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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Judging by recent history you think they would be looking at ex police with a history of problems with drugs/guns instead of people on over stay.
  2. I think you will find the same can be said about passport number. Thats how I found it with all hospitals up my way even through the covid pandemic. I didnt register for the Mor Chor? covid app but instead they were able to source my info with passport number when having my vax's/boosters etc.
  3. Yes thats how I found it attending 2 different traffic offices in Isaan. As you said, its always best to check with your local offices as requirements differ.
  4. Why bother? I have been here in Thailand for nearly 20 years, worked for over 10 years in Bangkok and have never had a yellow book, never needed a yellow book, never been asked for a yellow book, and never found anybody up my way who knows what a yellow book is (except farang).
  5. No he would need a few more guns than that...nice try though lol!
  6. Yes, brilliant expose. McNamara crunched the numbers and calculated what no-one aroiund wanted to hear.....that it was impossible for the US to win that war. With the Fire Bombing of Japan, what many dont realise is that Japanese Cities then were mostly wooden. Add to that the inhumane use of incendary bombs (napalm), most Japanese cities were already more than 50% destroyed BEFORE the nuclear bombs were dropped. This fact prompted McNamara to ask why was it necessary to drop them. We all know the answer to that.
  7. Back in Australia I always had utes (pick-ups).....and hence a lot of friends too lol!
  8. We use one of those large ice boxes in the back. Handy to keep the shopping dry and cool, even frozen stuff. It can be locked with a padlock and we also use a chain to the same padlock so the box cant be nicked. Box can easily be lifted out if need to cart sand etc. Very cheap for what they are and very handy as we live remote and have to travel for some shopping needs.
  9. I dont know about that news article but I was talking about Burns' documentary still blaming the North for the attack.
  10. Its no wonder this guy became a raging murderer after the system let him down so badly again and again!
  11. You dont think the fact you were 1 tonne overloaded had anything to do with it? LOl!
  12. Apologies, I just discovered it is in fact the same series sadly.
  13. One of my favourite subjects, I will look out for it. However is it factual? The last doc I watched on the subject was by Ken Burns and while it was very well put together it was still tainted with the old US lies such as the North Vietnamese being the aggressor in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, even though it was admitted by the US years ago to be untrue.
  14. I very much enjoyed the book and thought the series was ok too.
  15. Hahaha! Didnt they also 'invent' Reefer Madness? Look how accurate that was hahahaha! I would search for a more reliable source.
  16. What in Gods name are you talking about? Thais have no idea at all what noise pollution means,
  17. Exactly! Like for example they could hand out free pics of Keith Richards to all the kids lol
  18. I was starting to doubt this story until this statement made it all sound very familiar: "Some of the drug suspects claimed that the local officials had demanded an unspecified amount of ransom in exchange for their freedom." ????
  19. I'm more concerned he may dissolve rather than drown in that water.
  20. Of course, how else could they make their collections?
  21. I'm begining to like this guy. I take it all back Mr Anutin. Maybe some Thais can handle logic afterall.
  22. Nice to see a human accomplishment instead of failure for a change. Well done!
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