the likes of Kasikorn, etc.

    It would be handy to do it that way, instead of joining a long queue inside a bank


  16. 2 days before a FA Cup Semi - fuc_ing stupid timing is that !

    Anyway he's been sacked for the transfer fees paid - FSG are not messing around.

    Summer will be interesting...

    "Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

    Do you think it will effect the players that much. Geniune question by the way.

    I dont think it will matter that much, no.

    In fact, it could even lift the team

    More worried about the goalkeeping situation, TBH. I can see Everton firing from long range, and putting testing crosses in at every opportunity.


  17. I cant wait for Tsingtao Beer to open up their Bangkok factory in 2013.

    Not a great pilsner/lager fan, but Tsingtao Beer slides down very nicely indeed, IMO

    Dark Beer Lao runs it a close second, though

  18. I will probably get flamed for this but I am still yet to find a good UK (Northern Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi) style curry in Pattaya. The place in the review is just the old place with new wrapping. Their idea of spicy is just to add more chilli, most of the owners in Pattaya are Sikh and how many of those run good curry houses in the UK?

    Most of the curry houses in UK are thought to be Bangladeshi, anyway

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