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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. No, only 2 cops were there for the arrest, the other 10 came along after hearing there may be a photo shoot
  2. They can chalk that up as another war they have lost lol! But at least they are not trying to re-introduce it like some.
  3. Sounds like deflection from one of their own who ran amok this week killing so many innocents. I can hear it now: "ok so whose weekly envelope can we do without while we fill the papers and tv screens with a big story where these farang are exploiting Thais, especially kids, and yeah add some trafficking and child sex, that will do it while we slip out the back door"
  4. The RTP specialises in crazies, they employ crazies, they train crazies, they protect crazies.......thats the lesson that should be learned from all this!
  5. Exactly! There is barely a day goes by that we dont hear of some madman who robs, beats, shoots or kills somebody and it turns out to be a cop or ex cop. Its almost like a person must meet some psycho criterea before he/she can join the police force.
  6. I heard there was an increase in crime on Pattaya beaches and also an increase in RTP presence there but I wasnt sure which one came first.????
  7. Incorrect. It depends on the branch. I have not long been through this in Kalasin because my a/c was in Bangkok. And its not simply a matter of opening a new a/c. You must have a long term visa letter from Immigration (500 baht in brown envelope), This is going to be one of those "yes you can", "no, you cant" kind of posts. Amazing Thailand!
  8. Yes I have been collecting firewood all summer and wife has been preparing for the cold snap by collecting nuts. Are you guys serious??!!
  9. "The suspects last names were not released by law enforcement who is investigating the possibility of the two men working for a wider network." brilliant deduction lol!
  10. You are correct! I had the same trouble today on my PC and sensed it had something to do with language but put off searching at the time. Ive also seen the language setting messing up with the listings giving a totally different description to the product shown. Never seen it on mobile phone however.
  11. While some Thais do indeed need a kick in the rump over their bad littering habits, I dont think anything will improve until those in charge make it easier for people to dispose of rubbish. Just as there is a lack of rubbish bins in the city streets there is a lack of facilities to handle larger waste such as old furniture, white goods etc. Back home the local councils would have a truck coming around once or twice a year to collect old white goods, matteresses etc. for free. No such service exists here. Have you ever tried to get rid of an old mattress here?
  12. Blaclisted due to Cannabis Are you sure it wasnt because of your spelling?
  13. Shes been doing that same walk every night for 5 years ......finally its paid off!
  14. Long time since I lived there but there used to be 2 in Perfect Place, Ram, Soi 164.
  15. Everyone must wear a belt? Gee, its going to be hard installing seat belts on the roof of songthaews for the school kids.
  16. That was my experience. I had an a/c in Bangkok but moved to Isaan. Earlier this year my card expired and I was told I would have to return to Bangkok for a new card. As that was not possible I decided to close the a/c and open one in my home province. One problem here is that you must have a long stay visa but bank staff cant read visa stamps so a letter is required from your friendly bloodsucking Imm Office for the tidy sum of 500 baht....not negotiable, no receipt, brown envelope away from the CCTV. Now some people on here will say that is not true, that you can get a new card anywhere on the face of this earth. Be warned!
  17. If at first you dont succeed................................................
  18. I cant say for others but I am a creature of habit. If I was one of these van drivers, and particularly considering the number of deaths like this over the years, I would make it a simple routine to go through my van at the end of each run. I really find it hard to believe that any adult would not do the same considering what you are carrying. RIP poor child and condolences to the parents.
  19. Oh Prawit is such a funny man. He was guaranteed a career even outside the army or politics. And he always seems to have the time for a laugh or two.
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