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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Sounds like this guy is lonely so drinks, the more he drinks the more he is isolated, the more he is isolated the more he drinks.
  2. I'm waiting for someone to blame it on cannabis.
  3. Are there any 'normal' farangs living in Thailand? Few years ago I heard there was one living in Chang Mai but after not hearing any more since then I suspect it was just another vicious rumour. When we lived in Bangkok, my wife, with her big heart, would often invite farang to join us when we were out, thinking I would enjoy English speaking company. After a while I had to tell her to refrain from these invitations because they always ended up negatively. One prime example was this young American teacher who bragged about having taught his school director how to burp the entire English alphabet!
  4. Black tape? wow thats innovative!
  5. Unfortunately that doesnt work everywhere here.
  6. The Pink card is mostly handy for setting up lines or sorting seeds from your stash. Too soft for scraping paint.
  7. Buy some sex toys, hide them under his bed, call the police, problem solved - he'll probably get 20 years hard labour lol!
  8. Few years ago, when I was teaching in Bangkok, one of the girls who cleaned lunch tables at school had to rush home and change her T shirt once we translated the English on it for her. It read, and I have censored it, <deleted>> O-f Mother F--ker! She had worn it elsewhere for months but had no idea.
  9. I told you all, I warned you, how many times, that there was no benefit at all to having the Pink Card. Mark my words they will be coming after all you guys with the Yellow books next.
  10. First giant vulture raised? balderdash!! you aint seen my mother-in-law!
  11. I think somehow you are holding back and not showing your true feelings here lol!
  12. Yeah and all pointing at each other.
  13. Why of course, that would be plainly logical, but.....TIT, same same but different lol!
  14. and who operated, till recently, with absolute impunity because of widespread corruption among officials in just about every Govt department of this "otherwise wonderful place". lol
  15. Why read the article when the imagination is so much more exciting lol
  16. Totally agree. As everyone now knows, and its impossible to deny, hes a pathological liar, the figure should be more like 99.99% against (the 0.01% allowing for Trump and the other mentally challenged voters),,,,,but we are talking about americans after all.
  17. Yes because they overcharge everyone irrespective lol!
  18. Searching for something new yesterday I stumbled across this documentary which, while initially put off by its Sand Sharks vs Godzilla type title, turned out to be a real find. If you are even mildly interested in sharks, fish or fishing you will find Shark vs Tuna extremely interesting. I watched it on lookmovies. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10625716/
  19. Have a search under the title "Just 6.5" and available on lookmovie2.to.
  20. And the repetition, especially in the Thai Examiner article, over and over and over. Reminds me of US news reports where they are desperate you believe it.
  21. A smart man once questioned why we boast our failures at the front of the news (papers) and our accomplishments (sport) at the back?
  22. And a great actor Jimmy Stewart.
  23. Last week or so my attention has been taken up by my wife mostly (lol), but in between I have been watching: Blue Lights The Devils Hour The Godfather 1 - 3 (again!) Lawrence of Arabia (couldnt resisit it....for the 20th time) The Power of One True North 2006 Avatar 2023. All great shows with the exception of Avatar which I felt dragged. An old favourite I want to revisit soon is "All the Pretty Horses" with Matt Damon. If youve never seen it and you are a Matt Damon fan you should not miss it and same with "Good Will Hunting".
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