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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Agreed, for us with the wife/GF 23 years younger its very easy to relieve that frustration and anger......bring it on I say!!
  2. Yeah? Really? I'll have to give it a try...thanks.????
  3. You are correct. Years ago when dope was everywhere and the police turned a blind eye there were no pills except a few bar girls I knew were on pharmaceuticals. As the cops got heavier with dope more turned to 'powders' ie meth, speed etc. because much much smaller to traffic, hide, carry etc. and could return better profits for a lesser sized stash. I know they are totally opposite drugs but thats what happened, both here and most other places in the world. The policing of cannabis actually caused greater problems with addictions, crime etc. Portugal legalised all drugs and there has been a marked reduction in crime and addictions etc. Pharmaceutical giants, tobacco companies, and others lobbied governments, and particularly the US government who in turn pressurised the rest of the world, to criminalise cannabis. In turn stories were fabricated, such as Reefer Madness and other movies, and the public brainwashed with this propaganda so widely its affects can still be seen today and especially among some of the Lock up Your Daughters ThaiVisa members, as shown in their comments above. Nowdays of course the US government has taken an absolute reversal with cannabis, just like with Afghanistan, where what once was saving the world from imminent danger, now is considered of little concern.
  4. Thailand can play important diplomatic role in Ukraine-Russia conflict ahead of APEC How? Will Thailand be providing the 'pretties' as part of its "soft power" stategy??
  5. Not a problem really....the US can just print some more money to pay for the ink and paper to print even more.
  6. Agreeing or not to the partnership is no real deal at the end of the day. The US never keeps to its word if it doesnt suit them.
  7. Hes still trying to work out who or what he should be pointing at ????
  8. I wonder if the test was done like when I taught here in Bangkok: "Keep testing them until they pass. If they dont pass before 3.30 then give them the answers".
  9. Sounds like you prefer the cultural aspect that Bangkok has to offer lol.
  10. I can just see it now.......small shop in downtown Bombay with a huge colourful sign outside reading "Free Holiday In Thailand with every Travel Insurance Policy bought...Apply Within. "
  11. What a great idea! And one for Prayut and Anutin. You could even have different emotions for each character lol
  12. Well he should know better than others about human trafficking as he was named as being directly involved in trying to interfere in the investigations.
  13. Seem to remember reading that pellets are the preferred form for silver in Thailand as most silver used for manufacture not investment. Pellets are easier to melt than bars obviously.
  14. Well one solution would be to stop getting involved in pointless wars such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, that would save heaps for the pensions and save a lot of young mens lives.
  15. Sorry to hear that, get well soon. Maybe its coming for me too. Like you say, hard to believe a husband and wife can live together without both coming down with it. And whats worse is not a drop of whiskey in the house lol!
  16. Maybe she had both and you only the cold/flu? Thats what I'm thinking in our case.
  17. Had a swab test at the local hospital just now and again negative result. They want me to go back on Tuesday for a retest. I must say I was surprised with the negative test again because as pointed out earlier I seem to have mild flu/cold symptons though no fever or body aches. To answer your questions, both my wife and I had two AZ shots followed by a pfizer booster about a month ago. This may sound a bit silly, and please excuse me if you think it is, but a few years ago when everyone was worried about the SARS/bird flu I read somewhere of a theory that if your decendants had survived the Spanish flue then a certain amount of immunity is passed on through the generations. Maybe absolute nonsense but I have only ever had a bad dose of the flu twice in my life, once when I was about 7 and once at 18 straight after having flu shots?? I have never had a flue shot since but have always managed to escape the flu when others around me were dropping like flies. Anyhow I will get retested on Tuesday and see what happens then. In the meantime this hansum man will just have to fight off my wifes amourous advances till she is clear lol!
  18. I had to pinch myself and look at your avatar twic because your story is absolutely 100% my story except I dont have body aches. We too live in NE, I never go out only her to local market very occasionally, we dont allow visitors, and always have masks around others. She home tested positive 4 days ago whereas I came up negative. She is feeling unwell, has a cough, some nasal congestion, light fever, body aches and headaches. I only have very very slight symptoms of same but no body aches or fever. Wife has to go to local hospital for xrays tomorrow. They seem to be taking a close watch (phone calls) on her due the fact she has diabetes. I will try to get tested again tomorrow while we are there because I too cant believe she has it and me not.
  19. probably because he was jealous of the mothers attention given to the kids and not him.
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