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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. One of many links on serious covid and obesity. And the obese are also likely to be diabetic and hypertensive. So lets put some responsibility on the individuals who are not taking care of themselves. That is, by healthy food and herbs, excercise, and a healthy weight. BMI around 22. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/04/obesity-and-covid-death-rate-closely-linked-in-new-study/?sh=7df767a3643e. And furthermore a healthy immune system will have good first line T and B cell response to do the job even before antibodies are produced . You should read all of this paper. https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/what-is-the-role-of-t-cells-in-covid-19-infection-why-immunity-is-about-more-than-antibodies/
  2. Get used to it. It's going to transition to an endemic like all the other Coronaviruses. And by the way there is cross reactive immunity to this covid virus from previous exposure to other Coronaviruses. (search). https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/what-will-it-be-like-when-covid-19-becomes-endemic/
  3. But it's the double standard . I guess this is phuket .https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSehvNm1g/. And do you have any idea what the condition of walking street in Pattaya is now ?
  4. That elaborate non seedy bar, Witherspoons at Pattaya klang x Beach Rd is being gutted out. Dismantled ?. Just now
  5. And let us not forget what it was before these people sh*t showed it. BTW I got permission to copy
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rgluckman/2021/07/08/thai-real-estate-giant-bets-big-on-tourism-rebound-with-32-billion-growth-plan/?sh=4126fdb03ecd But is this a good bet
  7. So Thai tourism is doomed. But what about all this very major development planned. Some in the Pattaya area going on ? Reference from post by @Walker88 on page 5 , in the topic: Thai nightlife reopening January 16. BTW I'm not disagreeing with you , just curious as to such opposing forecasts/expectations. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rgluckman/2021/07/08/thai-real-estate-giant-bets-big-on-tourism-rebound-with-32-billion-growth-plan/?sh=4126fdb03ecd
  8. It's also becoming an increasingly Thai city. Kind of what the Chinese did in Tibet: Swamp the place with their nationalistics to drown out foreign influence. Just look at the Beach Rd parking lot for example. And a one month Thai music festival ? While bankrupting Western establishments. If one wants to book some time in this area , Jomtien is a much nicer environment for sure.
  9. Look objectively: The start of opening high season for international visitors and they are going to have to put up with this, and for a month ? They sometimes can't have it both ways regarding domestic/foreigners.
  10. Enough enough with all this covid mumbo jumbo. I would guess about 90% of the population here have been exposed. It's in the air when you walk through some place where an infected person was there just before. I don't see this area overrun with cases. Either minor exposures or eliminated by first line immune T cells defense. With no infection produced or mild infection.
  11. See middle paragraph saying 440 landings. While a newspaper reports 61 commercial flights landed on Mondayhttps://www.kaohoon.com/news/489779
  12. There is some serious denial going on here : screenshot And reality. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/bangkok-welcomes-first-tourists-quarantine-free-holiday-2021-11-01/.
  13. In the meantime with a bird's eye view. I have noticed this young woman neighbor outside her place waiting and then escorting middle aged foreigners who arrive on motorbikes into her building.
  14. That's a very risky occupation here. There is a reason there are no tabloids in Thailand.
  15. ETC. Going through red lights, cars going wrong way in one way traffic, motorbikes going wrong way against traffic, motorbikes on sidewalks and the beach promenade, speeding as in this reckless accident. Try reading the Pattaya news section about these jerks in pickup trucks in order to catch on your ecceteras
  16. Very interesting https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeYsoKcn/
  17. The police should give this 60 kg away to all these whacked out locos on bad speed around here. Better off being around population on opiates than amphetamines.
  18. About every few days some locos around here seem to be thriving on starting morbidity topics . Unbelievable ?? . Take it someplace else. And why are people feeding these trolls ,??
  19. Post above after infrastructure project. These screenshots are from before . Credit to @plahgat for the classics.
  20. Scroll down to girl with balloon. The photos taken just now are in same location. If the chinese want to swoop into beach and second roads and buy up and renew it fine with me. Because it's getting ugly.
  21. The only foreign tourism they can count on In any significant numbers would be the oblivious chinese. Together with Indians and Russians. Because of the clueless Thais and thainess, the trash,dogs, and ruining the natural environment. Westerners are not going to put up with this. They lost the mini summer July/August high season Europeans with two consecutive beach Rd/promenade "infrastructure improvements" See photo taken about mid 00,s. Before improvements Thiss is not about the good old days, bla,bla,bla. This is about the destruction of nice environment. Take a look at the wastelands in that area now: across from Sois 13/4 and 13/3 .
  22. They have gotten carried away with these concrete infrastructure kickback projects. Near Naklua lam pho seafood market . Before and the sh*t show now.
  23. The point is the Thai drivers have to apply those breaks at a red light- some do some don't. It actually safer to cross anywhere else when it is clear. Rather than assume at a light they will stop.
  24. The lights are not the problem: Brakes stop cars not lights.
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