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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. TAT has a guy employed full time to do the searches as back up for their ridiculous estimates.
  2. So difficult to understand how SE Asia would ally itself with China after all the US has done for the region. Napalm, agent orange, fields still strewn till today with unexploded bombs and landmines, promises of war reparations still unpaid etc etc......so soon they forget these gifts of friendship and support.
  3. Could you please provide a reliable source to prove covid was released by China.....I am sure there are lots of folk would like your exclusive evidence. You could easily replace the word China with USA in your 2nd paragragh and be closer to the truth as history has shown.
  4. Its all about losing face. They would never admit they cant manage without non Thais. Have a look around, most of the businesses, big and small, now and forever, are run by non Thais as is most of SE Asia. The closest they have ever got to it is the laws reserving the bulk of jobs to Thais because they know they wouldnt be able to compete in an open job market.
  5. Blah blah blah! Rinse....repeat! Ok bye, see you all again next year! I heard the Thai government has developed a system now which is tied to Yahoo Calendar where these press releases are saved and the default set so they are automatically released to the media on set dates every year to save them having to type them up every year.
  6. Exactly! My wife wont let anyone in the house when we have visitors. We always entertain outside. The bedroom doors are always locked. Only females are allowed to come in and use the toilet, and thats almost under armed guard, the men can go in the garden. And that all includes family! Sometimes when we go away she has her parents stay here at night and again all bedroom doors are locked. I used to think she was over the top with all this security but the more of these cases I hear, the more I am inclined to side with her.
  7. Or ex Australian PM Malcolm Fraser, they even took his trousers. (should have had sympathy but he was a stuck up arrogant prickle and it delighted many hahaha). Maybe this guy had it coming too especially with his ailing mother in hospital, if so.......som nom na!
  8. Another farang tax of some kind coming? They already have an Arrival tax, maybe they will bring in a Non Arrival tax and make tourists pay for the years they didnt come to Thailand. I mean lets face it, its the tourists fault that Thailand is so dependant on tourist dollars as it wouldnt have happened if they didnt come in the first place (Thai logic).
  9. Ive said it before and I will say it again. Facts, wide ranging research results and pure logic do not count here until Thailand does its own studies to eventually find results that suit their own ignorant belief systems and particularly if they help to fatten the rich and powerful even more. Anutin has kept his promise and given ganga back to the people. For example those people who are connected and rich can legally commercially grow the weed. Those who are super rich can just sit back and skim from the others doing the work. Our Pu Yai Ban has been trying to get the locals to form co-ops to get registered and grow. It started off at 10 to 12 people to form a co-op and because of the disinterest it has now come down to only 6 people currently. The disinterest has been partly caused by a lack of start up finance and a distrust of each other to not rip off the crop. The biggest problem however is the lack of any real information and planning by the authorities. Firstly all seeds must be purchased only from the local authority at a cost that is not yet clear just as it is not clear if their will be a reliable supply. Secondly 100% of the crop yield must be sold only to the local authority at a price that is also not yet clear. The farmers may be simple people but they are well aware that if their is money to be made out of this new venture they certainly wont be getting any where near their deserved share of the cake. Now try and put that on paper as a business plan in order to approach your bank for a business loan lol! Some are also concerned about how the police will react to such a venture. The police dont always follow what the government says here and a prime example is the recent arrest of the sick granny caught growing just one plant for medicinal reasons. And this not long after Anutin assuring the people that if anybody is caught in possession of or growing weed to contact him and he will fix it because its all perfectly legal now??!! I'm all for legalising weed however maybe it should be kept illegal if only to keep it out of the hands of these politicians. Its bad enough now, imagine the mess we would be in if politicians started choofing up during break time in parliament!!
  10. I always pay 80 baht including 20 baht tip in local town. The price in our village is the same at 60 baht but he only sweeps up once a week lol!
  11. Did you know hes been following you for weeks? Your notoriety precedes you obviously hahaha!
  12. A lot of sugar in everything here even pizza! Thats why it has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world (although sticky rice is also a culprit).
  13. No I dont think males, I believe not yet showing sex. They look a bit stringy and stretched out like males but that is probably due to poor lighting and the leaves are quite narrow indicating a lack of humidity. In any case they would have to be totally clueless growing that many males as one small plant would spread sufficient male pollen to cater for over a rai of females unless you really want lots of seeds. But you just never know here.....lol!
  14. They wont be bringing happiness to the people up my way thats for sure. The Poo Yai Ban has been announcing daily over the village speaker system for people to form the cooperatives required to register to grow weed..... no-one is interested because they dont trust each other to come up with the starting capital not to steal the crop. Many are happy to do it on their own but government wont allow it.
  15. You are wasting your time, these kind of people are not interested in facts or research results if they dont agree with their ignorant beliefs.
  16. Once again everybody is sure quick to blame the drugs, drink, and failing mental health on every problem today. But I can tell you I would not have got through this marriage of near 20 years without them.....no way!! ????
  17. Its not stated in the article but I imagine this was another inter college war. Tribalism at schools is nothing new. We as kids used to have wars with other schools which always reached a peak at the end of the year inter-school athletics, however our attacks usually only involved flour bombs, jumping up and down on the oppositions' straw school hats or deflating their school bus tyres. Now its guns and knives......how things have changed.
  18. Yes I am so grateful to the Thai govt for capping prices to ease my living costs as my electric bill only increased by 300 baht this month lol! And as Mrs Felix so rightly pointed out, you never see these increases go back down when the fuel prices drop again.......but then Thailand is not on its own there.
  19. Been a while so could have changed but Lak Si amphur were greedy enough to take the right envelopes from us to pay staff to witness but I got a feeling the envelopes didnt get passed the boss. No appointment required back then. But be careful of the friendly scalpers outside who are kind enough to arrange photocopies you were unaware of and filling in missing paperwork correctly for an up-to-you donation only to discover most of it was not required. Pretty good scam really. They gave the appearance of working for the amphur, were certainly not chased off, but I imagine their little business thrived only as long as their envelopes made their way up the stairs periodically too.
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