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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. He 'seduced' her. That word should have been struck out of the dictionary decades ago as utter nonsense.
  2. Vaping has been illegal here for years or is Mr Anutin still catching up lol
  3. I have it on good authority they all came for the mango sticky rice.
  4. I'm waiting for the TAT to estimate 50.185 million tourists arriving next week just for the mango sticky rice with a dope deaf on the top. (an even 50 mil would too obvious as made up).
  5. 9? At least its an auspicious number. And she was 29? 929......a sign for a lucky lottery ticket number maybe?
  6. Shoddy phone for sure. Wheres the string that goes between the cans? Send it back or demand a replacement string.
  7. My wife has diabetes and her doctors tell her sticky rice is by far the biggest culprit because being Isaan its consumed every day. Good thing she doesnt eat Thai pizza every day or she would have been dead years ago!
  8. Yes I hate all those Youtube Windows help videos hosted by Indians, and there are a lot of them....cant understand a word they are saying.
  9. Yep I used to do the same back home. Would go about my business but talking to myself like I really did have someone visiting. Worked every time. Never happens here. I only get hot calls.....heavy breathing, groaning in a husky voice etc. I'm very attentive to those............................
  10. Agreed but in my experience it depends on who is doing the staring. No problems if you are considered handsome, you may even get a smile, but heaven help you if youre not (though I must say I never had any problems myself lol)
  11. Same in our village and ignorance is running at an all time high. There are 5 members of my wifes family all have covid and yet an uncle came around begging them to come to his songkran party?? "Its ok, we are all vaxed and we have another glass somewhere if you are fussy" !!??
  12. Ive been doing my own for more than 10 years at 3 different imm offices and never really had a problem. I just follow a list of requirements every year on which I note any changes for the next year.....easy peazy. The guys I notice who have problems are usually those who need help tying their own shoe laces, are arrogant or ill mannered towards the Imm officers, or come dressed in their best Chang singlets, boardies and bare feet.
  13. I'm surprised they dont just ban news reports on attacks on tourists. Pattayas image immediately restored to a family friendly resort (was it ever?)
  14. I am with Bendigo Bank who I have always found very good to deal with compared to the other <deleted>. They normally ask to verify identity every couple of years. No big deal really. However this year I was asked via email instead of the usual secure messaging within their internet banking site. I at first smelt a scam and rang the bank. Turns out it was legit, the staff member responsible got a caning, and I recieved a written apology saying it should never have happened via normal email, I did the right thing by refusing to supply via email, and they had taken steps so it never happens again. Does make me wonder though how it could have happened with the training the staff gets and whether there is more to the story.
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