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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Very obviously Vigo pick ups are just not built tough enough for Thai men. The family may sue Toyota.
  2. Come on get real, Thailand has only recently become a tourist destination. You expect them to be all geared up overnight??
  3. I am watching it now.....its doing it for me, great show.
  4. Dont know about downloading but tinyzonetv.to have 10 episodes listed for streaming. I am about to watch it myself. I believe the show has since been canned.
  5. The Power of the Dog (2021) IMDB 7 I watched it on tinyzonetv A psychological drama supposedly set on a cattle ranch in Montana but appears to be a joint UK, Australian and New Zealand production. Also noticed a few Aussie actors. Although I found it quite slow and difficult to follow at first it soon takes a grip. Well worth a watch I thought.
  6. Yeah have to agree with you. I have felt like the OP has but the last few years things have done an about turn for some reason. The last 2 New Years we have celebrated at the in-laws next door and its been an absolute blast. This year the old man was treating me like a best mate and tho I understand little Isaan just as he understands no English, we got drunk and joked with each other the whole 3 days. I think that understanding has to be made on both sides, which takes time plus I also think they are now becoming aware that all farangs are not all filthy rich. I think the whole time there cost me 2 bottles of whiskey and a few smokes. Everybody was very welcoming and the perfect hosts. A couple of the older family friends now shake my hand whenever we meet as though trying to be extra friendly. I was most impressed but as I say it wasnt always like this.
  7. I got fined a few years ago in Sakhon Nakhon for driving wrong way in a one way street. It was a temporary one way due to some festival on an oval nearby. I actually followed a car around the corner and didnt see any sign. Both our cars got fined. I had to go to the local police station to pay the fine and lo and behold the other driver was there too. But he was very obviously rotten drunk and shouting about the amount of fine he had to pay. No notice at all was taken of the fact he could barely stand nor that he was reeking of whiskey. Eventually he calmed down, paid his fine, and went out and drove off in his car!! The officer who issued the ticket on the road obviously didnt give a toss he was drunk when fined and neither did the sergeant at the police station.
  8. Thailand is bigger than Omicron according to Anutin, so why would they copy a dirty farang country's success.
  9. If you look closer you maybe find a high incidence of govt ministers and their wives, mia nois, kids, aunties, uncles, pet dogs and buffaloes all suffering side effects lol. etc.
  10. Couldnt have put it better myself as thats how I have found it. One thing I would add is that you have to insist. If you ask a Thai they will say you cant return it or expect refund at all. I couldnt wear it so am always insistant. Even with AIS when I changed sims to a different provider because we are in a blind spot they all told me in the AIS shop I had lost any credit that remained on my sim card. I kept emailing head office, just out of principle, until eventually they admitted I was due for a refund. Insist!
  11. True. But first step would be to teach Thai drivers what crossings and signs mean! They have no idea.
  12. Which one? The one sitting down or the one obviously caught off guard and dragged out of the shower in a hurry?
  13. Why would they do it here? Thailand is bigger than Omicron....Anutin told us so....does that not reassure you?
  14. The street where this couple live is 2 blocks away from my house. The village head lives in the same street and I have often seen his mask less wife holding meetings on their front verandah. Christmas morning they had their street closed off however there is a market not 100 mts away and it is not closed? Many locals up here believe you dont need a mask if vaccinated. Many are not vaccinated because they fear they will lose work being sick from reactions or sore arm from injection (its quite a poor village). I'm 70 yo and not stepping out the gate for anybody!
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